GPAA Membership


Jr. Member
Mar 3, 2010
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Bull Shoals, AR
Detector(s) used
MXT - BHID 300
GPAA is a good deal. I am a life member. The Mining guide lists all their clames with maps and directions plus what to expect at the claim. The mining guide is kept up to date in the bulletins. They have outings at Lost Dutchman sites and in Alaska. hand print-2_edited-6.webp

Thanks Frankn
Just wondering how current the Mining Guide is or when was the last update?
The membership offer sounds good-3 years for $190 plus the goodies, don't
know how much good it would do me being in Arkansas but, I do get out
to Tucson every once in awhile.

The new Miners guide came out last month and as I said, it is constantly updated. Pike Co. has the only place listed as producing gold. The Spanish found it there. There are plenty of ghost and cache listings in your state in the guide.hand print-2_edited-6.webp

Will you use it? I have been member a couple of different times and it turned out to be an expensive quarterly magazine subscription. And yes that includes the equipment that comes with the membership. This is NOT a criticism of the GPAA, they do a great job. I was just never able to get out & use my membership, so that's on me.


I got the life membership many years ago so I am way ahead of the game. I get the magazine, miners guide and pick & Shovel updates/news for life at no additional cost. If you are young and have the bucks, a life membership is actually cheap in the long run and you don't have to pay it all up front. They have a payment plan. I have used claims all over the USA.hand print-2_edited-6.webp

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