NEW! California Suction Dredge Permiting Program!


Gold Member
Mar 10, 2007
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Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
Whites TM 808, Whites GMT, Tesoro Lobo Super Traq, Fisher Gold Bug 2, Suction Dredges, Trommels, Gold Vacs, High Bankers, Fluid bed Gold Traps, Rock Crushers, Sluices, Dry Washers, Miller Tables, Rp4
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hurry only 1,500 permits will be issued, down from 4,000! :BangHead:

Revisions to Proposed Regulations :evil5:
February 17, 2012 Regulations with edits 02172012.pdf

Comments should be submitted to DFG via email at:
Please include the following in the subject line for all comments submitted via email: Comments re: Revisions to Proposed Amendments.

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Some stuff I noticed:

Lets see, a quick glance through says:

Only 1500 permits issued on first come first serve basis. Whats to prevent 1000 environmentalists from snagging those up and then not dredging?

You cant be within 500 feet of another dredge while running the motor.

You cant use more then a 4 inch nozzle unless they come out and inspect the area and approve it (good luck with that!).

You have to have a containment barrier underneath and around the engine to prevent possible spills.

Another one: Timing of Activity. Active suction dredging operations
may only be conducted between one half hour after sunrise to
sunset. 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Couple other ones:

(13) No person shall disturb any mussel beds. A mussel bed
is defined as an area of any size where the density of
mussels is 40 10 or more/square yard. Suction dredging
activities, including deposition of tailings, shall not
occur within 30 yards upstream of a mussel bed, nor within
10 yards laterally or downstream.

(14) Reasonable care shall be used to avoid dredging silt
and clay materials that would result in a significant
increase in turbidity.

Oh and you have to fill out a big report card about the dredging too and carry it with you. Failure to have it and they take your permit.

Then this one:(20) Before relocating a suction dredge to another
waterbody, water shall be drained from all equipment for at
least two weeks or the suction dredge and associated
equipment must be decontaminated. Decontamination must
include pressure washing with water > 120 degrees
Fahrenheit and/or chemical decontamination of all surfaces
using bleach, vinegar, ammonia or potassium permanganate

I would hate to have to deal with all that mess.

any agreement to this ( buying a permit ) marginalize's our granted rights .

Lose of revenue for the State of California is a direct result of laws passed by these dem/libs left wing nuts.

The group, whose official name is ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, claims 1,220 local governments from 70 nations are members. It was formed in 1990 and is headquartered in Bonn, Germany.

2cmorau said:
any agreement to this ( buying a permit ) marginalize's our granted rights .

Lose of revenue for the State of California is a direct result of laws passed by these dem/libs left wing nuts.

The group, whose official name is ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, claims 1,220 local governments from 70 nations are members. It was formed in 1990 and is headquartered in Bonn, Germany.

Here is another reason California is broke:
Illegal Immigration Costs California Over Ten Billion Dollars a year, that's $10,000,000,000.00 Annually :o

There again, the liberals >:(

pleae download this artical and PLEASE send in atleast 1 comment to this to their website. i was going to post this but everyone on a BUNCH of sites already beat me to it!

russau said:
pleae download this artical and PLEASE send in atleast 1 comment to this to their website. i was going to post this but everyone on a BUNCH of sites already beat me to it!

The ICMJ e-mailed everyone on their e-mail list 5 min after it was released.

Written comments may be submitted to DFG via email at: Please include the following in the subject line for all comments submitted via email: Comments re Revisions to Proposed Amendments.

Now we know how the moonshiners felt. >:(

....status quo....f em

2016(BBBBBBSSSSSS) and $10,000 each for a few days a year in a specific spot--hmmm--just like I said--my my my-John :evil5: F'M'

I agree f em
GG, that should be a huge concern for all

i wonder what there idea of remediation means, is that like in taking

What are some potential controls for mercury?
The magnitude of mercury impairment in reservoirs is related to three factors that may be controllable:
1) Reductions in concentrations of inorganic mercury – Reducing concentrations of inorganic mercury in reservoir sediment are one way to limit methylmercury production and its subsequent bioaccumulation in fish. Potential source controls include remediation of upstream historic gold and mercury mines.
2) Changes in reservoir management – Depending on the characteristics, reservoirs can create a habitat and an environment that can increase the exposure risk to fish consumers. Chemical properties such as oxygen and nutrient levels, and physical properties such as water level fluctuations, can affect methylmercury production. More information and studies are needed to determine if modifying these reservoir properties could reduce fish mercury levels.
3) Changes to management of fish species – Which fish species are present and how they are managed is an important factor in determining the severity of the problem in a given reservoir and changes to current practices could be an important tool in addressing mercury impairments. Stocking reservoirs with less predatory fish might limit methylmercury bioaccumulation.

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