found this on ANF page about the east fork??


Full Member
Nov 4, 2012
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Golden Thread
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BT IV, ACE 350
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Forest Mining Policy

All mining operations (location of mining claims, prospecting, and mining, including panning, sluicing, and dredging) under the 1872 Mining Law are prohibited within withdrawn areas of the Angeles National Forest. Public Law No. 578 (1928 withdrawal) withdrew areas from entry and location under the mining laws. There is no provision in PL 578 which provides for even a limited right to enter the withdrawn lands to prospect. Therefore, National Forest System lands within the East Fork of the San Gabriel River are not open to prospecting or any other mining operations.

Just found this???? Can someone tell me what it means?????

Has this been brought up on here before? an if so were can I find the thread?

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chenty - yes, it's been brought up many times. I started a thread the same way, I think it was called East Fork Enforcement. You should be able to do a search for "Enforcement" and find it pretty quickly. The short answer is it's not illegal, but the FS wants it to be and does harass people regularly. The act withdrew the lands from mineral CLAIMS but not actual prospecting, that seems to be the general consensus. Motorized dredging (or motorized anything prospecting) is illegal in all of California though. There are some groups you can join that could help back you up in case of issues, PLP (Public Lands for the People) being the big one. ~CT

Just to be clear though, I am not a lawyer and not offering legal advice ... just stating my experience ;-).

Thanks, I'll check the thread.

There is one overriding aspect no one can deny.
EFSG is open.
We go there and mine.
They don't stop us.
They back down when cross challenged.
They take the adventure pass money, and don't close the forest.
If it is illegal and they don't cite us they are in violation of doing their Federal Duty.

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I have noticed that the text says: "are prohibited within withdrawn areas of the Angeles National Forest", not the entire forest but the withdrawn areas only. I wonder if the law they mention specifically says that EFSG belongs to these 'withdrawn areas'. It probably does not, that's why the FS do not really stop people.

My partner Raw Dog and I are still going up there about once a week......and we've never been hasseled, until last week. He got pulled over....and the ranger asked him if he had drugs or guns in the car. I thought that was odd. He ended up with a warning.....for not having his insurance info in the car.

I think that those guys are bored. Okay, maybe they just like to be rude, I don't know. I would like to know what probable cause indicated you had no insurance proof in your car. One old-timer told me this country started losing it when they took the 10 Commandments out of schools.
All I can say is to hell in a handbasket, Yep, to hell in a handbasket.
So, have a nice day:laughing7::goldpan:

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