New guy from the Netherlands


Jr. Member
Jan 1, 2013
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Golden Thread
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All Treasure Hunting
I allready posted my intro in the new-members section, but i think it would fit in here a bit better since i want to prospect for gold. :hello:

Hello everybody!

I am a 25 year old real-estate-management student from the Netherlands/Holland. I have allways been interested in and have been actually working outdoors and all the gold-mine shows on Discovery Channel kind of triggered me to do some research about goldprospecting. There is only one little problem, our tallest mountain is only 300m above sea-level and there is no gold whatsoever over here.

One of my new-years resolutions was to finally do my internship, and i have allways wanted to do it outside of the Netherlands. I had a 6 month internship planned to London (UK) one year ago, but it got cancelled because the company i was going to work for went bankrupt. Now i got this crazy idea to move to gold-territory so i can do my internship and feed my hunger to play in the dirt in my time off.

So i was wondering if there is anyone on this forum that could give me any advice where to go (gold-wise) and possible internships.

Regards Meurnik

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I can't promise you anything but only give you a possible lead on your quest.
Check with Terry Solomon, He runs a gold prospecting school in Arizona.
Here is a Thread he made looking for gold prospecting instructors.

By the way, I was in The Netherlands 3 years ago on a beer tour and had some great beers in a small brewery in an old windmill. The place was small and quaint and the beers were delicious. You don't happen to know the name of it? I would like to go back there again when I go back.

Hi there New guy from the Netherlands,

I can't say either if I have an answere for you. But I wanted to let you know I watch a TV show On Public TV here in the US where A guy that Travels Europe All the time.
He was in the Netherlands down by a stream pannig for gold. He cleaned it up went to town and sold it.Then bought lunch and a train or bus ticket on to another country south of where he was at. Thats kind of funny now that I think about it, beause I've always thought I would like to go to the Netherlands since watching that show to pan for some gold. Have you tried panning in any of the streams around there? Do you have a gold pan? There are quite a few books and videos on prospecting of all sorts available on the internet.

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- this implies that there is some gold to be panned where you are.

Welcome to the forum, and welcome to the wonderful world of chasin' the gold. Perhaps you've got some glaciated areas where gold was dropped?

All the best,


P.S. If you come to North America, some big producers of gold, where there's nuggety gold, easy to see, are Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Idaho, British Columbia, and Montana, and don't ever forget the State that's 2 1/2 time the size of Texas---Alaska--lots of chunky gold there for sure! I know I haven't mentioned every gold bearing area (Georgia, South Dakota, Wyoming, etc.) but I have listed some of the big producers for you.

All the best,


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Hello Meurnik,
Welcome to the net. Check online for a real estate internship. In the states there are usually places looking for help. As stated before the western states is where the gold is. By the way my Great Grandparents imigrated to the US from Holland in 1887. I guess we still have family there as my grandfather had a brother who stayed in Holland. Any way good luck in your quest.

B H Prospector

I want to thank you all for your response!

I don't think i fit the description of Prospecting instructor. My experience in prospecting is panning goldpainted lead from lighter sands in LEGOland :icon_scratch: (theme-park in Denmark). I know of only one such Brewery, they have excellent and exclusive beers, and its in the West of Holland. This is the Wiki-link: Brouwerij De Molen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

@Lownslow & Jmoller99
I know there is some little gold in the Rivers that have their origin in Switzerland and France about 1000 miles from here. Only downside is the fact that the rivers are really massive when they enter Holland so you need alot of time for small finds. As for restrictions on prospecting, they are really strict so i never started.

Good info on the bigger gold producers. Are these also states that have good spots near towns or cities? Because my internship will be my main reason so i/m not able to go to the middle of nowhere. I have read your entire thread on the mysteries of bedrock stories, quite a novel but i loved it. :goldbar:

@B H Prospector
I have seen a few of these websites and will keep them in mind in my search. This is my first effort because i could just stumble on someone who is in the real estate business of knows someone who is that could use my help. When i find a good internship i will go search for a prospecting buddy because i don't have hands on experience or equipment. I do have savings to buy the essential stuff and finance the trips. But i want it to be a place i could go out on myself when i get the hang of it without taking 4-6 hour trips i see alot here. I know that depends on the place you live, but i can still choose the town/city i want to go.

If someone is interested in my resume, just ask and i will send you a PM. I have done alot of different jobs to finance my study and social life. :coffee2:

Regards Meurnik

PS: I still love the fact that most Americans have Dutch relatives. We used to be a significant country in the world. 8-) I heard of a rumor the USA had a vote on using English or Dutch as their main language. Does someone now more about that?

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I want to thank you all for your response!

