Hi Fellows
I couldn't state 100% it is how I suspect, but according with the picture that Mentz posted here I can suspect who or whom were the responsible.
In 2003 there was a terrible incident here in Tr' net among two parties; The people that use LRL or 'Long Range Locator' and the opposite gang, the 'Skeptic'. During that time there was a guy that found a Spanish gold coins using one of those machine, LRL the day after a tropical storm in Coin Beach, Delaware- Sept. or October 2003. That Storm hit that beach all easternshore as far I remember. Then, in the middle of struggle here in one of those "HOT" topic of LRL, he mentioned that he found those coins using a LRL and he posted a picture of the coins, after that the war begun. There was personal insult, threat, accusation, invitation to fight, etc. Many of those were banned.
I know people from both parties, some of them are not longer here in this forum.Some of the skeptic party lived or living(?) in Washington, DC area- VA. May be one of them threw or located those fake coins in coin beach, Delaware to refute the LRL's guy version.
For more information you could ask to Marc or Jeff, They were witness in 2003 of that nasty incident here.