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I am working on producing such a kit for resale to everyone as it's been really helpful to us in finding rich ore sights that a person would otherwise walk over and never have a clue gold is present. It will cost a considerable amount of money to package this for sale and just want to know what kind of response you would have to such a product. 100% Guaranteed to work.

perhaps it would help if you explain a little of how it works and what MICRON RICH ORE AREAS are. it would help some of us understand and make a decision.

in mining operations of the past all the gold that has been recovered has been the bigger particles of gold... the ones you can see.? When in reality more than 1/2 the gold is very fine micron size gold that can easily be extracted through grinding the ore down to a powder 100 minus and below and running it through a leaching system, which basically melts the gold and platinum groups into the solution, and then you recover the metals through different chemical processes.? We are processing gold ore that fire assays at way under an ounce per ton and yet we are recovering up to 10 ounces of gold per ton using a leaching system with chemical extraction processes.? By just looking at the ore even with a field magnification glass you would have no idea it contained any gold.? A lot of old dump sites and? areas of untouch ore (dirt) are still loaded with this fine micron gold.? We are working on developing a system that everyone can follow where they can 1st locate these gold rich areas by using the test kit and then follow through and recover the gold by using these methods.? We've been led astray over the past several years by believing all the crap the sellers of "get rich quick schemes" have told us... and we were dumb enough to believe, and have spent alot of money of things that never worked.? Now that we have got the process figured out through trial and error we just want to share this knowledge with the rest of the "good ole boys" out there who just want to be told the truth.? There are millions of dollars of fine micron gold just waiting to be processed out.? The process can be complicated in finding the right leaches and process methods but all that can be worked out.? We are just starting to put all of this together into kit form where we can hopefully walk people through the process it takes to start recovering this micron gold.? We will have our web site up soon where we are going to put all of this information on.? What works and what doesn't work and how to test your ore to see what it is going to take to get the gold out.? The key is grinding the ore fine enough to where the leach can get to the micron particles of gold.? There is micron gold in a lot of waters and we know people who are extracting it out and getting good paydays doing it.? There are also a lot of people spending a lot of money and getting NOTHING!? We were one in the last group.? But fortunately we have hung in there long enough to get to the other end also through gathering the knowledge needed through a bunch of "good ole boys" just willing to share their knowledge.? We're not out just to mine gold through the pocket books of all us "idiots" out there willing to believe everything someone claims will work when in reality they know it won't work for 99.9% of us.? The gold test kits really work great and are very simple to use.? You will get a bottle of leach solution that will desolve the fine gold in an ore sample.? You will be given several small zip lock bags where you can collect and store you ore samples in.? When you test an ore sample you need to make sure that you powder up the ore into a fine a grind as possible.? If you just put in bigger chuncks of rock you may not get an accurate reading.? You then put a very small amount of the ore into a testing bottle, provided, where you add the leach formula and shake it up real good and then let it set for about 20 to 30 minutes giving the leach time enough to dissolve the micron gold particles.? You then use a sucker tube, provided, to suck off the pregnant leach solution into a test bottle, provided, where you first add a gold isolator solution to the pregnant leach solution until it turns abck into a neutra color solution...takes 5 or 6 drops depending on how much leach solution you are testing.? Once this is done you add the gold collector solution,? about 6 to 12 drops or so and then shake up the solution.? If gold is present in your ore sample the solution will turn a shade of purple.? The darker the solution the greater amount of gold present.? It's that simple!? Now on to step 2.? What do I do now?? How do I get the gold out?? This is what we are working on to eventually sell you the kits and the knowledge to be able to process this gold out to gold in your pocket.? I could probably just sell you the 1000 page books telling you how but that isn't going to be our approach.? I want you to be able to work it through to a pay day.? But we need it simple enough that we don't have to spend hours and hours with each person in order to get it done.? That's what we want to accomplish in the end with this whole process.? Where will we make money?? We will make a little on each kit but we are even kicking around the idea of just getting you the information as cheap as possible and then maybe asking you to share a little with us once you have it figured out and working for yourself.? When your making $10,000 a month maybe pay me $500 a month for helping you get there.? A win win for everyone involved.? If you pay me fine is you don't enjoy your money.? I'm banking that there are enough good honest people still left out there who would.? If not I'll still feel good knowing that I help them.? Watch for our web site it will be www.thegoldhunter.net? We're not computer junkies so don't expect the greatest to start with... maybe some of you hackers out there can give us a hand down the road... maybe a free gold test kit or two for payment.? True happiness comes from helping others... not just stacking up more material crap for yourself.? Hope we can help out soon.... and that we can at least sell enough kits to get our money back!!!? ?Denis and Ken (my partner)? ;D :D ::) :-*

