Nice article about silvers prospects


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Apr 25, 2010
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Golden Thread
Nice article about silver's prospects

if you don't know, an metal ETF is a fund that is valued based directly on the price of the underlying metal, and will move in price with it. So, if silver goes up in value, so will the SLV - the silver ETF. It's one way to participate in the price gains (and losses of course) without holding the physical metal, which can be risky in terms of theft, and pricey in terms of commissions from metals dealers.


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Re: Nice article about silver's prospects

I don't disagree that silver is good to have. I'm buying quite a bit myself. But I would never buy ETF's. They don't have the physical silver to back the paper they are selling. It's been said time and time again that those ETF's are backed by a ratio of 1:100.

There are other points about that article which are probably false as well. Take what they say with a grain of salt.

Re: Nice article about silver's prospects

Although I don't own any ETF shares, I believe that they are a great way to TRADE the market.

What I mean by that is, I think everyone should have a good physical position of metals that they keep safely put away as insurance against whatever bad economic things might happen.

However, to trade physical metals like some people might be inclined to do as the market rises and falls is a bad idea. The premiums on the metals purchases and sales will eat your profits.

If you use the ETFs, you can get in and out at the actual price of the metal (minus commissions which are far less than premiums on physical).

Would I recommend people put all there PM money into ETFs? NO. But as a side trade to play the dips it can be a good play. Many people have made money in the ETFs so far in gold and silver going long. If I had the extra money to play the ETFs I would do it in a minute. As many times as gold and silver have dipped and peaked in this bull market, alot of money could have been made so far with short term trades.


Re: Nice article about silver's prospects

Jim, I agree. But at that point they are just another form of stocks. As long as people understand that then I see no issue in investing in them. But some people buy ETF's assuming that they "own silver" which is not the case.

Re: Nice article about silver's prospects

mts said:
Jim, I agree. But at that point they are just another form of stocks. As long as people understand that then I see no issue in investing in them. But some people buy ETF's assuming that they "own silver" which is not the case.

I see what you mean.


Re: Nice article about silver's prospects

ETFs may be a good way to trade the market but buying physical silver is the best way to move the market...up

Re: Nice article about silver's prospects

Do NOT forget the "markets" are a charade- meaning they are entirely controlled.

Re: Nice article about silver's prospects

get the metal in hand
save for the rainy day
it's coming

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