California high banking!


Jr. Member
Sep 2, 2009
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Golden Thread
Concord, NC
I'm heading out to Sacramento early October and am looking for suggestins as to places to go public or with permission. If need be just some general places. I was thinking of hitting jamestown gold mine in Jamestown CA. Has anyone heard of this place? If so, should I check it out or are there better locations. Thanks for any help... :help::notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: wesley goodnight

Jamestown mine?The mine is private property,and everything aside from a little piece at the 108 bridge is claimed up

kuger said:
Jamestown mine?The mine is private property,and everything aside from a little piece at the 108 bridge is claimed up


I appreciate the heads up on that. Fortuanately I have already called out and talked to the owners and they are going to let us come out for three days. I was basically asking for other places that we could check out if Jamestown didin't "pan out". :laughing7:

Wow!I didnt realize they were allowing people in there,thats uncommon.Last I heard the mining corp still owned the land....I do know it has been a big thorn in the side of the county on what to do with it.You will have to be sure and get by Ironstone Vinyards in Murphys to see the "Jamestown",nugget.My uncle worked there when that was found.If you have an in I would prospect the heck out of the bordering Woods creek(by the sanitation plant if its included in the mine property)Other than that its pretty tough to find a place that isnt claimed up or private property,most landowners are apprehensive to let you in to mine there property unless you have an in which it sounds like you do.....heck I would spend the majority of my time detecting the Mine if I could!!!Good luck. :headbang:

Just a heads up that according to a member of "public land for the people" the wording of the California anti-dredging legislation also includes high-banking.....any motorized equipment you risk being fined and having your high-banker confiscated.

??? STUPID URBAN LEGEND-CALL CDFG AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YA FREE-it's legal as long as you don't dredge and filthy water has a catch basin/hole to drop out most of the solids-John :laughing7:

I will actually have a highbanking charter for that private claim and will definitely set up IAW the "rules" set forth by the Governator. I'm not really worried about that as much as all that gold we're going to find. ;D I just hope the water is up by mid October. The Sierra's should be raising the creeks by then. I will post the pics of the tons of Au we'll be pulling in so everyone can share in the fun. :laughing7: In the words of the Governator, "Asta La Vista Baby". :headbang:

That is good news. I apologise for the misinformation. I was repeating information that was given during my local prospecting club meeting. I did try to look up the actual SB and any info on the CDFG website and it does appear that all wording is specific to dredging. So, as long as anyone writing the citations knows the difference between a dredge and a high-banker we should be OK.

Good lookin' out John...


The county of Tuolumne owns the mine. Their are private owners on the outskirts but the actual mine was given to the county by the corporation that used to own it because they were not going to clean it up or find anyone else willing to do it. I work for the Tuolumne county probation department and have to take a crew out there to clean up every now and then. The craziest part is that there is a lined pond out there where a lot of the tailings were dumped with the plan to pull the gold out at a later date. This never happened and now I have to look at that thing knowing i can't go in it. Believe me though I am trying.

The county spent an incredible amount of time and money cleaning up out there and have a person that lives there to "keep the water balanced" and report trespassers.

goldfever, are you going with miner john on his claim? It is very close to the mine and has some good gold.

dunc said:
goldfever, are you going with miner john on his claim? It is very close to the mine and has some good gold.
I am actually meeting up with another member out there who has set up the charter for us. I don't know how much longer I can wait. I'll be dredging in NC until time to head to CA. It's been awhile since I've been to the West Coast and my fiance has never been so we're ready to go. We'll be camping in a tent for four days and cooking all our food by fire. WOOOOOOOO!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D :headbang:

Hoser John said:
:icon_sunny: PARTY ON AND ALWAYS BRING THE WOMEN-tons a au 2 u 2-John

The only thing better than finding a gold nugget is motorboating a pair of boobies!! :laughing7:

What ever happened on your trip to California? Jamestown mine? I live near Jamestown and have friends who own property there where I metal detect. Just like to hear the rest of the story.

my oldest son's best friends family ownes 40 acres in plumas, ca. and according to him it has not been worked as long as they have owned the property. has a cabin and a stream running through the property. the property has been in the family for nearly 50 years and told my son that i would like to spend a week there and check things out.
question, i know ca. has put the brakes on dredging [ for now ] and some folks say that you can high bank and some say that that you can not. would like to get the correct info. if anybody can give it to me. thanks very much and i appreciate any and all in-put. take care out there :) ron

I'm not dredging in California, but, what I don't understand is - how do you do any kind of dredging (even into a basin) if they are not issuing any dredging permits?



mrs. oro, instream suction dredge permit.300 feet from active waterway not considered instream.thus dredge permit not pertinant.was at the redding dfg eir scoping meeting,the only non-redundant thing that mr stofer(rymes with gofer)said was that this would still be considered legal.he referred to this method as booming.i just call it if i am 300 feet from a creek around here,i would be high up on a hill.may just have a place to give this a try claims are mainly canyon claims,so when i go 300 feet away, i am 100 feet above the creek.hard to boom on a 60 degree slope :tongue3: who knows,maybe this ban will force us to think outside the box,and cause us to find overlooked/ignored any puppys for sale? :icon_pirat:

CDFG website has the info-highbanking(dredging)300' from a creek/stream is absolutely 100% totally,unequivically legal-even the scum suckn' dog Stopher was forced to admit it in the illegal public meetings. Dredging,as codified, is the operation of a INSTREAM SUCTION DEVISE--THATS ALL. You pump/pipe/or build a huge catchment for rainwater and awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you go all nice and legal like-I'm having a ball and the gold is soooooooooooooooooo much better-albeit a mite cold-but at $1,050+ I'll persevere in my nice warm and toasty wetsuit---John

yeah hoser, my wallet says recirculate,but my heart tells me to drive up to armadillo and buy another big honda pump.and run clean water through my cliffside highbanker hole.will need some 2inch hose as well.sigh hope ya knockem dead. :icon_pirat:

i have 2" firehouse,maybe 100' each.this is the real-firehouse,not plastic-or cheap.very tough and durable.would be willing to trade.

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