Electricity coming out of the wall, actually, is very cheap compared to what one could generate for themselves (I know it doesn't seem cheap on our energy bills). It's really all about the 3 "E's"... efficiency, efficiency, efficiency. Solar panels today, are actually not really worth the investment because you pay a LOT up front (but they are making yearly progress on them),. and in the end, you will come out only slightly ahead (if at all). Otherwise, the manufacturer's of solar panels would be using the very same panels they make to make the panels they sell. Batteries are actually very inefficient in terms of energy required to go into them to charge them, versus what you get out. Capacitors are much better at efficiency, but they don't store a lot of 'long term' energy, and if you were to buy a large bank of caps to store the energy needed for, lets say, a day's worth of energy, this capacitor bank that is required for that amount of energy storage would be very, very, very expensive (and then cap's have a lifespan of their own as well).
Currently, you have to keep in mind that every business entity out there would love to spend less money on energy costs... and when they start converting over to another alternative energy source, the problem is solved for the rest of us too.
One thought I have had for a while, is that one could store energy in 'off peak' hours, and use that energy stored, later during peak hours... but again, you would need to store it in batteries (expensive and have a lifespan). If I remember correctly, Lith-Ion batteries lose 20% of their storage every year. So, if one were to avoid that cost if storage requirements, it would mean that you would work during off peak hours, and sleep in the middle of the day (peak hours).
-don't keep your fridge open that long.
-If you don't mind the color, use florescent. Filament bulbs are horrible energy wasters.
-Use a programmable thermostat. Tune it to be more efficient during the times you sleep and are at work.
-Older houses are horrible with insulation.