Open panning areas south side Bradshaw MT.


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Jan 17, 2007
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Heavener oklahoma
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there are a lot of places open for anyone to use.I go out every year to the South slope of the Bradshaw Mts. between Prescott an Congress Jct by the little town of Wilhoit Az.1/2 mile south of Kirkland Jct. turn east on dirt county road turns into a paved road follow till you pass the TK Bar ranch headquarters on the right turn left next road towards Crooks Canyon follow road to Trails End Mill Site I have found NUGGETS FLAKES FLOUR GOLD for about three miles down stream from there is part time water I use a dredge an dry washer I am usually there in May till the end of June there are alot of goldbearing gulchs, Milk Creek, Blind Indian drainage

Hi Blackfoot:
Say !
Are you a talk'n about that place where the guy in the "Yellow Jeep" ..
with the Big Red Bloodhound showed right up in your camp ? ;D

How are "U" doing ?
Are you and I going to "Hook up" this coming spring ? Around March April ?)
I am going to be doing some Micron Gold Recovery up in the Bradshaws !
( I have new equipment)
Thought that we might try that area (stream) over by the "White Cliffs" (Outcropping) !

Want to give it a try?
We'd be glad to see you and your "Puppy" show/meet up ! ;D

Yes I am going to get out in the area in April, hopefully we can meet up again.


Find the ranger and talk to him first hand. When I was up there earlier this year, the Ranger stopped by to see what was up. He was probably the nicest and most informative of all the rangers I've had the pleasure/displeasure of meeting in 40 or so years. Not to mention if you get your information direct from the ranger, it's on them to prove you've made a mistake. Also, they're a wealth of information.

Hey CPTbill is that a 70s era Wagoneer? Got a 74 and an 86 Grand.


do you use the GPAA sites at all in the Bradshaws or just use the free public sites you mentioned?

I"m not a member of GPAA but was thinking about it and wondering if you think it is worth it for someone in AZ. Any thoughts, since you are a member?

I mostly use the GPAA claims in other areas. There's plenty of areas in the Bradshaws that wren't claimed, so it's 6 of one and a half dozen of the other.
For someone that enjoys the outings or looking for family things to do it's great. I've logged all the claims into Topo, and just throw the laptop with GPS into the jeep and go.

The other thing I use is the Hystware Mines & Minerals, amazing what's out there that has been forgotten through the years.

I'm no expert but with a GPAA or other club membership and mines and minerals, you should have no problems finding the gold stuff for a long time to come!

I am not aware where the GPAA claims are in this area..
I work mostly down stream from The Trails End Mill Site all the way to where the fence cross's
the canyon,below the fence is state school trust forbidden land.
most of the gold I have is in the bottom of the washs and on the north side on the bluffs, black sand every where.

Boo! Man!
Me'n Bugs drive around in a "modified" (400ci) Turbo 400 AT, 1977 Wagoneer ! :)
( And! Still Modifying !)
I wouldn't trade it for ten new 4x4's either ! ;)
I have been 4x4'n for many decades, and it's "the best" and suits me to a "T"!
As You know, Me'n Bugs, "LIVE" out there for months each & every year!
We gotta have a dependable, powerful, & a reliable 4x4 ! 8)
That's a early Jeep Wagoneer for us!
We have been from the beaches of So. Texas, from New Mexico to No. CA..
Out for 12 months at a time, thru freezin' winters thru 125* summers....

boogeyman said:
For someone that enjoys the outings or looking for family things to do it's great. I've logged all the claims into Topo, and just throw the laptop with GPS into the jeep and go.

Hey boogeyman,
I'm interested in knowing more about the gps and laptop working together.
I have TOPO, and the GPAA co-ords and others of course. I can put the numbers on the map of course. Are you then just displaying the maps and checking your location with the gps, or, is the gps working real time on the map thru the laptop?
Thanks -i'm just getting back into this and can be frustrated finding the right path to happiness sometimes!


Are you interested in seeing how The Micron Gold Recovery unit works?
(You can build it yourself)
It's a new way to make some BIG! Bucks !
Doc & I will be up there doing a "Demo" for some "Forum Members"
HAY! :thumbsup:
It's FREE! :D
Come on in and see !!
You'll never have to work again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :tongue3:
Let me know if you're interested !
cptbil & Bugs

I wish I could be there ,my health is not going to be good enough to make it


Doc & I are really sorry to hear that !

I have heard that there are areas in OK. where there's Flour Gold and that'll mean,
That there's also ... fine gold (Micron & Ionic) in the water, Creeks, Streams, etc...
If you'd like, I can send you the address of a lab, that does MICRON GOLD Assays for about $12. a sample
You can sample some water(s) & send them the sample
There's enough gold in it, and it only takes about 3 - 4 CENTS A! GALLON!
You can build a recovery rig and make lots of money right, up there !
4 cents per gallon times 60 gallons per minute (my 2" pump's capacity)
.04 x 60 gpm x 60 minutes =
$144. per hour !

The recovery rig can be, as mine is, built of common pvc pipe
I can send you a couple of photos of my rig and you'll see what I what I mean ?

