Gold prospecting in South Carolina


Dec 20, 2012
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Golden Thread
Hey fellow prospectors and treasure hunters. I started this thread to see what people had to say about gold still in South Carolina. I aq'uired a small tract of land in Smyrna, York County. Land has been untouched since the California rush (except the little old lady that lived there since 1912). Basically I'm wondering has anyone ever picked up a nug in SC. I understand that it would be rare and would be quartz, not like a nug found in the west. If anyone knows of the Dixon Mine, Martin Mine, Horn Mine, or Southern Gold Mine which all closed in 1939 I think by Roosevelt because of the war. I'm near there. They were pulling some good size nugs from the myths. So let me know of your stories of gold found in SC.

Using a White's GMT. So far about 20 hrs. prospecting. Digging everything under 85% iron somtimes I dig targets anyway off of fence lines. Slow going lots of nails and .22 cal. bullets in rocky soil. Found a few buttons with no markings and some worn down axe heads about 14" down under large roots. Makes you wonder what happened to make someone be so careless with such a valuable asset of the time. I'm going to search it all of course, consentrating on the tickest areas of the forest first since the leaves are down and try to hit as many ridges and hillsides before summer slows things even worse. I'm detecting the area first then I'll dig some prostpecting pits. What gold have you guys seen in SC?

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the Confederate Gold Mine near Abbeville is finding lots of quartz laced nuggets...I have yet to find a nugget but I do quite often find pickers, gold I can pick out of a pan with my fingers...this is in the Western part of SC

I saw one big nugget two years ago, about 1/4 ounce found in SC, but I don't know where they found it. He had been dredging.

Seems theres not alot of people searching for gold in SC even though its the sixth largest gold producing state in the country. Confederate Mining Co. has some good youtube vids of gold found in SC.

Seems theres not alot of people searching for gold in SC even though its the sixth largest gold producing state in the country. Confederate Mining Co. has some good youtube vids of gold found in SC.

Yep and prior to the '49 gold rush it was #1 and I believe could be way higher than 6th, but it is not regulated under BLM rules for claims on Government land like Western states

Gold in SC

:key:The Carolina Slate belt has been producing Gold for over 100 years, run's through SC, History reports numerous finds in York County.

The Haile Gold mine out side of Kershaw, Lancaster County is waiting for it's last permit. Reports a minimum 150,000 oz.s of Gold per year for at least ten years,
I'm sitting on 50 acres next to the main mining area. Haile has bought all the property around me.

Two Canadian company's are fighting for the mineral rights to land within a fifty mile radius.

Old maps show many claims along the Slate belt all the way into Charlotte, NC.

I read where only 5% of the Earth's Gold resource's have been found.

I was even thinking about starting a GPAA chapter in Lancaster County, SC.

Anyone ever prospected along the Reedy river in Greenville or the area? I have a close friend that lives in Mauldin close to the Reedy. Also, any info about the Saluda river just west of there would be helpful as well. Thanks.

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I would really like to get down to lancaster county when I return from afghanistan this coming november.

I'm currently in Greenville, anyone need any help or want to teach me a thing of 2?

I'm just getting into gold prospecting, I think watching Gold Rush has given me and my wife the bug. I just ordered a panning set and classifiers off amazon. I haven't gotten a sluice yet, wanna try and find a nice place that I get a few colors first. I have a couple of spots mapped out in what I hope is a stream on public property near Kershaw.(I haven't went to check it out yet) Its down stream from Haile Mine so it might hold some good stuff.

I wouldn't mind seeing if someone has some land in the slate belt area if you would mind if my wife and I could get some dirt samples and test? Maybe hit up a stream and hope for the best :) Of course anything would be split how ever the property see fit. Maybe if things are good enough I can buy more equipment and we run from there.

Barndawg I would stay out of the Reedy if I was you. Same with the Saluda unless you got a haz mat suit you can wear. Pollution is bad enough in both that the EPA doesnt think anyone should enter. The Reedy is the worst though. Along the Reedy there was once many miles of old textiles that closed down years ago but they pumped that river full of Dioxin and worse. Not to mention the bacterial levels and E coli.

Plus there ain't enough gold to bother with in either for the health risks. Safer to just try some small creeks but even some of those are badly polluted as well.

And you guys that are looking for places to go, check out Vein Mtn Gold Camp, Thermal City and Lucky Strike. They are about an hour and 10 minutes north of greenville and I go there frequently since I dont have to worry about private property etc. Thermal is closed now but they reopen march 15. The others are still open.

