Hand dredge/crevice sucker parts question


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May 6, 2009
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I built a crevice sucker using this guys directions

Problem is , pipe insulation is to fragile to use as the seal on the plunger , it dont last long and it comes apart. I tried a piece of swimming pool noodle next , since its similar but has no cut along the side , it too didnt last and was not sealing the inside of the tube well at all after a couple tries in the river. I did find it necessary to lubricate it with petrolieum jelly , but I dont think it should break down the foam material does it ? Any ideas on what else would make a good seal on the plunger ?

tennis ball cut in half...

The tennis ball idea was gonna be my next attempt , but I happened to see a video where a guy used an expandable "check plug" , with the wing nut to crank down and expand the plug , after seeing it was like $2.99 at Lowes I bought one and modified the top edge and wingnut so they would fit into the 1/12" pipe , attached it to the plunger , and it works like a charm :hello2: This thing works awesome. I also went back and cut the angle off the tip and instead I heated the very end up and crimped together so that its flat with about a 1/2 inch slit at the very end. From my experience at the river yesterday it seems like this would work better than the angle.

End result , I got a pretty good hand dredge for $11 in parts at Lowes ( would have been a few dollars less at Menards , and if you already have PVC cement it will be a few dollars less than that) , plus $2.99 for the check plug. And I still have half enough parts left over to build a mini-sucker if I want to later. Its a good deal , save money , build it yourself.

The same guy in the video also has a neat little design for a home built sluice box. I think I will give that a shot next.

on my sucker stick i use a metal rod thats threaded on the end and then i use a circular gasket cutter to make my gasket for the end of that threaded rod. i use stainless steel nylock nuts and stainless steel washers sandwiched inbetween the Butal rubber gaskets that i cut out. i also use about 4 of these butal rubber gaskets and theyve lasted for years.

Leather. Soak a rawhide dog treat in soapy water for a day- it will roll out flat. If making flat rings cut a couple circles a tad bigger than tube then stack and mount. If making it all the way around the end of plunger- it will takes some trimming to shape- then sew or staple in back.

I've made 2- they last a long time- but when they dry out they won't seal- you have to wet them 10-15 minutes before you plan to use it...
I also used a rubber pipe stopper as a plunger (under leather)- so I can tighten as needed to keep suction right as they wear out.
(edited; WOW- just noticed this was an old thread that got restarted...2011... Sorry.)

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Hi all, I used 65mm gutter downpipe to make mine see (attached image) . The female end of the pipe I used for the collection nozzle .I turned 2 wooden end caps one for the nozzle end and one for the handle end. my plunger is a whole Tennis ball with a full length threaded rod though it with nuts and washers on either side . I have since added an extra 5mm thick piece of rubber (cut in a circle about 2 to 3mm bigger than the diameter of the pipe), between the end nut-washer and the tennis ball; this has stopped and water getting past the ball. Remember to drill a small hole up by the handle end to let the air out. Make sure you extend your nozzle up into the trap area ( As far as the lip on the female end of the pipe or as such that the plunger doesn't hit it ) so you can keep sucking until your trap is full; as the gold and gravel cant get out once its in there (just like snuffer bottle for your pan ) ; not like the one in the video above.

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