Yes I would like to have that address to have samples tested.
There is a creek here that some people say there has been gold taken out of it.
Keep you powder dry!!!


AzSports said:
boogeyman said:
For someone that enjoys the outings or looking for family things to do it's great. I've logged all the claims into Topo, and just throw the laptop with GPS into the jeep and go.

Hey boogeyman,
I'm interested in knowing more about the gps and laptop working together.
I have TOPO, and the GPAA co-ords and others of course. I can put the numbers on the map of course. Are you then just displaying the maps and checking your location with the gps, or, is the gps working real time on the map thru the laptop?
Thanks -i'm just getting back into this and can be frustrated finding the right path to happiness sometimes!

Sorry about not getting back to you sooner. I'm using Topo with a earthmate LT-20 in the vehicle and a Magellan GPS315 on foot hooked up to an IBM think pad. Not the newest bestest, but it gets the job done! I plot the GPAA sites in at home then use real time to verify my work when on the claims. Oh, got a 12v satchel battery that charges off the cigarette lighter from a truck stop. It will run the 315 for about a week straight or almost all day with the laptop hooked up via inverter. Has a balt loop & shoulder strap.

cptbild said:
Doc & I are really sorry to hear that !

I have heard that there are areas in OK. where there's Flour Gold and that'll mean,
That there's also ... fine gold (Micron & Ionic) in the water, Creeks, Streams, etc...
If you'd like, I can send you the address of a lab, that does MICRON GOLD Assays for about $12. a sample
You can sample some water(s) & send them the sample
There's enough gold in it, and it only takes about 3 - 4 CENTS A! GALLON!
You can build a recovery rig and make lots of money right, up there !
4 cents per gallon times 60 gallons per minute (my 2" pump's capacity)
.04 x 60 gpm x 60 minutes =
$144. per hour !

The recovery rig can be, as mine is, built of common pvc pipe
I can send you a couple of photos of my rig and you'll see what I what I mean ?
Bill, could you send a couple of flicks of your rig? Is this the set up that you need to buy the leach & chemicals from them?

Did you get the information on where to send your water samples for a MG Assay ?

It would be nice if Doc & I could work it out,
That we could swing by your place, up there in OK, and run the Recovery Rig for you to see
Exactly, where are you located ?

boogeyman said:
cptbild said:
Doc & I are really sorry to hear that !

I have heard that there are areas in OK. where there's Flour Gold and that'll mean,
That there's also ... fine gold (Micron & Ionic) in the water, Creeks, Streams, etc...
If you'd like, I can send you the address of a lab, that does MICRON GOLD Assays for about $12. a sample
You can sample some water(s) & send them the sample
There's enough gold in it, and it only takes about 3 - 4 CENTS A! GALLON!
You can build a recovery rig and make lots of money right, up there !
4 cents per gallon times 60 gallons per minute (my 2" pump's capacity)
.04 x 60 gpm x 60 minutes =
$144. per hour !

The recovery rig can be, as mine is, built of common pvc pipe
I can send you a couple of photos of my rig and you'll see what I what I mean ?
Bill, could you send a couple of flicks of your rig? Is this the set up that you need to buy the leach & chemicals from them?
Mr. Denney we'd all be interested in seeing the photos of your rig Can you put them up for all to see?

Also, are you figuring in the costs of precipitant to recover the microscopic gold from the filters. Is this the same outfit that was claiming you could recover the gold values from ocean water back in the 90s? If I recall correctly they shelved the idea due to the fact that they didn't mention processing cost more than total gold recovered. Again we'd all be intersted in seeing your photos!

Sorry about not getting back to you sooner. I'm using Topo with a earthmate LT-20 in the vehicle and a Magellan GPS315 on foot hooked up to an IBM think pad. Not the newest bestest, but it gets the job done! I plot the GPAA sites in at home then use real time to verify my work when on the claims. Oh, got a 12v satchel battery that charges off the cigarette lighter from a truck stop. It will run the 315 for about a week straight or almost all day with the laptop hooked up via inverter. Has a balt loop & shoulder strap.

Thanks for the reply I have a bunch of gadgets but it never really occurred to me to get them together. I usually print up a map and go. Your set up or similar is what I need to do.

A friend of mine showed me his setup yesterday. He fabricated a little aluminum bracket that clips on to the top of his laptop screen with a piece of velcro to hold his LT-21 (Jeeze why didn't think of that?) He's going to make a kinda harness like a baby carrier to hold it while walking & shade the screen too! Sounds good but Iwanna see it when he gets it done. I may do this clip also, it'd eliminate carrying the Magellan. If you need help give me a yell, glad to help

Thanks, boogeyman. I'm most likely going to buy another GPS that's mapping software friendly. I'll still have the paper printed out but being able to chase down a coordinate with a live map is going to save this guy a lot of time.

back to the thread...

I am always the cynic, but why would there be a way to effectively collect micron gold if its not all that effective to capture flour gold, which at least appears plentiful?
Will the micron collecter capture the obvoius floating stuff?

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