My favorite prospecting site was all claimed!


Full Member
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Palouse, WA
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Lobo SuperTraq
Primary Interest:
It was the perfect spot! About 8 miles from my house and dotted with old mines and trails everywhere. I loved going out there and just poking around with the metal detector and exploring with my ATV.

I went out there last week to try some dry-panning and found the same claims signs next to all of the access roads and trails. They said that the Big Bug Gold mine has claimed the area and there was no "mineral extraction" allowed.

This is all BLM or state land...:BangHead:

It was a great place...

Upvote 0
That sucks. :(

I would go down and talk to someone at BLM and figure out why YOU could not claim the land but the mine could.
That type of BS would make me so mad if I had an area (Which I do) that is on open BLM land that I personally can not claim and then to have it go to some mine.

You also might want to go down and talk to someone at the Big Bug and let them know how long that you have been hunting that area and ask them if you can continue to hunt it.

Good luck.

And the second gold rush claims more land....

Make sure the claims are legit. There are some people who will post claim signs on land that can't be claimed, just to keep others off.

Did I miss where he said he couldnt claim it?Sounds to me like they did nothing wrong...BBGM.....

I missed it 2???

Did I miss where he said he couldnt claim it?Sounds to me like they did nothing wrong...BBGM.....
This is the TIME for those that want a claim to go out and get one. They are becoming available by the HUNDREDS. Go learn the LR2000 page. I keep telling you! TTC

Terry how do I go about claiming? Can I go to the blm and say "hey is there any gold bearing land I cab claim" ? Sorry to be blunt, if so it just excites me.

I assumed it was closed to claims because he didnt claim it himself and seemed surprised, if thats not the case then there isnt anything you can do but wait till next year to see if they pay for it again or let it go.

PM with the general area so i can get the Township Range Sec, ill go in LR 2000 and check it, its easy. If you like.

It's not difficult to make a claim. Find a area that intrest you and test it. If it looks good find it on a topo map and note the section #, what quarter of what quarter of that section you want example: sw qtr of se qtr of section 22 would be 20 acres, and the township and range #s. Contact the BLM in your area to find out if it is open to be claimed. If it is file the paperwork with BLM and county and pay the $189 plus county fees and it is yours. As for the above mentioned senerio sounds like Big Bug Gold Mine did just that, they filed a claim on that land and if they has a number of partners could have claimed up to 160 acres. Unless I missed something it sounds legit to me.

Good Luck!

B H Prospector

I does sound legit but I'd still check with the country and make sure a claim was actually filed as someone else mentioned...they may have just put up signs to discourage others like the deer hunters do before deer season opens.....they post the area they want to hunt in to keep others out so unless you're a local familiar with what land is open to hunt, you'll fall for it.

if you liked it so much and it was so close, you should have claimed it for yourself earlier. now someone else has claimed lose! or maybe not just yet! find out who the claim new owner is and ask them for written permission to use his claim or see if they will lease you a access to the claim!all is not lost just yet!

Hold on for a second here please... as in Arizona there are different land classifications than Mexafornia--aka--state lands. Also could have been in a power withdrawl and whomever you asked that question had the head up their anus. If not produced by bureauratz in WRITING do not ever believe as private agendas abound. Land status maps will reveal and go to Recorders office as that company can be just yet another mindless paper hanger claiming up the unclaimable. I claimed the BLM building in Sacramento and all fees accepted. I had it on the wall in my OC store in the day for over 4 years till I sold out retired back to full time mining. Don't give up--or get mad--dig man dig in recorders record book and see if papers filed correctly. John PS-did you ever post a pic of site as imbedded info on bloody smart phone pics tells your location--or post any info on any forums?


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Never noticed before, is that you in the pouch???

Terry how do I go about claiming? Can I go to the blm and say "hey is there any gold bearing land I cab claim" ? Sorry to be blunt, if so it just excites me.
Mountainman22, I am not the EXPERT on the LR2000. TimC, my brother, is. He can even find the link that shows the actual platt maps that go back to the RUSH days.... the drawings of the claims.... actual current claim stuff.... right up to the current week. Some here will tell you NO, NOT POSSIBLE... but TimC will show you how. Give him a PM, get his phone number and FILE A CLAIM. You don't have to be an AZ citizen. All are welcome. Like Eli Wallack said in Good, Bad, Ugly,.... Don't talk, just SHOOT! Neo.... no need to wait till next year, if they haven't paid the fee last Sept, the claim will show as delinquent... you can file NOW. As I said, check with TimC to be sure. TTC

Thanks terryc! You are a great help and without your post I would've never known ! This is the best prospecting community I know !!!

Thanks terryc! You are a great help and without your post I would've never known ! This is the best prospecting community I know !!!
My pleasure. Enough room here for all of us. TTC

Yes that's me when I was quite a bit younger and uglier too. Was doing my taxes when my bud from Airship and Baloon Design grabbed me and took me outside, threw me in and started up the blower inside the pouch with me. I had ordered a big baloon to fly over the store and use at shows,charity events and such but righteous ol' George RIP took it up to a whole new level. Sooooooooooo much fun in OC. He did the 200,000+ baloons for the Olympics opening event in OC with baloons as ordered--only funny fact is-colored mylar is coated in conductive metals and they shorted out everything electrical when they hit the power poles such as street lights,freeways,EVERYTHING electrical went out. The OC was a parking lot on the Olympics opening day,spread out to LA and SB too....John :laughing7:

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