I don't think i fit the description of Prospecting instructor. My experience in prospecting is panning goldpainted lead from lighter sands in LEGOland :icon_scratch: (theme-park in Denmark). I know of only one such Brewery, they have excellent and exclusive beers, and its in the West of Holland. This is the Wiki-link: Brouwerij De Molen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks, that's the brewery I was looking for! :icon_thumright:

The only one I could find on the internet was in Amsterdam Brouwerij 't IJ, Funenkade 7, 1018 AL Amsterdam.
I was in Amsterdam on that beer tour but we didn't go to that brewery. It looks very touristy.

I was just pointing you to Terry Solomon because he is very knowledgable on the subject and runs the school.
I was not suggesting you be an instructor, just pointing you to his posts so you could click on his avatar and Private Message him.
He is a member of this forum so I was thinking if you PM'ed him with your questions, he has many sources and could point you in the right direction . It can't hurt to ask.

i had never heard of that brewery before but it looks like it could use my visit. :occasion14:

Then i will send him a PM and see if he has got some leads for me.

Thanks again,

If you are looking for a major city with gold right in the city, try for an internship in Denver Colorado. All of the major waterways through Denver have gold...and some of the smaller creeks too! Lots of us have fun finding gold within a quick drive from our homes here :)

Mine it and recycle it!

Thanks Kevin,

Denver looks like a really good location. It is a good size city, it is close to the mountains and the weather is on the mild side. (like Holland but without all the rain)
I found a place called Nederland (this is the actual dutch name for our country) in the mountains 20 miles northwest of Denver.:laughing9:

You don't happen to know anyone with a reasonable business, at least 3-5 employees, in real estate??


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Hi Meurnik,

Haha, yes I know about the (very small) mountain town of Nederland...there is even gold in that area! Funny to name a town something that translates as 'low country' when it is at 3000 meters elevation!!

I do know some people in the real estate business in fact. Send me a private message with some contact information, perhaps a CV, and some thoughts on the sort of Real Estate work you are interested in (sales vs. property management, commercial office vs residential...), visa status, etc and I will see about making introductions :)

I lived in Belgium for a year some time ago and so have been to Holland numerous times, I hope you get to at least visit us here in Colorado!

Oh, also, I have a neighbor/friend who is Dutch so if you need a countryman's perspective on anything, I could make that introduction too.

...Happy New Year meanwhile!

Mine it and recycle it!

Hello Kevin,

thanks for all the information and your willingness to help me!!

I will send you a PM with information about myself, my thoughts on real estate and i can make a basic CV. You'll have it coming in a few days max. :thumbsup:

i wish you a Happy New Year as well!


Hi there,

"Good info on the bigger gold producers. Are these also states that have good spots near towns or cities? Because my internship will be my main reason so i/m not able to go to the middle of nowhere. I have read your entire thread on the mysteries of bedrock stories, quite a novel but i loved it."

Not sure what kind of sports you're looking for, but the States listed in the West, South-West, and North-West all have outdoor sports, some 4-season outdoor sports, and many have professional or semi-professional sports, college sports, etc. Of course Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Colorado would have better winter sports, California has winter sports, limited in Nevada and Arizona. I believe you can find urban areas in any of the States listed, and sports to accompany those areas. However, sometimes, to get the better gold, you will have to venture out in the middle of nowhere.

All the best,


Hello Lanny,

thanks for all the info on sports, but you misread my post. Although i like sports (cycling, running, soccer and badminton) i was talking about "spots" to prospect not far from town. 8-)


Oops--definitely my mistake. :BangHead: Yes, there are places where you can live right in the city and head out the door and quickly be prospecting: Helena Montana, Boise Idaho, Cranbrook British Columbia; many places in Wyoming, California, Arizona, Oregon--it depends on the size of the city you want to locate in. Your best bet is to research a city in one of the Western States for your internship and then research it for gold producing areas close by. In the big gold producing states, the gold is often widely dispersed in solid belts. The thing about North America is that travel times, for instance an hour or two, will take you long distances in a hurry once you're out of the city, and in some places you can be panning within half an hour of the city limits.

All the best,


No problem Lanny, you are giving good info so far. :thumbsup:

Well, so far i have no luck on my search for an internship. Both KevinInColorado and Terry Solomon couldn't help me out. Anyone out here has any suggestions?

There is Rapid City, South Dakota. Our real estate sales didn't suffer like many places in the country did. And you are 15 min. away from gold country south and west of the city. It's not near as big a Denver (about 68,000) but a popular retirement area and vacation destination.

Good Luck!

B H Prospector

Sorry I could not hook you up Meurnik but I'll keep my ears open! Hey, did you by chance see us on the Erica Terpstra show?

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