How common is Octahedron crystal nuggets? Now with photo


Sep 29, 2011
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Golden Thread
:icon_sunny:I worked for a jewelry manufacturer in the early 1980's that produced real gold nugget jewelry. Unfortunately I only purchased a few, while gold was cheap. I purchased a few small octahedron nuggets. I found it curious that the shape is the same as raw diamond crystals. I am curious how rare they are. I was a goldsmith for 30+ years but I am new to prospecting and metal detecting.


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Re: How common is Octahedron crystal nuggets?

Would like to see a pix--any pix as size,color and looks are always the best selling points on rarer crystal nuggies. I luv'm all but others not so addicted--John :hello2:

Re: How common is Octahedron crystal nuggets?

I have a pic but I don't know how to post it.

Re: How common is Octahedron crystal nuggets?

we all need to see pix. please, i need to see. just kidding i have never held one just seen pix. gold in Crystal form is rare no? would have to come from underground ie unweathered. highdesertranger

Re: How common is Octahedron crystal nuggets?

Okay, it's grainy but I will break out the actual camera and take a better pic when I have time.

i know crystilin gold is more expensive and you only get what the buyer would pay,but how much more expensive is crystilin gold than nuggets?how does a person put a value on it?

:headbang: Yep you got the good'ns--the finer the crystaline definition and the shinier the better the price-spot + 10% is a good starting spot at least and yes those are indeed rare and thanx much for the pix-any one helps much--John

How much you want for one of those?
Pm me.


I have no intention of selling them. I saved them 30+ years ago because I thought they were unique, I was just curious how common or rare they might be. I remember seeing a huge specimen probably from Russia that looked like a series of pyramids in a cluster. I hope that piece is in a museum somewhere.

oldblues said:
I have no intention of selling them. I saved them 30+ years ago because I thought they were unique, I was just curious how common or rare they might be. I remember seeing a huge specimen probably from Russia that looked like a series of pyramids in a cluster. I hope that piece is in a museum somewhere.

I completely understand :icon_sunny:
Out of curiosity .... how much does your largest weigh?

I should have put something in the pic for scale. They are tiny like a 2.0 mm across.

As a goldsmith for the company mentioned earlier, I had a tray with an ounce or more of small nuggets form which I picked from to inlay in rings and pendants. I did this everyday for several years and at somepoint I started picking these out to purchase for myself. My ex has a really nice single nugget pendant that looks like a piece of wood grained driftwood. I saw a lifetime worth of nuggets in a few short years and I guess in my old age I miss it so I guess I will have to find my own nuggets now!

Love that crystal gold. Thanks for the pic Goody Guy, that octahedron cluster has a drool factor of 11 - out of a possible ten. Nuggy

Klondike here...

A friend of mine, who is long passed, worked on the Idaho Maryland Mine in Grass Vally, CA... and broke into an entire room of this crystal gold.. he said it was hard to look at the gold as his lamp kept reflecting off the crystals brighter than his lamp ... I don't remember how many pounds of the gold they took from that Glory Hole.. but it was a bunch... I believe he said he was on the 5th level down (probably near a mile deep or so) working a side drift on a small seam when they hit or broke into this large open room coated with this kind of gold... from floor to ceiling... I wished I could have been there...


Northern Nevada Gold has been the premier site for righteous best of the best nuggets for many many years. Always luv 2 c them nuggies in any way shape or form :headbang: -thanx-John

Resurrecting this thread because I wanted to ask if people know where you can buy these kinds of specimens, I'd love to buy one someday but you can't just find them on ebay or one of those gold nuggets for sale websites.

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