I agree that BGT is a very well designed Sluice.
I still use the A52 but there is a "Mess with it" factor to consider.
After 15 years I have tweaked it some and I always get fines if the is anything at all where I'm digging.
I was told by an old timer who helped me refine my panning ability, that if you find fines in the pan at the end, you would have found anything bigger that would be there.
Same is true with a sluice.
One of the first things I did was put ribbed rubber matt in the flare.
That slowed the gold down alot, and let me start pulling out the pickers before they entered the riffle rack.
I also noticed the flour gold did slowly move to the riffles from the flare.
But what really helped was when I replaced the standard A52 riffle rack with 3/4" dredge riffel rack.
In 1996 it was $30.00 I think.
The rivers I like have swift water and I like to run material at the speed limit.
My PVC sluice stand lets me quickly fine tune the set up.
I put my 20gal. tub by the sluice and I dump my classified.
If I'm really rocking I'll loose count on how many buckets I dug.
The tub gets full and then I know how many.
Working solo too often I have a tub of diggings to run and only a couple hours of daylight left.
You can see here I'm getting back to the ranch at the back end of sundown.

So I'm defending my A52, only because I made mine work for me.
It catches the fines because I make it catch-um.
On another thread I stated that I sometimes set up a double sluice.
I did catch small fines in the 2nd sluice, but only fines, and nothing bigger.
There was between 3 to 10 flour fines when I did it. depending how rich the dig was.
It's beat up and the carpet is original, but I still trust it.
Weather homemade or store bought, you need to find out what works the best for you.
To trust your gear you need to know your gear.