J. Hutton Pulitzers State Treasure Books- Oregon- Bad Information

Dr. Dirt

Dec 17, 2012
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Portland, Oregon
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J. Hutton Pulitzer's State Treasure Books- Oregon- Bad Information

I was wondering if anyone has bought the "Commander" Pulitzer's 10 Treasure Legends You Can Find in [your State], and found that the information is way off?

The Oregon book is so blatantly bad that I am asking for my money back. I sent this message to the treasureforce FB page:

I bought your book 10 Treasure legends for Oregon.
I have only looked in to your version of two of the stories, and they are flat out inaccurate. What is really bad is it appears that none of you bothered to look at a map. The Laurel hill story is not in Eugene, Oregon. If you are going to "re-tell" someone else's story, at least note the location. This treasure is mentioned on hundreds of pages on the net. Everyone but you got it right. It is on the historical Barlow Trail at Mount Hood. How could you screw that up?
The next one is even worse! Your story of the China Bar Treasure is audacious. There is a china bar on the Rogue River, but that is the only thing you have right. I bought the OREGON book, not the BRITISH COLUMBIA book. That is where Scuzzy Creek, The Fraser River, North Bend, and Boston Bar are located. WTF?? Here is a nice link to vacation there if you like:
[link to British Columbia location the book was actually referencing]
Also, shame on those who re-printed your story without checking the facts.
This is fraud my friends. I don't appreciate you acting like people are stupid and won't research your stories. Why did you think I purchased the book?
I did not get what I paid for. I have lost all respect for you, and now know you are full of it. I hope the Oak Island guys Rick and Marty figure out you are full of crap too.

How do I get my money back for this poorly thrown together book?

I am still waiting for a response.

Want some cheese with that ?. What I think, is the *hundreds* of pages on the net are wrong, the book is *right*, you know it and are trying to protect the knowledge.
I base this assumption on, I've never seen anybody get so bent out of shape over a book before.
Just because something is online does NOT mean it is 100% accurate or true.


That is the treasureforce fool! I wish he would crawl back under his rock!

Say it's not so!

This rock in Canada has a point on one end, and the Great Pyramids have points on top, so Egyptians must have placed these rocks here!


And here's a general tip: anyone with accurate information regarding where a treasure was went and got the treasure.

Buying a book on treasure locations is like buying a pile of already been scratched off lottery tickets.

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What is more amazing is that producers are stupid enough to let this guy appear on their media shows as an "expert"!

Thanks for the tip Charlie. I know this is my first post on the site, but this is not my first rodeo. I have been treasure finding and hunting for some time now.

I agree that the stories out there and content in the books available should be taken with a grain of salt..... However, it is necessary to obtain or find all the material that is available if you are going to seriously pursue any of these alleged treasures. Books, witnesses, newspapers and all other media are key in finding a starting point.

With that being said, I will gripe in more layman terms for those that are missing the point. The location in his book of China Bar is near Horseshoe Bend on the mighty Rouge. His directions to this "treasure" would lead you to B.C. I know it's probably not you or the book- it is the other 7 billion people in the world that have their geography messed up.

Just because you have created a name for yourself doesn't mean you should put out a crap product. Just borrowing everyone else story is kind of crap work anyway. If you are going borrow the story, at least get it right. I have been to China Bar. I know where it is.

For those that believe the book, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that there is no Fraser River, Fraser Canyon, Boston Bar, or Scuzzy Creek in Oregon. A little bit of research would allow you to discover that these landmarks are part of the historic Fraser Mining District in the British Columbia. There is a North Bend in Oregon that is not in the vicinity of the bar. Even a quick look at the map would have revealed this.

If you lack the common sense to see how egregious this is, then you are probably one of those people that receives great pleasure from seeing their picture and name on the screen, but has post that lack any substance.

As far as Mr. Pulitzer, his credibility is now shot. I was already skeptical based on listening to him on the Oak Island show. The book just confirms what I had suspected.

