waterproofing a regular MDer


Sr. Member
Jul 15, 2007
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miami fl
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coinstrike, tigershark, ace250, OLD radioshack
waterproofing a regular MD'er

has anybody tried taking a old MD'er they have laying around and repackaging it in a waterproof case? obviously this is not for the faint hearted or technically challenged.

i have an older micronta machine that works ok and has discrimination. i'm toying with the idea of pulling it apart and mounting the electronics in a clear waterproof otterbox. it has an auto ground balance button that i can replace wih a waterproof one on the case. all the other controls would have to be preset before hitting the water. the coil is already waterproof but i would silicone it at the cable just to be safe. since i want it for underwater i'd do away with the phones and wire in an LED light to get my attention to look at the meter through the clear box.

i want something i can snorkel with in a few feet of water and just skim the sand as i go. seems like most of the "affordable" waterproof units dont have much in the way of features and still cost few hundred bucks.

anyone tried this? aside from possible waterleaks, i'd like to hear what problems folks may have had.

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Re: waterproofing a regular MD'er

you can buy water proof headphone under 100.00 . with a led light ur have to be looking at the unit all the time plus searching holding the coil and goodie bag, alot to do . for used w/p headphone,

Re: waterproofing a regular MD'er

I wouldn't bother with trying to save the Micronta for a project like this unless you just need to see if you can do it. There are many great used Fisher 1280's out there at great prices.

Re: waterproofing a regular MD'er

You are also going to have a problem with buoyancy with that bubble box. Not practical, as Sandman stated

Re: waterproofing a regular MD'er

Mount the electronics in your mask,then you shouldnt have to mess with a box.lol

Re: waterproofing a regular MD'er

Watch eBay and you can pick up a Garrett AT-3 or AT-4 for under $200, most of the time. I bought one for $150.00 a couple years ago and its like new. Of course if it breaks then its junk, Garrett doesn't repair them anymore from what others tell me. Sometimes a Fisher 1280X pops up cheap or even a White's Amphibian.
What you are describing is a real hassle. Before waterproof metal detectors in the early 1980's, I used my Garrett Deepseeker wrapped in plastic bags and tied to a floating sifting box with a long handle for the coil. It worked a couple of years hunting the Gulf of Mexico beaches. Got a White's Amphibian first in 1982 then later a Fisher 1280X but none can compare to the Minelab Excalibur. Good luck in your quest. ;D

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