FYI, CoinStrike operating frequency is 30khz


Sr. Member
Jan 20, 2007
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Golden Thread
Middlesex, New Jersey
Detector(s) used
Tesoro, Fisher
:dontknow: I still stand behind my post on the other forum :dontknow:

I had the Coin Strike and the I D Edge at the same time, and with the use of the CS-1 Sun Ray probe, the coils would interchange and work just fine...
Also, Sun Ray made a small 5.5" coil for the Edge and CS,,, one coil to be used on the Edge and CS with the use of a short jumper cable.
With the jumper cable, you did not have to use the CS-1 probe.
Now the listed Freq. of the Edge is like 6.25 khz.
So, this make me think that the CS freq. has to be close to the Edge for them to interchange...
The Gold Strike with a freq. of 30 khz would be a big jump...

Now someone posted years ago,, wanting to know if the Gold Strike would be better for hunting Relics than the CS,,,and the answer posted by someone that had tried the GS for Relic hunting,,,,,he said that the GS picked real small pieces of rust that the CS would not....

So I don't think the CS is a 30 khz freq.

just my guess.


The Edge coils work on the C$ so both detectors most likely have the same frequency, 6.25khz.

The present-day confusion over the frequency of the CS is a legacy of the Roger Cimino CEO era, the reign that killed Fisher until FTP dragged it back from the grave. Cimino was convinced that frequencies were magic stuff that should be kept trade secrets, and that the mystery would help sell metal detectors. When it was introduced, the advertising didn't even clarify whether it was a single or multiple frequency machine and tried to make people think that maybe it was the latter. I have recently found that it was worse than that: some (possibly all?) internal technical documentation had false frequencies written down, and I believe some employees were lied to.

The searchcoil alignment fixture, used for both the CS and the Edge, runs at about 6.2 kHz, verified last week on the 'scope. Woulda 'scoped an actual CS but didn't have one. The searchcoils are resonant, meaning that they will work only at close to that frequency. The CS is hereby declared to run at 6.2 kHz until proven otherwise by actual measurement, without relying on documents or on what people believe to be the case.

I hope this is the last time I have to exorcise a problem that Cimino created, but it probably won't be.

--Dave J.

Tykit said:
I called Fisher, spoke to Dan. He said the GoldStrike and the CoinStrike both run at 30 khz. I thought the C$ ran at about 6khz, but Dan said both detectors have the same frequency, 30khz. (Update) Another Fisher employee thinks the C$ is less than 10khz. I guess we will never know for sure.
To be truthfull i don't think any one know's what frequency the coinstrike is......................... All info on the coinstrike's frequency tells it as ........... Proprietary ....That is a adjective relating to ownership........ What ever that means for a frequency... ?????


  • coinstrike.webp
    19.3 KB · Views: 1,338
There was never anything "proprietary" about it, that was just Cimino bullmalarkey. All it takes is to 'scope the dang thing (the searchcoil radiates the field, you don't even need to open anything up!), and then you know. I'm sure it's been done and posted by someone(s), I'd do it myself but I don't have one to 'scope (thank goodness they're gone!). Every metal detector I've ever designed (and that a heckuvalot of metal detectors) there was never any secret about the frequency.

Meanwhile, I declare based on solid circumstantial evidence that the CS is 6.2 kHz more or less, until proven otherwise.

And at this point it doesn't even matter other than to satisfy idle curiosity, because we don't make 'em any more and whatever's out there "is what it is".

--Dave J.

I for one believe you, just some of old Fisher BS.
Minelab wants people to think the Explorer's use 28 freqs at the same time.
From what I have read, not so.
I had like 4 CS's and 3 Edge's, and liked the Edge better for some of the places that i hunt.
I now have my 2nd Edge back....
I also have the Omega 8000 with 3 coils, been to hot to really use it so far.
Thanks for your reply's....
Keep up the fight.

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