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Funny you guys are mentioning Pulitzer. I was watching a re-run of Oak Island and this guy and his story telling and the way he went directly to the rock almost had BS written all over it for me! When he came back and told the story it was funny that in the War Room Marty laughed and said he needed more to believe that tale! I think maybe he was just being very polite. Either way, Pulitzer looks like a sham and smells like a sham to me!

I've been reviewing the Oak Island series. This is my latest comment. They are on my facebook page.

As someone who has studied the Oak Island Treasure since the late 1960’s, and who had the opportunity to first film a documentary based on the treasure eight years ago, I can no longer wait to comment again on “The Curse of Oak Island TV” series.

In the past I have been critical of the TV series. It has been a while since I have posted my comments regarding the show. Honestly, I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt to the producers of the series. I really did not want to inject anymore criticism toward the show in hopes that the series ended up providing a semblance of decency. However, after viewing the past three episodes without interjecting my opinion, I can no longer be silent. I have come to the conclusion that, as I have suspected, TV today is an insult to the minds of their viewers. What do I mean by that?

The Oak Island TV series is a knock against the intelligence of the people who watch it. Because the producers understand that the majority of the viewers do not know what the history of that Island or the treasure is, they, the producers feel that they can throw at the viewers anything that may entice the viewers to keep watching each week.

For those of us who have studied Oak Island and the supposed treasure, we can see that the series was thrown together with hyperbole and shtick. The ongoing marching in in of so called experts, who have no real treasure hunting experience, but project themselves as experts, and the planting of coins, found by a so called metal detector expert, and the experts expounding their knowledge about strange symbols, and treasures like the Holy Grail being moved to North America from Europe, is a sad case of deceit and plagiarism. The so called experts brought into the series have continually expressed their opinions about the treasure and why it is there, without giving due notice to the original authors of those ideas.

Countless books about the ideas regarding the treasure on Oak Island, have been written by authors who have painstakingly researched their information. Yet, the so called treasure hunting experts brought into the TV series, have quoted the findings of these authors, and expounded the findings as their own, as if that so called expert has researched and found that evidence their self. The producers of that series have done an injustice to the viewing public by not bringing in, as the experts, the original researcher and authors regarding the treasure on Oak Island.

The producers are trying awful hard to keep the viewer involved in the series. Last nights show was more about how the divers dive, what they breathe, why they are called Frog and Fish, or whatever, why Frog is important to the team, where he dove that makes him important, and what kind of a “com” system they use. If their was substance related to finding of an actual treasure, which there is not, the producers would have concentrated their show on that. But, to stretch the series further, because people have been sucked into it with lies and deceit, the producers have inserted footage that should have been on the cutting room floor.

For the viewer that does not understand what is really going on, this sleight of hand I’m sure worked. They continue to watch. However, for those of us who have been in and around treasure hunting for many years, or who have researched the Oak Island treasure, we can see the fakery that has been perpetrated on the viewing public.

Too many historical TV shows and documentaries have no truth or substance to them. They are no better than our news media. It's about time the public take a stand and demand better TV. After-all, we are the ones paying for that service.

I do not like to knock people, especially on the net. However, after being involved with metal detecting/treasure hunting for 37 years, and after producing the first metal detecting TV series a few years back, and after I have fought to keep our hobby free of anymore restrictions, I am sick and tired of wanna be treasure hunters, archaeologists, bureaucrats, and mindless TV producers that paint our hobby as either a cancer, or some silly pastime. Can you scream "Juice?" As for Hutton? His so called treasure universities have one student. Himself. He is not the expert treasure hunter he says he is. He was an inventor, with many patents. And if he was so important to the Oak Island series, then why in the last episode, when all were in the War Room, what a stupid name for a conference room, then why did the brothers ask Hutton to leave while they made a decision on their next action?

