HOSER JOHN!! I agree that salting is a problem in the claim business. I have a claim from these guys and I know others who have claims in Arizona they bought from them. They don't go out on a claim with You and suggest one spot to dig that could be salted. You go out and dig and sample and they let you borrow their equipment, drywashers, power sluice, spiral wheel etc. I did my own sampling in many spots, but it sure is awsome to have all that equipment available for free, learning to use the equipment was a rich experience. They also have friends who prospect in the area and some of them will take the time to give you some advise and instruction. You do have to be very careful out there, as I mentioned on this forum before, I was ripped off on two claims found on Ebay, lost about $6000.00 dollars and a whole lot of time. I'm very fortunate to have connected with these guys. In fact I am selling my house in South Dakota to moce to Arizona to work claims full time. JohnB