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.............And some wonder why we feel the need to retain the right to bear arms....
Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr has said the President has the authority to authorize killing Americans overseas if they feel they are a threat.... Point there is who decides if they are a threat, since there is no one overseeing it, Holder is saying President can kill any american based on what?Curiosity since I rarely watch news.
Has the prez openly ordered an american killed , that this question was asked ?
or was this asked simply to get an answer ?
Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr has said the President has the authority to authorize killing Americans overseas if they feel they are a threat.... Point there is who decides if they are a threat, since there is no one overseeing it, Holder is saying President can kill any american based on what?
FBI director was asked does this same rule apply to Americans in this country? His reply was I don't know I will have to check... (Translated it means yes but I have to see what the boss says first). We have due process in this country, his reply should have been NO....
When has this president ever conformed to any rule?
Was that by accident or from direct orders? (by 'direct order' I mean, order to purposely take out an U.S. citizen)As far as I know he hasnt.Three U.S, citizens have already been killed by his drone attacks,overseas, without due process.
Was that by accident or from direct orders? (by 'direct order' I mean, order to purposely take out an U.S. citizen)
Link please.
During 9/11, the plane that went down, was it not being shadowed, and were them fighter pilots not told, they should fire upon that plane if......?
Don't make it right, but........ where does one draw the line at? Who would one trust to make those types of decisions?
Now that you got me laughing, thanks for that!
Curiosity since I rarely watch news.
Has the prez openly ordered an american killed , that this question was asked ?
or was this asked simply to get an answer ?
Best start looking around yourself with a clear head AdDicted2Ag,you,your families and your friends could be depending on it.
Hi Jeff.
The problem is with the decision being made by the guy in the White House, WITHOUT due process . . . namely proving before a judge and jury that the individual has committed a crime worthy of depriving him/her of life as retribution. All U.S. Citizens have this right, but an end around the constitution has been attempted and acted upon in violation of the laws of the land.
What laws?
The Constitution IS the law of the land. Our legislators are supposed to enact laws within the framework of that document. It is our law.
Our Judges are not there to create laws but rather to decide on the constitutionality of the laws passed by our legislators.
The executive branch does not have the authority to make laws or decide on the constitutionality of laws passed by our legislators. The job of the executive branch is to ensure that the laws and thus the constitution are upheld -- enforcement to some extent -- and to direct the country. He can propose new laws, direct the legislators on what he wants them to consider.
Unfortunately, this group want a king rather than a president. What's his name is acting as though he thinks he is a king rather than the Chief Executive of this country.
Hi all,
Just a newbie to this thread here, recently retired and looking for a way to fill my copius spare time once i catch up to all the "honey do's". Have read almost all of what has been posted and just thought that I woud throw in a little bit of reference from my past. In 1998 or thereabout, I was stationed at Alameda Navel Air Station across from San Francisco. We were converting the base to Civilian use and I was living on the base in one of the ex-military houses. One weekend, I went to a Estate sale up near Berkely and bought a whole box of books for about $4.00 as I remember. In the box, when i got it home was a book printed by the United Nations under the auspicies of what I remember as the International Socialist League.
Out of boredom I sat down one night and started reading the book and it was a blueprint for turnig the United States Socialist. One of the things that i most remember aside from subversion of the Police, Schools, media and eventually the military was the comment that in order for this to suceed, the United States had to be brought to it's knees. the reasoning was that there was no way to raise the rest of the world up to our level, so the agenda was to bring down the U.S. to the rest of the world's level.
I wish I could find it again, but i have it packed away in one of our boxes somewhere since I can see this happening while I am watching. Take a good look around, it happening as we speak!
I know some are not going to like my thoughts,
but they are My thoughts
Where does Area 51 & the signs that at least used to warn of Deadly force fit In ?
Where does "I saw him on my neighbors Property so I shot him" fit in ?
although there is no way to know if anyone was ever killed
in area 51, and the signs appear to have changed, to fines & imprisonment .
how does Due Process work for "deadly Force" & the dead ?
I'm not disagreeing .
I don't think the "Prezedent of oz" has a right to say "Kill him" about anyone in particular.
u.s. citizen or someone hiding in a cave in jabip.
as a country claiming to be better then everyone else, we need to prove it.
But seriously, was there ever absolute "due Process" in the u.s. ?