I've detected a lot of places that I told the owner I would give them everything I found just for being able to hunt the property. A little later on we would talk splitting it and after giving them hand fulls of junk they didn't even want to see what I had gotten then....I have had a couple of people that would walk with me and want me to hand them everything I dug to look at it leaning over while I was on my knees digging actually and I would just hand the find straight to them. None outlasted me! LOL
I worked with a few of these amish at my old job and money is all they care about. .
You know, some people will probably attack you and call you "racist" or "insensitive" at that comment, but I know where you are coming from.
I have been dealing with Old Ordnung Amish and some Mennonites (quite a few in my area) since I was a kid.
They are something else when it comes to business.....wow.....And I will leave it at that...
I've detected a lot of places that I told the owner I would give them everything I found just for being able to hunt the property. A little later on we would talk splitting it and after giving them hand fulls of junk they didn't even want to see what I had gotten then....I have had a couple of people that would walk with me and want me to hand them everything I dug to look at it leaning over while I was on my knees digging actually and I would just hand the find straight to them. None outlasted me! LOL
I have given landowners plenty of relics because I WANTED TO, but I never negotiate a split of anythihng. I work waaaaay to dang hard for them to sit inside drinking lemonade and watching TV to just go hand over the stuff I've dug. I'll just as well walk away and find somewhere else to hunt. The only hunts I've done with "agreements" have been when I've done Historical Recovery projects for museums or protected historical properties. And I knew going in, the stuff I was digging was going for public display. The publicity in those cases have more benefit and gotten me onto other properties.
I have given landowners plenty of relics because I WANTED TO, but I never negotiate a split of anything. I work waaaaay to dang hard for them to sit inside drinking lemonade and watching TV to just go hand over the stuff I've dug. GT
I understand the thought, but the one fact we cannot get past is that it is all their property to start with. It is a good deal for both of us. I get to search the property, which is fun. They get to actually hold a few things they already own. In the end it is always a hand shake deal to me. The people I have approached are either open to a fair dinkum deal or they are not. Like most of us, I am not in this to make a living. I just see a good place to hunt and offer a possibility to the owner. When all was said and done, I've never walked away unhappy and no owner has ever called the police on me. It starts with a smile and a handshake and ends with a smile and a handshake. That's the way I was raised. That's the way I live.
Hey Griz, I have to agree with your post....but your signature.....Remember when bikers were bikers and not geeks and nerds?