Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX

Digger Jim

Feb 18, 2010
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Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX


Can anyone please give me their unbiased feedback or opinion on the Whites DFX? Pros and Cons, good and bad as I have an opportunity to buy a nice used one with extra coils ( 5" Excelerator DD, 10" D2, and the Whites 6X10 ). Looking for a good gold jewelry detector plus old silver copper coins, etc.

Thanx in advance

Digger Jim

Re: Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX

theres no such thing as "unbia s" --those that have em will go "yes" --those that like others will go no -- better to ask those that have them -- in their "personal" real world use what they can and can not do --then judge is that what you want?

its like asking a man who dates only blondes -- are blondes sexy?

Re: Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX

I just figured I'd ask here for that very reason. If I go to the Whites I'll get the thumbs up; other forums will push their brand. I'm looking for anyone that has used the DFX and other brands and can be objective. I've hunted many, many years. I've used some of the older Whites: DiPro, Quantum XT and have used hi end Minelabs, Explorer & Etrac. If I can give reasonably unbiased feedback on those machines why can't anyone give me theirs?

Re: Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX

I have a friend who has the DFX.I do not.We have hunted together several times.He has told me that the learning curve is not that bad and he finds a ton of items and can usually identify what the target is before he digs.He uses only the 6x10DD Eclipse coil.He finds jewelry,coins,and relics with it.He swears by it.But then again,it may not be what someone else is looking for.I have the MXT(among others) and that same coil and I find jewelry,coins,and relics.Would the DFX find something I missed?Sometimes, but then the MXT would,will,find something the DFX misses.No two operators are the same.Guess I haven't really answered your questions.There are many detectors that will find what you are looking for and several detectors that are just as deep.Over the last couple of years I have found on the forums and from dealers that people new to detecting and have gone with the DFX usually give up on it real soon because of the learning curve but those who have a few yrs experience and buy one, love it.Gotta make your own mind up.Goodluck.

Re: Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX

Buy it. I love when people purchase a DFX. They leave lots of silver behind for me to find. So please, everybody, buy a White's!

Re: Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX

I don't own a DFX, but I do own a Whites.

I had to send mine in for repairs, after only a few hours of operation. Then when I had another problem, their 'service manager' decided it was a good idea to give me a hard time and implied it was 'operator error'. Since I'm an electronic technician, I fixed the problem myself.

Would I buy another Whites? Don't think so!

Re: Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX

I have the DFX and love it. I really like the tone id when I am coinhunting. When the tone and display say it is a quarter you can rest assure it will be a quarter. In the relic mode I just listen for tones and don't pay attention to the display other than pinpointing. I have some friends that have the Minelab E-trac and they do very well with it. If I was to get another machine other than Whites I would get the Minelab but right now I love my DFX.

Re: Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX

Hey digger jim i been using a DFX for a year now with a SEF 10x12 coil and i love it :hello2: it took awhile to learn to make custom programs but once you have that licked its pretty easy to use i have been getting 6-8 inches on coins and coppers sometimes with just the right soil conditions 10 inches i use a mixed mode program that seems the best for me if you want the program ill post it and you can save it if you decide to get the DFX as far as cons there is always cons on any detector but it gets better as you learn it Dd60 Jim .Good luck scroll down on this link and you will see that program .

Re: Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX

I've owned many fine detectors and I don't feel I need to give anything more than my honest opinion both the good and bad.

As a turn-on-and-go detector the DFX is really quite average. Depth is OK but nothing spectacular. The real power of the DFX comes with learning to use the most featured detector made. Obviously this detector is not suited for everyone. If you prefer the simplicity of say the Tesoro, you probably won't get the best out of the DFX.

In my honest opinion I do believe the DFX has the most accurate target ID system made. Other White's may share the same ID ability, but I couldn't say. Of course I should define accurate ID. By accurate I'm not necessarily talking being able to call a coin at 10", but being able to accurately tell the difference between say a clad dime and a silver dime. For some this isn't that important, but as an avid jewelry hunter It is a must for me. I feel I do very well in the jewelry department, and I attribute my success in a great part to my DFX.

Re: Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX

Biased vs un-biased. Think of it: the minute someone might say "I don't like them, I tested them and found them to be less effective than my XYZ model/brand". Then guess what? Someone else will come along and say that opinion is "biased". Ie.: ANY report that speaks either positivelly, or negativelly, about a machine, can be deemed to be "biased", since ........... afterall ....... they took an opinion about a machine, based on biases they have.

We all have "biases" based on back-grounds we've had, experiences, info. we absorb from others, etc... No one is immune from "bias" and any comments you get, could be deemed to have "bias" in them.

A friend and I pitted the DFX against the Explorer, over known-flagged deepie silver/wheatie type signals, WITH EVERY SINGLE CONCEIVABLE SETTING that could be tweeked on the DFX. We found the DFX to be lacking, when compared to the Explorer, in deep-turf-coin hunting. Just didn't seem to lock on as good, waffled, etc.... Now of course, the DFX faithful will call that "biased" and list a gauntlet of counter-claims that say we didn't know the sounds we were listening to/interpretting, or that there are yet other settings (despite the fact that we feel we tried every conceivable control options, etc....). And likewise, I too would respond to that, and tell them they are biased for their Whites.

So Ivan is right: there is no such thing as an un-biased opinion.

Re: Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX

Tom and Ivan are right. I finally repurchased the DFX last year after having one stole out of my car and can tell you it isn't my favorite detector. The DFX is fine if you like to fiddle with settings to see the results or are a screen type person. I have learned to not fully trust screens but that is a personal choice. Is the DFX deep, sometimes, but depth isn't the only criteria that is important. It does have a good seclection or coils for every job.

Re: Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX

Had mine for 2 months. The more I use it the more I like it.

Re: Seeking Unbiased Opinions/Feedback/Pros & Cons on Whites DFX

If you don't want to "fiddle" with settings, get something else. Seriously.

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