All good luck charms, religious icons, voodoo items, idols, etc., are only trinkets with no intrinsic powers. This is not to say that they have no meaning, function, or influence.
All charms, be they religious or secular, are like sights on a gun. They assist the human mind to focus on one specific target, goal, or idea. The gun sight has no powers of its own but it takes the thoughts of the mind and concentrates them in one specific place (the target). This is sort of like taking a magnifying glass and focusing the sun's rays to a tiny very hot dot.
Think of it this way, we're always aware of time. But when we see a clock we suddenly are able to bring all those scattered thoughts of time together and see time in reality. Suddenly the invisible and fragmented thoughts of time become focused and visible in the mind.
A good luck charm is sort of a crutch for the purpose of assisting the mind to focus upon a certain goal or objective. The charm has no powers of its own but it may help the THer to concentrate on the desired find (treasure) and thus potentially improve the THer's skill level. This could be helpful in causing the THer to work harder. When the mind rambles, we tend to get bored easily and thus quit too early or not be aggressive enough (not thoroughly cover an area). When our minds are totally fixed on a specific thing our productiveness in that area is greatly improved.