DIY Fluid Bed Gold Trap
Tired of losing the flour and fine Gold off the end of your highbanker or sluice ?
Then build a combination sluice/fluid bed trap to end the lost gold blues!
No Riffles, No need to classify, No lost gold.
My version does not load up with rocks that have to constantly be cleared off the grizzly as on the commercial models.
The reason is .....I designed mine to be flat and level with the sluice by dropping the bed of the sluice just in front of the trap instead of building an uphill grizzly, that way there is nothing for the larger gravel to get hung up on.
I also installed a plexiglass cover over the trap so I could monitor the operation during testing.
Placed at the end of a high banker sluice for a final gold catcher you will be assured of capturing any missed gold.
Of course you have to supply water to the stratification tubes but since you already are using a pump for your highbanker just run a separate line to them with a control/shut off valve and only allow about 9 gallons (plus or minus) per minute into them. (adjust as needed)

Adjustable bottom cover removed for photo.

Or just use it all by itself as a stand alone fluid bed hand sluice...either way you trap the gold

Total cost of materials to build it $35 Peace of mind knowing that you wont lose any gold.......Priceless

The trap is 2-1/2" inches deep. The holes in the stratification tubes are 1/8" dia. and are spaced 1/2" apart and go through both sides. The 5/8" OD 1/2" ID CPVC tubes are centered 1" off the bottom of the trap and are spaced 2-1/2" apart on centers from center tube.
The trap over flow is a 3/4" opening while the trap intake is a 1/2" opening. The 1/2" expanded metal is fastened underneath the 1/4" plexiglass.

Adjustable legs came off crutches.
When the water velocity through the stratification tubes is adjusted properly all the material in the trap stays in suspension except for the heavier gold, it stays on the very bottom while the lighter material continually keeps running out the overflow end of the trap.
Self clearing leaf guard......

Made from 1/2" heavy duty hardware cloth.
Go for the gold