for the serious adventurer/treasure hunter

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here is the lost capital city of Attila the Hun. am I nuts? I have officially been asked to keep my mouth shut so I don't think so.,21.235757&spn=0.035162,0.068836&t=k
google earth coord: 45.93008,21.235757

this site is not on the national protected sites list of romania

timis county______________________________________

see cornesti_______________________________________

and i've been told that the lootings are prime. shame, shame shameful.

there is an impressive necropolis [possibly with royal tombs], large lost roman castra and huge neolithic multi-ring feature with megaron etc etc nearby none of which have been acknowledged as existing forget excavated.

this is the opportunity of a lifetime for the right person to go down in history and become a hero to a large group of people. i wish i was a young man.

Looting a site of national and international signficance is shameful, I agree. I know of quite a number of major sites in Europe which have never been touched by archaeologists, where emergency digs take priority. I guess that in Romania there are higher priorities for funding right now.

If the government cannot handle it, maybe the site should be referred to UNESCO. I don't see how publicising the site here is going to help prevent further looting.

SolomonKey said:
Looting a site of national and international signficance is shameful, I agree. I know of quite a number of major sites in Europe which have never been touched by archaeologists, where emergency digs take priority. I guess that in Romania there are higher priorities for funding right now.

If the government cannot handle it, maybe the site should be referred to UNESCO. I don't see how publicising the site here is going to help prevent further looting.

i think i can help you understand.

there are 2.5 million "descendents" of attila living in romania who want their autonomy. the romanian government [who is now being threatened with non membership in the european union because of their mistreatment of their minorities] is determined to keep them down. since 2000, they have systematically cleared the banat region of these people [look it up, its not fantasy] and in their words, they don't want such a place to "cause man madness". you will see it in no literature, on no maps and you will get no permission to excavate even though its on public land [commune]. unesco has very stringent rules on what should be protected and this site satisfies them all but alas only a federal government may apply for status.

so it seems to me that its due to the total lack of awareness that this site exists that people can happily email me and tell me about the artefacts they pick up off the ground where ever they care to look and try to teach me a distorted version of history. why would anyone care that the famous capital of attila and the avar capital rhing were found [same city]. they don't understand. attila was an evil man who conquered their ancestors. it seems they have even gone so far as to ignore a roman castra and a truly huge ancient ring enclosure because they are too darn close [especially to the necropolis]

i know it seems crazy and reeks of conspiracy theory but you can freely checkout anything i've said and contact anyone you wish [thats why i said serious adventurer/treasure hunter]. i know there are over 400 outlets worldwide who'll pay top dollar for a good documentary and finding the piece of wood from the pallisade dateable to 430ish will get you in the history books. i would hope that brushing the soil away from the roman bath would too.


Thank you, Goner, for that considered and informative reply, which certainly does explain the situation. I know a little of Romania and would not think of contradicting you on this. If the federal government won't act, then there is nothing Unesco can do but try and persuade.

Personally, I doubt that any broadcaster that would pay "top dollar" to make a documentary on this would act without the consent of the government (either local or central). It would need an authorised dig and from what you're saying, this isn't going to happen in the foreseeable future. This really is a very poor situation.

SolomonKey said:
Personally, I doubt that any broadcaster that would pay "top dollar" to make a documentary on this would act without the consent of the government (either local or central). It would need an authorised dig and from what you're saying, this isn't going to happen in the foreseeable future. This really is a very poor situation.

the market for a well produced independent documentary is quite large with about 250 opportunities in the us alone. although top dollar to many of them is usually $2000us there is upward lattitude for something broad and compelling. there is such a body of materials that more than an hour could be produced handily and every minute exciting. noone has used the ball cap yet! [hawass and osmanotrix have the full brim covered but maybe ballard has].

i cannot see someone or a team member with impeccable credentials and a great big mouth [or mouthpiece] being refused access to this site, not with their application the to eu pending. its non disruptive, non destructive and proper to answer the question.

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