Little creek prospecting Washington State


Sr. Member
May 24, 2012
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Golden Thread
Kent, Wa.
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My brother & I have gotten into prospecting lately as a sunday adventure nearly every weekend. Good times.

We have this little creek we havebeen hitting regularly but way down low.
We decided yesterday to head way up in the hills until we got tired of walking/hiking towards the top of the creek, we stopped and panned a few test holes only to find a couple tiny specks & that was it, How far in feet do you guys usually go between test pans down river for your next test pan?

we want to start where we stopped yesterday and head down creek finding heavier deposits, but its a fun filled walk with a trusty Machette since there is no easy way into the lower creek between where we dig and where we want to dig. Hornet nests are all over the place as well.

PS: Hello everyone, My name is Randy. From Kent Wa.

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You might check the inside edge of all the feeder creeks where they make the turn and flow into the main river.

Had to take several looks at your avatar Randy...:laughing9:
Welcome to the forum. Gold Nuggets :hello:

I would go half down the creek and check! If no good there you saved yourself a lot of walking. I assume you are looking for the mother load,If good go half way back up and check there and thus narrow down the search by halves.

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Heres my score so far on the Crick.

The klinker (clinks in my gold bottle) weighs .050 and was my Easter Egg (panned on Easter).

Photo1931.webp100_9156 (Medium).webp

That's pretty coarse looking, I would think you are already close to the source.

Well, off to my hole again tomorrow. cant wait since the water should be unusually low tomorrow and i will get back under the boulder where that clinker came from.

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