DFG Public Meeting Sacramento and Gold Country prospectors read this


Gold Member
May 26, 2009
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Golden Thread
Sailor Flat, Ca.
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SDC2300, Gold Bug 2 Burlap, fish oil, .35 gallons of water per minute.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Sacramento March 29th. I am going, Camino,Gravelwasher, we have to go...I know another guy who is off too who will most likely go....everyone in the Sacramento, Gold Country Region who can should go the more the better...anyone reading this who might or will go post it here help get the ball rolling more may be inspired.

I thought this could be of help for some

Verbal Testimony
Please complete a speaker’s card and give it to a member of the staff prior to the item being
The following suggestions are offered to help you organize your testimony:
1. State your name, area of residence and whom representing.
2. State your major points first.
3. Briefly support major points with factual data, rationale, and/or logic.
4. Conclude with a brief summary of your major points.
You have come to present your ideas and make your feelings known. You want to accomplish
something and feel your time was well spent. This means you want your testimony to be as
effective as possible. Although it is nice to come with friends and supporters, remember the
Commission makes the decisions. You will be most effective by talking to the Commission, not
the audience.
Commissioners are appointed by the Governor to set regulations and policy. There is no doubt
that a well-spoken presentation is persuasive. Make your points clear. Reasoning and/or facts
to support them are very helpful. Important points may be lost in reading long, prepared
statements. A well-delivered and concise statement does the job best.
Repetition can be a problem. Please don’t repeat previous testimony. If someone has already
covered the points you intended to address, it is usually best to simply indicate your support for
the position and perhaps briefly summarize your feelings. Testimony may be limited depending
on the number of people wishing to speak. Speaker information cards will be used to organize
the testimony.
Written testimony
1. Written material of any length may be submitted prior to or at a meeting;
however, it is unrealistic to expect the Commission to read lengthy written
material that is submitted at the adoption hearing.
2. Your case will often be strengthened if you present your views in written form to
the Commission at least 10 days in advance.
3. Any said written material, if more than one type-written page in length, should be
prefaced by a one-page summary.
Please bear in mind that the Commission’s mandate is to reach decisions on the basis of what,
in its judgment, is best for fish, wildlife, and habitat statewide. Therefore, strictly localized
opinions and petitions, no matter how forcefully presented, may not always be acted upon
favorably by the Commission.
On the back of this sheet is an outline that may help you organize your testimony. We offer
these suggestions to help you be effective and successful in your efforts before the
(Submit a speaker’s card)
I AM FROM ________________, AND I REPRESENT _______________________________.
(club, organization, self)
I WOULD LIKE TO ADDRESS THE TOPIC OF_____________________________________.
Summarize major points. (What’s the issue and why is it important?):
Facts, data, rationale and/or logic:
Specific recommendations, if not included above. (What do you want the Commission to do?):
Again, brief summary of main points:
*On particularly involved and controversial subjects, the Commission may find it necessary to place a time
limit on individual testimony.

I will be at the Sac meeting!!!


Sorry I just got a mailer wasnt thinking about how many people wouldnt get them, wich actually shows how many non dredgers might not even know about this fight though it will affect them.DFG is having five public comment hearings March 23rd to 31st. The one closest to me and the only one I can go to is in Sacramento at cal epa hq building Byron Sher building 1001 I st. Sacramento CA. I think it would be sweet if we could just get up and all read the exact prepared statement over and over every miner there and just drill it home present our facts, make comments, show some pictures maybe.
if people who plan on going start sending me pms i well help orginize the group that is gonna be there that contacts through here. No cash needed no lawyers, no propaganda just a bunch of us exercising our right and duty really to say something and all do it together.......

I will be there, I have a few freinds that may come with me. Bill

pvillehunter, great post! 2comrau excellent info! I expect to be there with the UPI contingent as I've volunteered time with them.

As 2comrau's info indicates send in your inputs and then show up to speak. Showing support in Numbers will be important for the commission to have Large Numbers of us involved in writing and in person. I believe the written info needs to have your name, address and telephone # on it and US mailed, emailed and faxed are all acceptable methods of sending. Large numbers of inputs was how the Oregon Dredge bill was defeated!! This CA stuff can be defeated as well as long as we stay involved ourselves and by contacting our friends and get them involved and have them contact their friends and on and on and on.

As a side note, two You Tube videos to look at: flagold's channel and click on Finding Gold XVII towards the end he talks about land grabs in the U.S. Then go to Magadn: Russia's Gold Mine at the end of it the news commentator questions "Is this what the U.S. is going to do", or close to that. Personally I think we are at war with someone here on our soil..........63bkpkr

My mother in law has jury duty and can't watch the kids. I will try to get my mom to watch them. What time is it at?

open house work shop starts at 5pm welcome and opening remarks 6: highlights of DSEIR 6:20 puplic comments 6:45 to 10:pm. Camino the wives need to meet the kids could hang out here for a bit if they have to. What about Dennis? and your oldman? let me know. Everyone else keep lettin ud know if your goin.

pvillehunter said:
open house work shop starts at 5pm welcome and opening remarks 6: highlights of DSEIR 6:20 puplic comments 6:45 to 10:pm. Camino the wives need to meet the kids could hang out here for a bit if they have to. What about Dennis? and your oldman? let me know. Everyone else keep lettin ud know if your goin.

I think I might be able to swing 5pm. I'll let you know. I'll talk to Dennis and the old man.

Just moved back to Placerville Count me in although I am not a great public speaker #s should help. Hope work doesn't interfere.

godigit1 said:
Just moved back to Placerville Count me in although I am not a great public speaker #s should help. Hope work doesn't interfere.

Another Placerville man. Nice. Check your PM.

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