DEQ Public Meeting 7 March 2013 in Medford


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Dec 5, 2010
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Just got a copy of a Oregon DEQ letter dated 31 Jan 2013 about Oregon DEQ having a public meeting to discuss the revisions to the DEQ 700-PM permit to replace the one that expires 31 Dec. 2014. Got my copy of the letter from the Eugene Army Corps of Engineering.

Meeting is 7 March 2013 (Thursday) at 6:30pm at the Jackson County Public Library (Medford Branch) Conference Room @ 205 South Central Ave. Medford, OR

Their guest speaker is a representative from California Fish and Wildlife.

Proposed changes include a lot of the items that California put into their new rules: Stenciling numbers on dredges, limiting the number of dredges in an area, limiting the number of permits issued, 3 foot to bank limit, fuel storage catch requirements, before/after dredging activity pictures, changes in fees, limits on amount of dredging an individual can conduct

Have not seen anything posted about this and I am worried they are trying to sneak in a public meeting without our input. Unfortunately, I live in Texas and cannot attend, but will submit my concerns to them by letter and e-mail.

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[TD="class: msgLineDevider"]sauwright
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Thanks for forwarding this, Hefty1 - looks like they are sticking to the same formula they used on us in calif. "emergency" laws, impossible new regulations,
denigrating small-scale miners rights, unadvertised meetings, back-door legislating, etc. Hope to god the miners, private landowners are more organized than we were..

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Only one thing is going to stop all this and there trying to take them away too...........good luck Oregon.

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[TD="class: msgLineDevider"]Saw this on the another board. I thought I would post it here so everyone can see it

We just found out that California Fish & Game's Mark Stopher will provide testimony in Oregon DEQ's process to modify its suction dredge regulations.

Mark Stopher is the person in California Fish & Game who had oversight on the development of California's new dredging regulations through a process which completely ignored the input of suction dredgers, the primary stakeholders who are going to be negatively affected by the regulations.

Stopher was also involved with DFG's very hard push to coerce (under threat of criminal penalties) Siskiyou Country water right owners to submit to permits for use of water which they already own; something the Superior Court has since ruled that the Fish & Game has no authority to do. Stopher and his agency really wanted to take those water rights away. That sums up pretty much where they are coming from.

Mark Stopher is the tip of the spear of the California liberal agenda to take away the property and livelihoods of rural citizens. He marches under the banner of California State authority, which is leading the way towards total bankruptcy and the Armageddon of misery that will surely follow.

California Fish & Game is the agency that met secretly with the Karuk Tribe and "settled" away our mining rights in an out of court settlement without even informing us! There is no honor or fairness with this agency. Stopher plays a leading role on the front lines of an agency that is most definitely opposed to the American way of life. These people want a way of life where there is no freedom absent the consent of State officials.

People are so angry with Stopher in northern California that I strongly doubt he will attend any so called "stakeholder meeting" without very strong security provided by State law enforcement officers. I wonder if some of those will accompany him up to Oregon?

Though, Mark Stopher will talk politely to you on the phone. When he talks with you, you will get the impression that he is a nice guy. He is the nice guy that is talking to you while a whole army of America's enemies circle behind so they can take you out without a fight.

The California Moratorium was not Mark Stopher's doing. But if we eliminate the Moratorium and end up with Stopher's regulations, he will basically have gutted the commercial suction dredging industry in California without providing a single benefit to the State. Said another way, Mark Stopher and his friends put an end to an American way of life and freedom that predates the State of California. How arrogant can you get?

Yes; we pay his salary, which is more than ours; and he gets other benefits we can only dream of. All while he works to eliminate our way of life!

Make no mistake, the "stakeholder meetings" are solely for the purpose of Stopher and his friends to collect information to set the foundations to take your property and livelihood away under this new form of democratic process. The aim is to take your stuff away without a fight.

The Oregon DEQ guys who invited him will also be marching the the very same cadence. They will have invited Stopher to provide input to help the Oregon process along. These guys know exactly where they want to end up (all productive activity eliminated). They use a process, step by step, to get there.

This is the cold war that has has come to America, now with our enemies using our own legal processes to destroy us from the inside. Stopher will listen to you intently, but your views as the primary person negatively affected by his regulations will be ignored. He will cross every "T" to make sure the process is done correctly. He already knows what he will add to the record in the Oregon process. DEQ wants that on the record. They know exactly what they are doing.

I predict this is all going to end very badly. By that, I mean when our enemies have succeeded in undermining what remains of America's economy.

I don't understand where Stopher and these DEQ guys think their retirement income will come from once they have succeeded in breaking America's back. Maybe they just can't see that far. Maybe they actually have a plan; the United Nations? The United Nations gets most of its money from America, so that won't work. Do you think they are betting on Russia or China? Perhaps Iran?

My guess is that if you really pinned them down, they would blame the system, saying they are just doing their jobs. I'm sure that was the answer in every civilization in history that failed from complete mismanagement. Civilizations which were destroyed by their very own misguided public employees!

In any event, Stopher is going to go up and help the Oregon process along, as if the State of Oregon really needs any help. Oregon has recently introduced so much anti-mining legislation, it is hard to keep track of it!

It is time to wake up, people. Our enemies are at the front door!

I hope working Americans in Oregon will provide Mark Stopher with the same curtsey he received from the ranchers in Siskiyou County!

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It would seem in this state, our only hope is that one of these pivotal cases rolls back the dredge permit process back to 1994. Without that they will make permits so restrictive and expensive that few will be able to afford to particiapate, and eventually it will be banned as not being economically feasible. If you do not wish to join PLP, they are having their annual raffle, over 38000 dollars in prizes. Dredges, Minelab GPX 5000
Dry washers, gold, gold claims and many more. Buy a ticket a take a chance, as well as help what could be the last chance to save our state..JMHO

PUBLIC LANDS FOR THE PEOPLE - A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

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