

I'm fairly new to this, so I'm sure others might have better advice, but if it's downpouring or there's a lot of wind off the ocean=salt spray I take a plastic grocery bag and wrap around the electronics box. I'll hunt the wet sand occasionally getting my coil wet, any further out with a land machine and you'd be taking a pretty big risk.

good luck hunting,


I have tried waterproofing a Soverign twice, (I did want it waterproof to wade with), the first time I ended up scraping the machine before I ever got the project to the point of getting it into the water. The second time I got everything assembled into a pelican box, tested it in the bathtub, which did Ok but when I took it out wading it did start to take in water after about 45 minutes. I haven't given up on it but it is a difficult project and the price of a mistake can be high. I used Garrett headphones and connector from a Infinium, took off the coil connector put it through a waterproof passthrough, and only mounted two controls on the outside of the box, a on/off toggle and a disc/pinpoint switch. I still want my poor mans Excalibar w/ a notch but ia am still a ways from making it a reality. Good Luck Gregg

GSI WAter proof box. drill two holes that match up with the soverign elite . 1 for the head phones and one for the control box. I used plumbers putty to seal the holes up. I cut up a chammy and put it next to the holes on the inside just incase it leaked but it never did. It works I would not go underwater with it but it is definitly dunk proof and temporary. You can dis- assemble it and your back to the original unit.


As I said I'm a newbie! Good Luck with your project.


I would not worry so much about the rain, as I would worry about the rouge wave. Some machines are built for use on land, while other machines are built for underwater use. The Sovereign is a land use machine, and I would not risk lousing the machine to a rouge wave, or a slip and fall in the shallows.
If you are serious about hunting in the water, then my recommendation is to purchase a machine that is designed for water hunting. I use the Minelab Excalibur 1000 primarily for underwater hunting. However, I also use it to hunt the dry beach from time to time. She is not as light as most of your land machines when she is out of the water, but she works just as well at finding treasure on the beach, as under the waves.


Wreckdiver is correct in this. You can use your machine covered with a plastic bag to keep off the spray or rain, but a trip into the waves is asking for having to buy a new machine. A good underwater machine like the Excalibur or one of the other underwater machines are made to get wet and dive with except the Whites Beach ID which is only good for twenty feet. They are able to work well in saltwater with black sand also. Most land machines have a problem with this and aren't worth the trouble. Think of detectors like golf clubs. Some are better at one type of detecting and not good at others. That's why most of use old timey guys own more than one machine.

Good Luck,

Don't know if the coil on your detector is water proof. If it is just prepare as you would if detecting in the rain. Use a rain cover and don,'t go out very far. Go at 2 hours before low tide, don,t set your detector down. If you can,t do this, just detect only dry sand or wet sand that is not under water. You can still find a lot. Rinse off you coil and lower stem well when done.

Good Luck


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