Head of Fish & Game commission pro mining?

Armchair prospector

Sr. Member
Jul 31, 2011
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Head of Fish & Game commission pro mining?

Daniel Richardson is head of the F&G in Ca. and recently went hunting where he shot and killed a mountain Lion in Idaho. He posted pictures of the kill. Now Environmentalists and Democrats are calling for his resignation. He basically told them to mind their own business and has them fuming.
Now since the F&G has found no effects of dredging on fish in this state, do you think it be possible we could get support from him to get back in the water with the reg's we had before the ban?

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Re: Head of Fish & Game commission pro mining?

I think so. It's obvious the guy is an outdoor enthusiast, considering most hunters are. Best bet is to invite him out on a dredging trip and get him to catch some gold fever. Show the guy how dredging doesn't harm nature but actually can help it. Show the guy truth through first hand experience. He's got the power to help.

Re: Head of Fish & Game commission pro mining?

Hopefully he is but be carefull. know exactly what your talking about with current facts so you dont get tripped up in the wacoenviromentalists lies! good PR is always good and we need more of it! good luck if you do go down this road!

Re: Head of Fish & Game commission pro mining?

I just read the story in the Oregonian Newspaper up in Oregon. Does anyone have a link to contact him? I would like to email him and thank him for standing up to the Enviros and Dems. Sounds like he did exaxtly what I would have done.

Re: Head of Fish & Game commission pro mining?

not finding much myself

CAL-ERT 2/29/12 --- 8:30 P.M.
STATEWIDE HUNTING & SPORTSMEN'S ALERT -- Your action is needed to help save hunting!
This information is accurate at the time this CAL-ERT was written and originally distributed. The NRA Members' Councils of California will keep you informed as the legislative, regulatory, and/or litigation situation changes in California.


President of the California Fish & Game Commission
Unfairly Attacked by Radical Anti-Hunters and their supporters

The California Fish and Game Commission is responsible for enacting hunting and fishing regulations for the state of California. These regulations vary from state-to-state because each state is responsible for its own game management, because they know what is best for their own states.

Recently, Commissioner Dan Richards released a photo of him and a mountain lion that he successfully hunted while in the state of Idaho. Although California banned the taking of mountain lions, hunting them in most states, including Idaho, is absolutely legal.

Led by opportunistic politicians and anti-hunting groups such as the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), an effort is underway to remove Commissioner Richards from the CA Fish & Game Commission. The HSUS is probably the largest anti-hunting organization in the world and they have staked a tremendous amount of their prestige on removing Commissioner Richards. We can't let them win!

Make no mistake, it doesn't matter to the anti-hunting/fishing groups that Richards did nothing wrong. This unfair attack is underway because these radicals believe they can replace him with a more anti-hunting commissioner, thereby closing off more hunting and fishing opportunities statewide.


Governor Jerry Brown
State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160

Email web form: CLICK HERE

Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom
State Capitol, Suite 1114
Sacramento, CA 95814

Email web form: CLICK HERE

Assemblyman Ben Hueso
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0079

Phone: (916) 319-2079
Fax: (916) 319-2179

Email web form: CLICK HERE California Fish and Game Commission
P.O. Box 944209
Sacramento, CA 94244-2090

Phone: (916) 653-4899
Fax: (916) 653-5040

Email: fgc@fgc.ca.gov

If it is convenient, plan to attend the Fish & Game Commission Meeting on March 7th in Riverside and voice your support of Commissioner Richards. Tell them that since he did nothing wrong, removing him would be unfair.

Details of the next meeting can be found at:

Re: Head of Fish & Game commission pro mining?

I hear the ahole resigned already as a x lawyer for the fish lobby good damn riddance-John :headbang:

Re: Head of Fish & Game commission pro mining?

i also heard he was going to get the boot from ole brownie, so i guess he beat the ax by quiting!

Re: Head of Fish & Game commission pro mining?

Guys,he is not the head of F&G,he is the Pres. of the Commission....two totally different things....I doubt he is going to be wanting to bring any more "heat",to himself anyway.....I called my Congressman about his issue the other night

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