Has anyone been bitten by a snake???

I have never been bitten by a snake and hope I never do.



10 inch Garter Snake :o

Tip of the nose - two little fang marks :tard:

I seem to have survived

nope, but i came close! I was cleaning out my flower beds one afternoon, bent over pulling weeds, in my own little world, next thing i see is a baby copperhead rare his little head up at me about 3 inches from my hand! I never even saw him! Scared the $**! outta me!

Yes, when I was young. Stepped over a log and down onto a snake, bitten on my ankle. Non-poisonous but from that day forward snakes petrify me. :-X

:wink: RR

Yup,many times.Had a pet 6 foot black snake wrapped around my hat band once and he bit me on the nose. :tongue3: ;D

Yes, i"m fascinated by snakes. If I see one I have to pick it up and occasionally I get bit.( nonpoisonous) I still keep lonely snakes for pets Montana Jim, garter snakes don't have fangs.

You may be wrong about that. I've been told that garter snakes do have fangs but you have to shove your finger down their throat to get bitten because the fangs point inward. Good thing too because the same person said they are one of the most poisonous snakes in the United States. I didn't care enough to research that data. If it is true Montana was probably bitten by another green snake called a grass snake. If data was true I don't think he would have survived a garter snake bite. siegfried schlagrule

If attacked, a garter snake will release a bad-smelling odor. They also bite.

This actually happened with my MIL, she was cutting grass and pushing the lawn mower in and out of the azalea bush, well, she felt the bite thinking spider, and brushed her hand against it to knock it off, that's when she saw the snake. You could see the marks and she swelled up and the bite area had turned pinkish in color. My FIL said she provoked the snake to bite, and she should of known better than to wearing shorts to begin with. :D

:wink: RR

Garter snakes are not poisonous. They don't have fangs but they do have small teeth and I have had them draw blood more than once. Garters are not an aggressive snake but will bite if they feel threatened or are irritated from handling them to much. They pretty much let you when they had enough.


yup, milk snake. non-poi- - it was just so purty I had to touch it! it touched back. we have copperheads, cottenmouths & rattlers. i,m veeerrrry careful

I was cutting brush on a fairly steep hillside with a chainsaw & grabbed a 3 foot garter (I think) by the
tail to toss it aside & it turned & hit my glove & didn't let go. That little bugger had a bad attitude.

lumbercamp said:
Yes, i"m fascinated by snakes. If I see one I have to pick it up and occasionally I get bit.( nonpoisonous) I still keep lonely snakes for pets Montana Jim, garter snakes don't have fangs.

Well - LMAO... I had two little tiny drops of blood! :icon_scratch:

I thought it was a garter snake.... :tard:

Maybe it DOES explain a few things... :icon_scratch:

Just garter snakes and brown (dekay) around here mostly, no teeth and no poison. The little dekay are quite aggressive, but not being much larger than nightcrawlers in many cases, they can't find many places to bite you. So while I've been "bitten" by them, it's almost sad to see them try so hard to do something they just can't.
Dogs a much bigger problem around here.

I missed many a good chance, twice that i know of I almost stepped on Cotton Mouths that were both as big as a large man's arm. Played with a "rat snake" once that turned out to be a Copperhead. Have caught baby Eastern Diamondbacks and plenty of non-venomous snakes.

Now spiders, thats a different matter. I have been bitten a few times by Brown Recluse and at least once by a Black Widow. Spider bites were quite painful...


I get bit by black snakes every summer on a regular basis. I know....I'm wierd. I love snakes. They're some of the coolest creatures so I can't leave them alone. Black snakes are real quick. Usually while trying to pick one up it snaps around and gets me. They draw a little blood. Just a little like a prick of a needle. They are, thank goodness, not poisonous and I love having them around. I have a real problem with people who indescriminately kill every snake they see >:(. Snakes just want to be left alone and when they are they're harmless

came close to a rattler a couple times but the warden ..... :-X

A guy I worked with was bitten by a small sidewinder rattlesnake and lost about an inch off his ring finger. Had to be amputated from gangrene. I see Mojave Green's once in a while and wear snake chaps in the spring & summer. Also, I don't wear headphones while detecting because if a snake wants to let me know i'm approaching his area, I really want to heed his warning! The Green's terrify me.

aa battery said:
came close to a rattler a couple times but the warden ..... :-X
Go on please....

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