

Gold Member
Nov 6, 2007
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,M.X.T.& Tesoro Tejon
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All Treasure Hunting
Well word has it Brown Vetoed it!!!!I hate to be pessimistic but the CEQWA which is the next hurdle is going to be tough,because it is ridiculous(I am currently receiving training in it because it will effect any construction over 1 acre)

Governor Brown eliminated budget language that would have stripped funding from the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG), making it impossible for the Department to complete a court-mandated study on the effects of "suction dredge" mining. Without the study, suction dredge mining would have effectively been banned in the state.

"The Governor saw through the budget trick that was going to kill off this industry and didn't stand for it," said Gaines.

There is currently a moratorium on suction dredge mining in California. With the funding now in place, DFG can complete the required study and potentially implement new regulations that will end the moratorium, protect the environment and get the miners back in the water.

But gold mining isn't completely out of the woods yet. Another potential roadblock the miners may face is Assembly Bill 120, currently making its way to the Governor. This bill would add unattainable new requirements to the DFG's California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process now underway. If those requirements aren't met, it imposes a five-year ban on suction dredge mining, regardless of the funding mechanism that is now in place.

"This is a day to celebrate for the miners, but we want to see this through to the end. We will be monitoring AB 120 very closely,” said Gaines. “California and gold go hand-in-hand and we must honor that rich history of our state."

Thanks Hefty.Where is everybody???I guess it is true,we may be fighting this alone!! :dontknow:

your so right, perceived reality vs actual reality
Kuger, 37 million people in California and 4000 ? possible dredgers. Using the 80/20 rule it does seem like we are on our own.
everything i did growing up is now threaten or a law breaker.
check this one out

its as Takoda says, people are just mis-informed and need to be educated on the reality. Farming, mining is a fact of LIFE.
we have allow Tree huggun BASS-turds to continue without being challaged for almost 60 years

I was out with the dogs the other weekend Mding on the Russain River when a floatboat with a prop motor was getting launched. he asked how i was doin and i just said finding abunh of sharp stuff, alum, glass with bottle caps, and some fishing lures
I don't remember how we got on the subject of dredging, but the mere mention of it got this guy all worked up, his image was a bucket line, or aggregate mining. so i explained
I pointed to his motor and told him his prop does more damage then my dredging (these fisherman can run thier boats on the river during salmon/steelhead runs) motoring up to there fav spot and then float down.
aggregate mining happens outside the river on a bench so on and so forth, he pulled his boat out for what ever reason i will never know

I don't live in Cal, but I have put my fare share of letters and signatures into the system and I applaud all of you who have been spending the time and money to "FIGHT". I appreciate all you have done and keep hammering away at it. GOOD JOB.....

TAKODA said:
When you California boys post a site to fill out a form on this stuff , I do it every time , for what it's worth.

I don't like the terms " mining " and " miner " being used to describe a one man operation . Those terms seem to conjure up visions of large craters , hazardous chemicals , and desolation of the surrounding area for to many misinformed people .

Changing the perception is vital .......... but it probably ain't gona happen . More likely we will all just fade away . From coast to coast . Unless yall can get some Hollywood PR . Hollywood celebrity PR can get people to eat --deleted-- and say it taste like chicken .

Might be worth a shot . Pool some money and see if yall can come up with some has been out there . I'll donate a few bucs .

Yup i agree but the Discovery channel, Gold Rush Alaska is not helping us.
Fun to watch but gives the wrong perception.
They need to do a program on a one or two person operation.


Good to hear guys and thanks.I know our numbers are few but like Capt. Jack,we need to be persistent.As said this next hurdle does worry me.
2C,you arent kidding nearly every hobby I have or have had has been banned or is threatened :dontknow:

Klondidke here

I've been prospecting and mining for over 30 years...started out panning..dry washing..sluicing... dredging.. and go out of the water over 25 years ago..

I no longer mine in California because of the heavy restrictions... I am currently mining in a much more "mine friendly" state...

Back in the day... in the early days of the GPAA, where I first met George... I would see him appearing on national ....early day.. talk shows.. and so on...touting the great organization the GPAA was...other than the outdoor channel...

