dan roberts jr
Im new to gold panning does anybody know where to look for gold in texas?
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Look for gold in rivers,the gold underground was mined in 1900's.
Rivers carry many cool stuff,i don't know a lot about Texas even though I've been there a few times.
I am not an expert at gold mining or panning because i am waiting for the time when i can pan for gold.
I do know yet a lot about gold.
To me,Rivers carry gold that never shines.
Ok ill going to try a couple places around here.i do alot of hiking in the surrounding states ill start taking a pan with me.
Seeking gold don't mean finding it. You pull 2 grams out of any of those creeks and I will kiss your rosy red in the middle of IH10 and give you 30 minutes to draw a crowd to watch it happen. Sorry to be rude, but I have the feeling you've never tried any of those places.Some actual facts.......
Gold in Texas - October 2001 IssueGold Mining In Texas
Gold mining has not been extensive in Texas, as the occurrence of the metal is limited. Main production, confined to the Presidio and Hazel mines in West Texas and the Heath mine in the Llano district, amounted to a total of 8,277 fine ounces by 1942 and was valued at $233,499. Most of the gold produced has come as the byproduct of silver and copper ores, but traces of it occur in the Shafter, Van Horn, Allamoore, and Quitman mountains, and in Howard, Taylor, Irion, Uvalde, and Williamson counties with other rocks and ores. Since the closing of the Presidio mine in September 1942 there has been little production of gold.
Thomas J. Evans, Gold and Silver in Texas (Mineral Resource Circular 56 [Austin: Bureau of Economic Geology, 1975]). University of Texas, Texas Looks Ahead: The Resources of Texas (Austin, 1944; rpt., Freeport, New York: Books for Libraries Press, 1968).
You may also want to contact one of the prospecting clubs near you for some first hand info.
Gold Prospectors Of El Paso (GPEP)
(West Texas and Southern New Mexico)
E-Mail: elpasoprospectors@att.net or jumbuck2@Juno.com or matt2832@aol.com
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of every month @ 7:00 PM, 2100 San Diego Street, El Paso, Texas.
Outings: Once every month.
GPEP is a free non-profit locally controlled Chapter of Gold Prospectors Association of America. The purpose is to promote prospecting with individuals and families.
G.P.A.A. of Granbury
North Central Texas, (Granbury, Tx.)
Contact: Robert Lisi
E-Mail: gpaa77@yahoo.com
Contact: Gerald Mitchell
E-Mail: gpaa77@yahoo.com
Meets 2nd Sun. monthly 2pm
G.P.A.A. of Greenville
East Texas Chapter, (Greenville, Tx.)
Contact: Don Brisendine
E-Mail: donlin@etex.net
Meets 3rd sat. monthly @ 2 pm
G.P.A.A. of Northeast Texas
1251 Donna Dr.
Richardson, TX 75080 USA
Contact: Phil Caffey (President NE TX GPAA & State Director TX)
E-Mail: fowoda@aol.com
Contact: Don Brisendine (Vice President)
Ph: 1-903-725-7960
Contact: Ron Woodruff
Ph: 1-903-496-7616
G.P.A.A. of Northwest Texas
Texas USA
Contact: Phil Caffey (Chapter Leader)
1-972-271-1066 or mobile: 1-214-769-0825
El Paso Prospectors Club
3623 Titanic Dr.
El Paso, TX 79904 USA
Contact: Elizabeth Corliss
Big Spring Prospectors Club, Inc.
606 E. "3rd"
Big Spring, TX 79720
Meetings: 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm, Club Building, 606 E. "3rd" St.
Gold Dusters & Treasure Hunters
El Paso, TX USA
Prospectors Club of El Paso, Texas
El Paso, TX USA
Here is a short list of areas where fine gold and small flakes are currently being found in Texas by panning.......
- San Saba RIver
- Heath
- Honey Creek
- Big Sandy Creek
- Baby Head Creek
- Pecan Creek
- Bull Head Creek
- Llano River
- Fredericksburg
- Harwood
- Walnut Creek
- Gazley Creek
You are right about one thing, I have not personally tried any of those places. Evidently you have, sorry if they didn't pan out for you. I was merely passing along information related by those who have found gold, along with providing some credible references.
I have a friend who prospects the Llano River and regularaly recovers small amounts of gold from it. Perhaps you should ask some of the 100's of members of the Texas prospecting clubs why they would waste their time and money on equipment prospecting for gold in Texas since according to you there is no gold in Texas.![]()
The contact telephone numbers for some of the Texas Gold Prospecting Clubs are posted above.
Here are some photos of gold found in Texas by members of the Roundrock GPAA Club of Austin TX.... Gold Found in Texas
You can add these creeks to the above list as well.
Comanche Creek, Coal Creek, and Crabapple Creek and for nuggets try dredging the Guadalupe river near Kerrville TX.
Gold? Is that what that is? There isn't enough "gold" there to buy a chicken fried steak at the Hungry Hunter in Llano. If you read the top, I said there was powder gold, but you'll never pay for your gas and beer, not to mention rent, with "finds" like these. But you just pan away and enjoy yourselves. Tough way to make a buck though. God Bless you buddy...
That's cool..... wasn't trying to say that you could get rich. Most folks new to panning never make gas money no matter where they go. For most it's the fun of the outdoors.
I was just trying to answer the question from the "OP" (original poster) who just wanted to know where to look for places to pan in Texas.