Question if you could only get one Jobe Highbanker or CA Sluice Box Hand Trommel ?


Sr. Member
Sep 6, 2012
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Golden Thread
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Gold Bug Pro, Gold-N-Sand X-Stream Pro, super mini, super prospector bazooka gold trap sluice's, Thompson 12v Drywasher, royal highbanker, and blue bowl.
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Hay guys i'v been thinking of getting the Ca sluice box hand trommel but i came accross a Jobe highbanker today brand new for 500, it's 445 for the trommel shipped for that kind of money what would you get and why?

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Kind of need both. If you already have a good sluice. Then get the trommel. Or build one . Goodguy replied with ( mikes trommel plans) easy enough to build.
My problem is getting the right gear to fit my needs. Seems I'll get what I think is right then try it and find out what I really need.

Ya i already have a two bazooka's super prospertor and super mini. I was leaning more on the highbanker just so i dont have to carry bucket's anymore. Is that jobe a good highbanker seems to be a really good deal at 500.

My plan is to build the homemade trommel and feed my Christmas super prospector.

that is a good idea too

Seeing as your in kalif--neither as you need 3 permits to run either from the state waterboards and many $100,000 in fines for either and a bit a jail time too. Go to and hit dredging-then waterboard link-educate or lament all your live long day as IGNORANCE OF THE LAWS ARE NO EXCUSE. Sorry to rain on your parade BUT would rather do that than have ya ruin your life. Just use a simple Le Trap or keene or proline sluicebox in the stream/river and you'll be a much happier wealthier miner-John

Seeing as your in kalif--neither as you need 3 permits to run either from the state waterboards and many $100,000 in fines for either and a bit a jail time too. Go to and hit dredging-then waterboard link-educate or lament all your live long day as IGNORANCE OF THE LAWS ARE NO EXCUSE. Sorry to rain on your parade BUT would rather do that than have ya ruin your life. Just use a simple Le Trap or keene or proline sluicebox in the stream/river and you'll be a much happier wealthier miner-John

The correct link is: California Department of Fish and Game

thanks guys for all the good input i think since things are still messed up with the ban, and now the new hope in court i think im going to start collecting parts and scaps to make my own trommel on the cheap.

Amen B35 just have some fun as tinkering is always a blast-small-quiet-lean-mean and efficent rule the day as not a good time to waste your pay. Lotza luck-John

I hope this isn't considered too old of a thread to resurrect but I have a question. I'm confused on the reference to a hand trammel or high banker being illegal in CA. I read the regs that were linked and it specifically states high bankers are legal and doesn't mention grommets but does refer to no motorized methods being acceptable. I see this is in a dredging section of the board but dredging wasn't referenced in the post.

But seriously. You do not want my opinion according to my wife.
I would get both and figure it out later. Just saying

Seeing as your in kalif--neither as you need 3 permits to run either from the state waterboards and many $100,000 in fines for either and a bit a jail time too. Go to and hit dredging-then waterboard link-educate or lament all your live long day as IGNORANCE OF THE LAWS ARE NO EXCUSE. Sorry to rain on your parade BUT would rather do that than have ya ruin your life. Just use a simple Le Trap or keene or proline sluicebox in the stream/river and you'll be a much happier wealthier miner-John

According to this you don't need a permit to run a highbanker. Can't let it run in the river of course.

thanks guys for all the good input i think since things are still messed up with the ban, and now the new hope in court i think im going to start collecting parts and scaps to make my own trommel on the cheap.
I have the Jobe yet you guys that build your own equipment have a special place in this hobby. Keep at it! Tnx. TTC

well the hand trommel is no problem here in ca but the highbanker if not done right or if the wrong guy finds you could get you in alot of trouble ie fine and just plain misery. you have to have a pond or recurculate the water from bins or tanks there is alot of loose info in those reports i think they do it on perpose so try and keep us from knowing our rights but that looks like it is starting to back fire on them now as we the prospectors are starting to make head way in the courts now. but back to this post i have decided to save and buy a whites gmt metal detector ive never had one before but that one seems to be the best for nugget shooting and maybe a little easier on my torn up back.

call the waterboard they are nice guys... two aspects to deal with...Water one dept. You have to have the right to divert water on Private landand federal Blm land in most cases especially on a claim or locatable ground you do have the water rights "Riparian"...Then theres the dischare and waste them ask for a permit...if you are a small scale guy they don't even have a permit for you. the guy told me" Hmmmm your doing what? sounds like a bit of a gray area"" im gonna have to ask around".....I got off the phone without ever being told how to apply for a permit... He mentioned I may need a streambed alteration permit...wichI know I dont... I also went to the Mothelode field office for BlM as there was a post a while back stating that they don't allow Powersluicing....I now have a letter from them stating that I can powersluice as long as I am not dischargeing into a live waterway. There is a chance the waterboard will tell you that you need to file a notice of fill out info and they file the notice it f you want or not.. I AM NOT SAYING I HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS...this is just what I got from a few hours of phone calls and office visits...Gravelwasher has seen my BLM letter...please if you call the waterboard be tactful don't say this guy online said this or that bla bla Ignorant and make them answer...I hesitated and have sat on this info for months now as I like many small scale miners don't like to draw to much attention to certain things..., I just don't like how some here are saying it is not allowable and you will be fined gobs of money....there are hundreds of trommels and powersluices running in California legally and they are not being cited...there are a few guys here Kuger, Vini,Neotokyo Reed lukins,Trinityau...2cmoreau,Dagreat...any of you who know Gravelwasher...63bkpacker...if you want this info pm me i will forward my blm letter and some waterboard direct lines with phone numbers....i will pick and choose if i get anyother requests.

You never need a permit--till your cited---then you must be able to pay the fine /lose the equipment/or do the time. GRAY AREA means it's up to the cop be it FG,BLM,FS,water board,sheriff whatever to utilize his own perverse discretion as to cite or leave ya alone. It does not get any simplier than that. Yes many running and not cited as not seen by the wrong cop hahaha-or toooo far out anyhow. State FGW dredge section has links and been posted here a dozen times so TRUTH is there for any who want it as ain't no privledged info of a few. Educate and procede but be able to afford to take the hit-John

there is even more info when you actually make the phone calls and talk to the guys directly at the waterboard blm etc...there is no such thing as the wrong cop when you have info on your side....the guys at the water board told me i was good to go Blm told me and put it in writing that i am good to go....I have the names of the three gentlemen i talked to their direct phone numbers and the dates times of the calls....copy of regulations and will only run a powersluice to the letter of those regulations...the info that is "out there " is very vauge and on the surface says you can't powersluice....digging a little deeper has shown me that it just isn't true.weblinks all pretty much say you can mine using any equip that didn't need a permit before but you MAY need some.....then you tell the people you "MAY" need to get a permit from and they dont have a permit..well sounds pretty straight forward to me..just sharing my experience thus far...and willing to share a little more with the fellas who want to dig but, arent sure about it.Even the lady at Blm when I asked if i needed a site inspection Told me she would come out if i needed her too .....but, from the description of what and where I would highbank she doesn't need to see it just fill in my holes and park off the road...

My partner and I were setting up and DFG warden came by and was very cordial. Asked if we were just getting set up and wished us good luck. We had dug basin to catch our water. We always go wet to wet, dry to dry... That has been my most recent experience.

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