When was the last time you saw the Tom or Perry appear on a local news program...or a talk show.. or front page news paper...explaining what the Group stands for.. explaining the industry.. the hobby and so on....??? This doesn't include the Outdoor Channel...

Personally, I believe the time has long past for the GPAA, at the Corporate level... start appearing nationally..locally and make folks aware of prospecting is all about..

Along with some of the other clubs at the

You wanna change the perception... that is the fastest way to make an impact on the masses...use the Name.. the reputation and the resources of a great organization that should be standing tall and loud for all the due paying members...not just support by giving money to help the fight... but become the fight...along with all those who are willing to stand up individually...

Just my opinion...


Very well said Klon,like one of our congress members that actually claimed the dredging during the gold rush is what damaged our waterways....???Wow,I dont even know what to say to that?It is amazing how many people truly believe suction dredging is what left all of the huge cobble piles along many of our waterways.The problem is the mass ignorance in todays society,ask a kid on the street where hamburger comes from!!As mentioned many of my past hobbies have been lost because of lies touted all over the air waves by the opposition and nobody stood up and tried correcting them.So the people vote with there hearts,and not there minds.What bothers me about the GPAA is I dont think they figured they lost much,losing dredging,they still get people signing up to pan and sluice,most newbies are intimidated by a dredge.The GPAA still gets there $$,kind of shows where there priorities are

Well said Klondike, I met George many years ago and he would roll over in his grave if he knew things are going down the way they are in the GPAA. Its all about the big bucks in Alaska. TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

Here is a reply I just made to a post on Arizona Outback Forum.

Hey all, I have to back Steve up on this one. After the incident dredgers in the area were basically told " we have alot of casino money " we will shut you down. This whole thing has nothing to do with fish. My uncle worked at the La Grange mine on the Trinity up until 1942, still a major hydraulic operation, and the Trinity run blood red. The fish kept coming and are still coming. If you want a reason for the fish decline it is because of the insurge of people to this area. Many of the tributary streams run dry late in the year now when they should be holding some water till the rains come and all the little fish can get downstream and return as big fish. Why do they run dry ? Because this insurge of new people pump all the water out of these streams for their use. I worked with a water resource and we did a study. Out of twentyfive streams below the Trinity dam there are more than 50 million teeny, tiny, salmon and steelhead fry waiting on the rains, this is an average year. When you pump all the water out of these streams and they dry up, these fish die. When you have that number and take in the entire drainage of the Klamath, Salmon and Trinity and add more to that number that is alot of fish. When these little fellas dont get out to the ocean how in the hell do you think big fish will return ? Is anything being done by the Fish and Game about all the illegal pumping of water out of these streams. NO TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

Would that be this clown?


April 4. 2011
Sacramento. CA
Dear Mr.
Thank you for your recent communication in support of SB 657 (Gaines) which would repeal the restrictions on the use of vacuum or suction dredge equipment established by SB 670 in 2009. This bill would also refund permit holders from 2009 who were impacted when the season was cut short, and would allow dredging to begin again while an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is completed, which would not comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
SB 657 stems from a considerable legislative history of dredging in California. :icon_scratch:At the boom of the California Goldrush, miners began dredging to separate gold from mercury. However, years after hydraulic mining was no longer performed, mercury was found in river ecosystems, which has had serious consequences for water quality, fishing, and river ecology. Some dredgers argue that they are removing mercury through this process but it is possible that smaller particles are suspended in the water and may be carried downstream, increasing the possibility of the dangerous substance entering the food web. Methylmercury, the potent form of mercury most often found at dredging sites, has been known to impair the nervous system, especially in young children and fetuses. Due to a court order banning dredging, as well as CEQA regulations, dredging has been banned while the EIR is completed. The current EIR draft suggests further restrictions which need approval by the Department of Fish and Game.
This bill was introduced February 18. and on March 3 it was referred to the Committees on Natural Resources and Water and Environmental Quality. The Committee will meet again on April 12r to review the bill with further amendments. As such, this bill has not yet come before me for a vote. I prefer not to take a position on bills before they come to me because they can change significantly in the committee process. I will, however, carefully consider your arguments when making my decision.
You may wish to read more about the status, history and analysis of this and other bills online at . While you are online, please check out my website,, to learn of community events and other issues in which I am involved.
Be assured that I will keep your views in mind if this issue comes before me for a vote. Please continue to express your views to me so I may better represent you in the state Senate.
If you need assistance or have concerns about another state matter, please do not hesitate to call my office at (916) 651-1529, or email me at

President pro Tempore 6th Senate District


Somehow... the perception of how our water ways have become damage by dredging has changed from the actual culprit...

