to cptbill, the kit will be $40 and you will be able to perform 30 to 40 tests, very easy to use and if you don't like it we will refund your $$, I really like the kit and have performed a lot of tests with out a misread. I have gone to some mining areas that contained good metal i.e. copper and iron etc and the mining reports showed very little gold was found and our test also indicated no gold, yet when I set up several samples that look alike but one has some gold ore, I can find the gold ore every time. it is a nice little test kit and not expensive. We are not in the business of trying to pick the miners pocket. We know for a fact that there is a lot of micron gold that can be recovered by leaching or sometimes with some of the new shaker tables, and is probably high enough grade that a weekend miner can make some money on, but for the most part it will not assay or you lose the values. this test will tell if you have gold and as you get more experience using it you can accurately tell if your deposit is high grade or low. Also you can determine the width of the gold zone and follow the gold bearing ore.