Wifes ready to strangle me, Im ready to say forget it


Full Member
Sep 4, 2006
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Rock Hill S.C
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro / Whites XLT / Garrett Ace 250
Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

I need a few more opinions on what detector to purchase for use in South Carolina. there is a lot of red dirt here (iron?) cant afford DFX. Ace 250 sounded good but does not handle iron ground to well. so I'm stuck, and would like several options before my wife decides for me which will be nada, zip, zilch.
Please respond soon!!!! ??? :-[ ??? :-[ ??? :-[ ??? :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

I live just below Columbia, SC and have no problem with the ace anywhere I have been...except for the salt water at the beach..then backed off on sens and it did ok...not perfect but ok.

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

Take the Ace 250. Better than no detector at all. Pretty good actually. Should find lots of clad at the normal places. Put it in a jar and in a year or so you'll have your DFX.



Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

I may sell my white's prizm III, I'm upgrading to a beach model....pm if interested...only had it a week

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

I have the Ace 250 and have no problems here in Ga . . . lots of red clay/dirt here too.

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

Men May Wear The Pants In The Family....But The Wife Tells You Which Pair Too Put On.... ;D
^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^
although im not married i heard this one time,and it really seems true ;)

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

SC_hunter said:
I live just below Columbia, SC and have no problem with the ace anywhere I have been...except for the salt water at the beach..then backed off on sens and it did ok...not perfect but ok.
Just to be a little clearer, the Ace works fine on the beach, it just wont work as well in wet sand at the surfline, like most other vlf detectors. :)

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

Buy the thing already!!! ;)


Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

OK!!!!!!! I bought it today :) :) :) and after cooking my wife and kids a big roast dinner, watched the dvd, read the book 3x then hit the yard.
WOAH!!! :o :o a little harder than I anticipated. first it beeped all over the damn place at least twice on every swing, turned sensitivity down seemed to work, then got a good signal Doug a hole and found nothing worked on that hole for 30 minutes trying to find that nickle but nothing. I feel defeated :-[ :-[ any suggestions???

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

The Ace will pick up every tiny piece of aluminum or tinfoil. That is probably why you couldnt find it. You also could use a pinpointer. You would be surprised how easily a dime can hide in the dirt. In trashy areas try searching in the coin mode. I wish I couldve been there for that roast dinner. ;) :)

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

crto said:
OK!!!!!!! I bought it today :) :) :) and after cooking my wife and kids a big roast dinner, watched the dvd, read the book 3x then hit the yard.
WOAH!!! :o :o a little harder than I anticipated. first it beeped all over the damn place at least twice on every swing, turned sensitivity down seemed to work, then got a good signal Doug a hole and found nothing worked on that hole for 30 minutes trying to find that nickle but nothing. I feel defeated :-[ :-[ any suggestions???

If you don't have a pinpointer, dig your hole, then pick up pieces of dirt (with a hand that has no ring or watch on it) and wave it in front of the coil. That helps narrow it down to a handful of dirt. Remove some dirt from your hand, keep waving. Eventually you'll spot it.

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

Yea, that roast was good, it melted right off the fork. :P
thanks for the advice on waving the dirt IN front of the MD, I'm going to have to invest in a pinpointer soon.
now that you mention foil, there was what seemed to be small pieces of tinsel in the dirt gold and silver color but they were only about 1 inch in length. Would that make it show up as a nickle on the ace?

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

crto said:
now that you mention foil, there was what seemed to be small pieces of tinsel in the dirt gold and silver color but they were only about 1 inch in length. Would that make it show up as a nickle on the ace?
Absolutely, yes.

Put the dirt on a known clean spot and keep checking the dirt pile.

Im gettin hungry.

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

Good show, just make sure to give the wife first choice when ya find jewelry ;D

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

If you live in town, it is HARD sometimes to detect in your own yard. There are buried power lines, gas lines, water lines, phone lines, telephone line, tv cable, and construction debris out the wazoo. Add that to the electrical interference from any power lines and you've got signals all over the place. I tried in my yard and got false signals, real signals, all over the place.

Is that you?


Don't give up.

When you get a beep then open the hole and it's gone. First set you detector in All Metal mode and wave your soil over your coil. The 250 picks up small items that you have disc out. Meaning if the item is by itself it won't beep. But place it in the ground a while and/or it's next to another disc out item may produce a beep. Then when you disturb the soil you separate the item and the detector won't beep. That's when you set your 250 to All Metal and then you will find the target. It's usually trash. A good target will beep after you open the hole 98% of the time.

Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

Daryl, I'm not sure just yet if I'm getting any false signals. What I can tell you is that so far everywhere I've gone so far my MD is going off before I even move 12 inches, and yes I have turned sensitivity down. Visited A local park today and found 2 sets of keys some foil and my first dime!!!!! my only problem now is the ground is so hard It is taking me 15 min to dig a small hole. I actually spent 1 hour an 15 minutes in a four by four spot and kept digging up foil. But I'm sticking with this. I really do enjoy this and I know with everyones help who responds to my posts, I'll eventually get the hang of it then master it.
Khouse thanks for the info I'll keep that in mind my next time out. HH

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

The Ace is a pretty good machine for the money and it will go deep. You have the same problem that I am having, and that would be learning to pinpoint the target. Are you using the pinpointing feature?

I also have trouble in trashy areas. You can buy a smaller coil or try using discrimination. Use the coin or jewelry mode or notch out the most common trash. A good place to start for silver coins would be front yards of old houses.

Thanks khouse. That info will help me. I am also still learning my Ace.

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

I just moved to NC. and when I got my first MD (250) I thought, wahoo I am rich cause I'm gonna dig my yard, house was built in 50's I guess. I hadn't read anything that mentioned anything about power lines. Well my back yard has two big ones going across. So after MUCH frustration, and reading and reading again posts on the 250 I was bummed then some one said something about a buried powerline. HMMM so I am thinking, buried? mine umm ok stupid look up, if there buried/hung could they have the same effect.

I try no to detect in town, one-I'm new, 2- no clue where buried is (in the air I can tell (look up). When I was on Atlantic Beach I didn't have any trouble finding stuff.

Re: Wife's ready to strangle me, I'm ready to say forget it

Power sources of ANY type are going to give you trouble - Power lines to house (buried or not), power transmission lines (wires on a pole), radio transmission towers, cell phone towers, you name it and if it radiates power, you can very likely have a problem if you are close. Welcome to the real world of MD in town.


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