Actually I'm not sure it is a state park or a recreational area but i do know that panning is allowed and it seems like its the only non claimed part of the yuba. Anyone tried there? thanks.
I have been to the Yuba Gold Fields. It is administered by the BLM - Folsom office and located off of Hammonton-Smartville Road out in Linda. Go past the Western Aggregates facility (they operate one of the only dredges remaining in operation - you should see it) and follow the road, keep in mind the signs since there is private and BLM land side by side. You can check the BLM Folsom office website for a map.
Go to nevada City-north on brunswick to purdone crossing MUCH more gold and the ancient blue cut is upstream. We found many a pound there and ALWAYS replenishes every winter as the river rises massively and erosion/mudslides.treefalls and gully washers are your friend there too-John
South Fork Yuba river BLM recreation area purdone crossing to edwards is really quite good. WAY TOO much private property all over the county to mine easily elsewhere AND find real gold. John
I spend a lot of time at the South Fork of the Yuba at Edwards Crossing. There are many options and areas to look. I've been over every inch it seems. I find gold every time.(panning)(crevicing). I have also used my detector. I would go up river from the Edwards Crossing bridge. Lots of bedrock(most has been cleaned out one time or another). You really have to look and find spots others haven't been. It's tough. I live in Nevada County and it's very tough to find areas to go prospecting. Everything seems to be private and or claimed. I'm always on the hunt for new spots. The key is to go as remote as possible.