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Thread Owner
Send your comments on SB 657 to them. Also can not hurt to send your comments on the
Mountian Yellow legged Frog to them.
~Standing Committees~
Natural Resources and Water
Natural Resources and Water meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 9:30 A.M. in Roo m 112.
JURISDICTION: Bills relating to conservation and management of public resources, fish and wildlife, regulation of oil, mining, geothermal development, acid deposition, wetlands and lakes, global atmospheric effects, ocean and bay pollution, forestry practices, recreation, parks and historical resources. Members:
Senator Fran Pavley (Chair)
Senator Doug La Malfa (Vice Chair)
Senator Anthony Cannella
Senator Noreen Evans
Senator Jean Fuller
Senator Christine Kehoe
Senator Alex Padilla
Senator Joe Simitian
Senator Lois Wolk
Mountian Yellow legged Frog to them.
~Standing Committees~
Natural Resources and Water
Natural Resources and Water meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 9:30 A.M. in Roo m 112.
JURISDICTION: Bills relating to conservation and management of public resources, fish and wildlife, regulation of oil, mining, geothermal development, acid deposition, wetlands and lakes, global atmospheric effects, ocean and bay pollution, forestry practices, recreation, parks and historical resources. Members:
Senator Fran Pavley (Chair)
Senator Doug La Malfa (Vice Chair)
Senator Anthony Cannella
Senator Noreen Evans
Senator Jean Fuller
Senator Christine Kehoe
Senator Alex Padilla
Senator Joe Simitian
Senator Lois Wolk