Looking to share information on placer gold in Costa Rica and or Panama
Otherwise its back to Ecuador which is good but shipping my gear there is costly.
I have a 4 stuby on plastic jacks inflaitable tubes powered by a subaru and a straight six with dual 7s dual air and inflaitables. They make it easier to ship.
I lost a six in the jungles of northeren ecuador'
The dredging there is fantastic, you can free dive and pick nuggets off some swept bedrock corners................................
Otherwise its back to Ecuador which is good but shipping my gear there is costly.
I have a 4 stuby on plastic jacks inflaitable tubes powered by a subaru and a straight six with dual 7s dual air and inflaitables. They make it easier to ship.
I lost a six in the jungles of northeren ecuador'
The dredging there is fantastic, you can free dive and pick nuggets off some swept bedrock corners................................
