I kinda understand bebop, but let me explain. I was laid off back in april, after 20+ years in retail, I've become fed up with it. Sooo, since I was laid off, I automatically qualify for state paid retraining in any trade I choose. And I chose welding. I want to make this whole thing out of aluminum and perhaps stainless. Save for the jet flare which is marlex. (I'll buy this too from Keene).
Just like the Alaskan beach boxes, the sluice will be 72" long and 24" wide. Figure I'll have to make some sort of adapter plate for the 10" wide flare jet. But unlike the beach boxes, I want to have some punch plates to help classify down the material. I noticed on the Keene website thier smallest dredge uses the 52a sluce, which is only 51" long and uses 41" long pontoons. I had thought about placing the motor in the middle of the sluice, but I can see two potential problems. First and most obvious, this would make clean up more difficult. And while this would balance the unit somewhat, but what about drag that the jetflare, power jet, and hoses would place on that end of the rig.
Something that would be of a great help to me, would be if someone on the board that has a triple stage sluice could take some close up pictures of it. After doing several sketches of what I'm trying to build, I think I forgot one important point and I need to verify something. At the top end of the sluice where the flare jet is located and the first punch plate is, I'ld like to place 1/8" punch plate so anything that size or smaller will fall down onto 1/2" riffles (with ribbed mate under them). If I understand it correctly, the second punch plate rests ontop of those riffles which are also level with the second set of riffles. Since it seems it's best to put larger riffles in the lower portions, say 1" tall with a 1/4" lip, wouldn't i need to build up the bottom of the rear end so everything is level? (note: the front riffles will also have miner's moss under them)
This leaves me with....
1)How big (length and width) should the pontoons be?
2)Engine placement?
3)Building up rear end of sluice so there's proper water flow?
4)Suggestions on how to make this all portable. I have no partner to help me carry stuff.
Sorry about the long post, I just wanted to get out what I'm trying to accomplish.