? ;D SOUNDS Good to me!? :D
I know for a fact, there are many areas that are rich in Micro gold all over the west and even back east!
How much are you planning to charge for a test kit?
I !? ?;D For One, would gladly share a portion of my Gold Finds !

to cptbill, the kit will be $40 and you will be able to perform 30 to 40 tests, very easy to use and if you don't like it we will refund your $$, I really like the kit and have performed a lot of tests with out a misread. I have gone to some mining areas that contained good metal i.e. copper and iron etc and the mining reports showed very little gold was found and our test also indicated no gold, yet when I set up several samples that look alike but one has some gold ore, I can find the gold ore every time. it is a nice little test kit and not expensive. We are not in the business of trying to pick the miners pocket. We know for a fact that there is a lot of micron gold that can be recovered by leaching or sometimes with some of the new shaker tables, and is probably high enough grade that a weekend miner can make some money on, but for the most part it will not assay or you lose the values. this test will tell if you have gold and as you get more experience using it you can accurately tell if your deposit is high grade or low. Also you can determine the width of the gold zone and follow the gold bearing ore.

can one test for platinum with this method or kit?

thanks gerry

Gerry, unforunately this test is very gold specific, if you get a color indication you have gold. The only positive side is that most ores that contain gold probably contain platinum and probably more than one would think. we have found in some of the ores that indicated gold with this test actually contained higher pgms than gold.

Gerry.... our chemist has just given us a formula that is to test for platinums. We are starting to work on it to make sure that it works like he is telling us that it will. I have no reason to doubt it... but I don't want to promise something until I know that it is for sure. It would follow the same system as the Gold Hunter Test Kits but would be Platinum specific. If you are interested let us know? How many others out there would be interested in just a Platinum Test Kit? Our bags are in and the Gold Test Kits will be available any day now... thanks! Denis :o

My friends you do not have to be a Chem. Engineer to be able to tell if you have MICRON gold or not.
Here is the way it is.
If you find ANY creek or stream that was or still is producing gold you will also find BLACK SAND. This Black Sand is where the Micron gols is located. Most people throw the black sand away( DUMMIES ???).
Check out the GGPA website.
Now before you go running down to the local creek this is loaded with black sand you MUST first know if there was any gold ever redcovered from this creek. If the answer is NO do not waste your time.
GOLD is always associated with black sand but there can be black sand and no gold.
I have a gold claim in Western Oregon. I save every ounce of black sand I can recover and process it at a later date. Right now I have the claim leased out.
The Georgia Gold Prospecting Association website will provide detailed ways to recover your MICRON gold using household products.
Peg Leg

Peg Leg, you are not exactly correct on your above stated info about Micron gold. There is Micron gold and then there is Super Micron gold. And although some gold can be liberated and separated from black sands, the kind of Super Micron gold that is the most abundant in streams almost never settles unless it happens to hit old charcoaled forest burns, etc., but will float suspended in water forever as it is not large enough for gravity to even settle it out of completely still water. This is the kind of gold the Micron boys want to collect and make money at doing. I know several methods that do work profitably on this kind of recovery, but I am not about to get into political rantings about the viability or non-viability of these successful systems and neither do any of the people using them that I know of. If everyone were doing it, gold would be so common that all profits would fall out of the market! ;D So it is best to let sleeping dogs lie and save your energy by not wasting it on trying to get these viable micron gold collection system methods out of these good old boys! :D You will lose every time! ;) Comanchero;D

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