Barndawg I would stay out of the Reedy if I was you. Same with the Saluda unless you got a haz mat suit you can wear. Pollution is bad enough in both that the EPA doesnt think anyone should enter. The Reedy is the worst though. Along the Reedy there was once many miles of old textiles that closed down years ago but they pumped that river full of Dioxin and worse. Not to mention the bacterial levels and E coli.

haha that is funny.. in the summer there are kids playing in the water everywhere. I have always stayed out of it also but I'm not sure why.. I grew up swimming int he Ohio and Kanawha rivers daily. Dupoint dumped some chemical in the Ohio near my home so a few years ago the residents of 6 water districts around us got paid roughly 400$ each to do a blood test for a lawsuit.

@Jwoot, yeah its sad I know a lot of people let their kids play in the rivers even the Reedy because they just dont know better.

Cstyle, sorry for not commenting to you earlier I just now read your question. I think you are looking for too big of gold. SC might have some nuggets but they are few and far between. Look for 100 mesh first (or even smaller) and then trace that back if you can to (a little) bigger gold. I used to look for big chunks of gold when I started and kept wondering why I wasnt finding any. Then when I looked harder at the smaller stuff I was finding, I realized there was small gold in places I had written off as no good, I just hadnt been looking for such small specks.

I wouldn't mind seeing if someone has some land in the slate belt area if you would mind if my wife and I could get some dirt samples and test? Maybe hit up a stream and hope for the best Of course anything would be split how ever the property see fit. Maybe if things are good enough I can buy more equipment and we run from there. I live in Gray Court which I believe is in the slate belt my property has a creek that is down in a pretty deep valley I have been wanting to do some sampling myself but don't know much except what ive learned on the net. your welcome to come by on the weekend. maybe we can get something going. I made a blue bowl and a rock crusher but don't have a pan or sluce yet but hope to buy a pan soon as for the sluce ill probably just try to make one. -John

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I would LOVE to have some land up there, with Halie buying everything you know its good ground. I was up that way today panning a little creek off the Lynches Right next to Halie property, or I hope it was next to it and not on it. Oh well :)

If you start a GPAA chapter up there and get us some land to work I'll sign up ASAP!! I haven't heard good things about them and the south east, only reason I haven't signed up yet. I PM'd you about that property.

:key:The Carolina Slate belt has been producing Gold for over 100 years, run's through SC, History reports numerous finds in York County.

The Haile Gold mine out side of Kershaw, Lancaster County is waiting for it's last permit. Reports a minimum 150,000 oz.s of Gold per year for at least ten years,
I'm sitting on 50 acres next to the main mining area. Haile has bought all the property around me.

Two Canadian company's are fighting for the mineral rights to land within a fifty mile radius.

Old maps show many claims along the Slate belt all the way into Charlotte, NC.

I read where only 5% of the Earth's Gold resource's have been found.

I was even thinking about starting a GPAA chapter in Lancaster County, SC.

I live about 3 miles from the haile mine in sc, and have not really found anything with my metal detector the ground here is high in iron and hot rocks, i have done lots of prospecting in this area, Most the gold thats left here is Microscopic and thats what the mine is going to be mining, I have ventured out some and done lots of research in different areas from lancaster and up in the NC national forest around TROY. (was good panning area for fine gold and just to do for fun, would get about 10 small fines in pan of dirt if in the right spot), but other then that i need to get out towards the Western part of SC i have heard of bigger gold there.

I would also be interested in joining an area group in lancaster, sc think it would be cool


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I am currently in the Beaufort SC area due to work for the next 3 years. I have only made one trip up to Abbyville in my time here. Found very little (less than 0.01 grams) but I did only spend 4 hours there and was restricted to panning only. Here in about a week, I will be heading up to Lucky Strike for a few days. Is there any input or suggestions for when I get up there? also any other suggestions on places to go around the areas? I have found it to be difficult finding information on places to simply pan. I would much rather use my sluice but I will settle for just about anything that allows me to search for the yellow stuff. Thanks for all the input that I have read over the last few months on this site. Esp Astrobouncer. Lots of good input, and when I go to Lucky Strike, I will take my regular sluice box and I will be trying out my new Bazooka box due to your input on it.

I just saw your post and have a few comments. I've been prospecting in northern Greenville county for a good many years and have had decent results. It sounds like you may have a good location on the property you purchased. You're smack dab in the middle of the gold belt. If you don't mind doing some detective work and reading the land it could be very rewarding . Creeks or old dry beds are a good place to start. I own a small store in Greenville selling prospecting equipment and supplies. If I can ever help you out get in touch . Website is Good luck !!

Give me a shout Jason. I might be able to point you in the right direction!

the same company did test next to the ridgeway mine. they say it tested >95% au. i live on a creek that splits my land down the middle between the old mine and the new test sites. i have no idea how to find gold but have researched and tried my hand at panning. no luck but im a bit confused as to what their test results meant. the gold they found is a geothermal anomoly. does that mean that there is a host rock that i hides in or am im not digging deep enough ? the wrong spot maybe? i find it hard to beleave there is no gold in my creek!! any help would make my day!
thank you,

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