If you were to take a trip to the Malakoff Diggings.. above and east of Nevada City, CA about 25 miles... Near the entrance to a tunnel.. is a museum sign there talking about the engineering of this tunnel..still considered one of the greatest mining engineering feats of modern times...and it was dug in the late 1880's...

What this tunnel did was tap into the water from a neighboring creeks and diverted massive amounts of water it to the diggings...

These diggings were a huge Hydraulic fact the largest in California history....and there was a problem...when the waist water and waste material left the sluice boxes, the materials were backing up due to an tight spot in the canyon.....So the water from this tunnel gave them the additional water flow and pressure to keep the material moving and dumping into the Yuba River below.... at times Yuba City and Marysville were swamped in 25 feet of mud and slimes...even the Saramento River overflowed many times

The hydraulic works ramped up so much on production, that the water and waste materials flooded the fields and eventually the city of Sacramento...which is why hydraulic mining was band in California...

The river damage has never had anything to do with dredging... The origin for the war cry against dredging comes the roots of California history within the Hydraulic mining...

Lots and Lots of Mercury was used at Malakoff...and that mercury has made it's way into the rivers and streams around Sacramento....

Many years ago..when I did dredge... I rarely found mercury in my box... although dredging the small streams around and below Malakoff.. I often found lots of mercury in my box clean up...

Since the large bucket line dredges haven't worked since 1942..with the except of maybe one or two exceptions.. our modern society has never seen them in the numbers that they see the modern flotation dredge working along most any gold bearing creek....therefore it becomes perception....

So the perception of the damage from what really happened... due to a lack of knowledge... and the new scape goat...and I say new, because there is no one else to one has ever seen a hydraulic operation working..or a large bucket line dredge working... even if it is a lie.. it works....blaming the modern dredger....and it will work if the folks in California do not become more visible and educate the general public...

I go back to becoming not just vocal..but very visible too... as by human nature, we humans are much more receptive to visual aids than just reading about it...

Just my opinion...based on facts...


Yep,that CLOWN!!!!

Very good points guys
I dont know what you guys are seeing but here lately I have seen three different groups dredging in very high vis locales.Obviously I have approached them to see if they knew the law or were tempting it....all three groups had not heard of it.Ignorance is no excuse but the one group was there all weekend(non of them left after I told them)so I dont know if our law enforcement here doesnt know either or what is going on???

They must not care what the laws are, as they could not have had a permit. :dontknow:
Or they work for fish and game. :icon_scratch:


Noooooooo waaaaaaaay
i have to do a POO and NOI then i get a camping permit for a designated area maybe this has something to do with?
cuz if nothing happen to these dredgers, i sure would like to drop my six in the cool waters just of hwy49

2cmorau :hello2:

Hefty1 said:
They must not care what the laws are, as they could not have had a permit. :dontknow:
Or they work for fish and game. :icon_scratch:


Yea,I hear ya.Two of the three got almost chitty with me too :icon_scratch:I dunno.I know if it was me they would be piping sunlight to me right now!!

Yup, not real crazy about that kind of sunlight myself.


With all of the meetings I've been reading about and all of the rhetoric on the moratorium, the one thing that >almost< never comes up is the 1872 mining laws. Most prospectors/dredgers are not aware of the fact that the 1872 mining laws were set up to protect miners, and, are second only to the Constitution of the United States. We do have certain rights that have been upheld by the Supreme Courts. Frankly, if I had the "wherewithal", I would retain the best mining attorney in the West to front for us. Keene Engineering and the ICMJ have been working on this bill. It seems to me that they, (especially Keene,) have a lot to lose if this moritorium/ban is not lifted.

Read the following and learn about our heritage. Possibly, you might get some ideas on how to stop this latest power grab before it's too late:


Hey Eagle
Can anybody put that into stupid miner english for me? :dontknow:


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