Frank W. Pandozzi

Locating And Metal Detecting Eastern Ghost Town Treasure
Exploring History's Treasures TV Series-History, Metal Detector, Treasure Hunting, Outdoor Adventure TV Series

I think his dismissal from the team had to have been humiliating for him. Although I'm sure the scene was scripted and he knew what was coming, I doubt he knew the smaller bore hole existed. He did seem honestly surprised to hear about it. Rick and Marty must be defraying costs by allowing the show producers to introduce some of these characters, but at least in this case they seem to have been holding something close to their chest. Both "Pulitzer' and Kathleen McGowan have sketchy self aggrandizing histories. McGowan has been accused of plagiarizing her entire book, The Expected One, and claims to be the descendent of Mary Magdalene and Jesus, no less, and Pulitzer' s theories are strained to say the least, a strange melange of 3000BC middle easterners, the knights templers. Native American petroglyphs. the Masons etc. He brought lots of technical gadgets, but his divers immediately seemed terrified of the dive, which belied their credentials. And the woman seemed too weak to do this very challenging dive. Hutton had his 15 minutes, and it was obvious they wanted him gone so real investigation could continue. I think they already knew the chamber below existed and Pulitzer should go before he could make any claim. He spends most of his time on Facebook, trying to manage a very contentious gang of ill mannered fans on his page, and posting shared images of geological specimens.

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Hunted for a little gold, dug for old bottles, metal detected in and around North Bend which sits across the river from Boston Bar, and there's lots of history in the Fraser River area from the Valley to the Thompson River. Actually the cable car ferry that went over the river was the longest in NA at one time linking North Bend to Boston Bar. Lots of claims throughout the river system back in the day, Fraser Canyon Gold Rush, Also the war that took place Fraser Canyon War 1880's saw the CPRail line being pushed through, and untold 1000's of Chinese workers and I would fare a guess lots panned for gold every moment they had from the work they performed for rail builders. Lots of stories about the river system and it's some rough terrain to get around in, the one thing was we had the rail line side to play on while we worked for them.:)

J. Hutton Pulitzer aka J. Jovan Philyaw. I am adding more info here, related to my first post a few months ago. If you would like to see what the real J. Hutton Pulitzer is like, just go to the thread at my Facebook page. Because I stated an opinion a while back about The Curse of Oak Island show, he has directed personal attacks at me and on his Facebook page. Because I stated an opinion, he has banned me (Thank God) from his Facebook pages. He could not refute my claims with facts, so he attacks.


Frank W. Pandozzi

I have lost all faith in the "History Channel".

The host of ancient aliens is an Ithaca College Sports Communications major that failed as a body-builder. Yeah, I'm sure he's up on exobiology, archaeology and space travel. "If [insert stupid preposition here]. then couldn't it be true that [insert unsupportable conjecture here]". Repeat seven times per episode.

If we spent some time doing research and consulting main-stream experts, then we'd have to do hard work and have no alien evidence at all. Insulting to man's ancient ancestors who achieved what they did with smartz that have been lost (at least in Hollywood, or Duluth, or wherever these things are produced). Such a lost opportunity to actually educate instead of entertain.

The rest of the stupid shows - Ax Man, Appalachian Outlaws, Swamp People. WTF has this got to do with History? It's a network for idiots produced by imbeciles. But I guess it sells commercial time and I'd wager Pulitzer/Philyaw drives a better car than I do.

I used to despair that humans will never leave the solar system. Now I think that's probably a good thing. Shut us down as a species and let the cats and porpoises enjoy what's left of Earth. We're in decline.

LOL, Amen to that Charlie!

Do yourself a favor, investigate all your own leads found thru digging in the actual historical records yourself for what ever area you are checking out. That's how the real treasure hunter's find leads, that and handed down family stories.
There maybe some truth in famous tales but ferreting out the true part is work.

Hollywood can keep their tales, and that's what they are. As for the Internet, there are more shysters than fleas on a dog.

If your gonna tell me a tale you better be able to back it with hard facts that bears out.

The Boston bar is probably a bar in Boston he's been having a few in coming up with all this malarkey!

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