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History of orthodox church in America
In the given work the history of penetration Russian settlers to Northern America, creations of the first transatlantic colonies of Russian empire and as activity of Russian Orthodox Church in territory of Russian possession in America, and later in USA and Canada is described.
By the purpose of work it is put studying a phenomenon of existence of Orthodox Church in USA in general and on Alaska in particular. Its role as factor of powerful cultural influence on small American national characters and subsequently and on the American society as a whole. The history of orthodoxy in United States is interesting first of all to that on her example it is possible to reveal a role and value of Russian culture in a modern American society. Being some kind of "preservative" church appreciably promoted preservation of the Russian culture brought in USA by emigrants, from "dissolution" in American “ the melting boiler ”. And one of problems of the given work puts revealing a role of Orthodox Church in occurrence of a phenomenon known as “ Russian America ”.
During a spelling of work I used clauses and monographies scientific developing this subjects, such as Блоховитинов, Корсун, Казьмина, Либеровский, works of church figures: Крупко, Скурата, archbishop Grigory Afonskogo etc. As I involved clauses from periodicals and resources of a global information network the Internet.
Chapter 1.
History of development of Alaska Russia.
In 1654 Fedot Alexey's Russian merchant has gone from the east the Siberian peninsula Kolyma on the river Pogicha with the expedition wishing to find the ground, rich gold, a fur animal and моржами which bone was very much appreciated. To this campaign together with him has gone Семен Иванович Дежнев - as the representative of authority invested with powers of an establishment of the duty on trade with local population. On this travel Дежнев was the first researcher who has opened sea pass from coast of Arctic regions to ocean.
Now this sea way is named Bering strait as report Дежнева on opening of a passage and has not reached the government. King of Russia at that time tsar Peter the Great and has not learned that Siberia closely adjoins to North American continent. However, shortly before the death, Peter the Great has sent to investigate sea coast of Siberia of captain Vitusa Beringa - the Danish navigator who was on the Russian service. Peter has sent Беринга in expedition with the purpose to study and describe northeast coast of Siberia. In 1728 by expedition Беринга the passage which for the first time has seen Семен Дежнев was again open. However, because of fog Берингу it was not possible to consider on horizon of an outline of North American continent [1, with. 25].
In 1733 the Russian government again has appointed Беринга the chapter of new expedition which purpose was research of resources of Siberia and establishment of trade with Japan. On this expedition(dispatch) Беринг as investigated also the American coast. Expedition Vitus Bering has gone to coast of America from Petropavlovsk - Kamchatka June, 8, 1741 by two ships: “ Sacred Peter ” (under command Bering) and “ Sacred Paul ” (under Alexey Chirikova's command).
Russian empress Elizaveta had no any interest to the grounds of Northern America. She has issued the decree on which has obliged local population to pay the duty on trade, but more any steps in a direction of development of attitudes with Alaska did not do.
The following of 50 years Russia showed not enough interest to this ground. Separate merchants traded with aleuts, buying at them furs. The thin fur калана - a sea otter was especially appreciated. Especially favourably Russian merchants sold aleutian furs in the markets of China.
The European illnesses which have brought to aleuts new поселенцы, were fatal to natives of new continent. A smallpox, корь, a tuberculosis, venereal illnesses, a pneumonia - steel that weapon which has almost exterminated aleuts. Before contact to Europeans the population of aleuts totaled 15-20 thousand person. In 1834 of them remained only 2 247, in 1848 - already 1 400. Since 1864 when on islands have lodged Russian, the population of aleuts again has sharply jumped up up to 2 005 person - due to mised marriages and inflow of new blood. But to 1890 has again decreased up to 1 702 person [2].
Hunters migrated to the east of Aleutian islands after animals on whom they hunted. As the craft kept away from Kamchatka - the prices for fur rose, and the small trading companies were ruined. Till 1770 among merchants of dealers and suppliers of furs on Alaska Grigory Ivanovich Shelihov, Paul Sergeevich Lebedev-Lastochkin, and as brothers Grigory and Peter Panovy were considered as the richest and known.
In 1762 quin to Russia there was empress Ekaterina Great, and the government the attention to aleuts again has paid. Ekaterina has issued the decree which has cancelled duties on trade with aleuts and as has issued the decree to which ordered in 1769 to cause anxiety to the government destiny of an aleutian nationality. Unfortunately, the decree of empress has remained only the decree on a paper. Without the control and supervision правительницы for him Execution [3, c.5].
The Russian merchants - мехоторговцам were annoyed by foreign competitors. Especially Englishmen who offered for an exchange with local population cheaper goods, than Russian merchants. Russian have felt, that the official body of a colony is necessary. In 1784 merchant Shelihov builds and equips the own ships and sends them on island Kod'jak. Gradually (by 1788) the number Russian on Aleutian islands and in Northern America has reached(achieved) 500, and by 1794 as a result of G.I.Shelihova's begun activity, it has exceeded 800 person.
Due to energy and foresight Шелихова in these new edges(territories) the basis of Russian possession was incorporated. The first constant settlement has appeared on island Kod'jak, in a bay of Three Sacred. Шелихов has headed also the first agricultural colony “ Glory of Russia ”. The plans of settlements made by him(it) included equal streets, schools, libraries, parks. Thus Шелихов was not the state person. It(he) remained a merchant, the industrialist, the businessman working from the sanction of the government.
Till 1786 Шелихов was the most successful dealer furs on the Aleutian grounds, but his(its) fur empire other capable heads were required also. It(he) has seen one such assistant in Alexander Andreeviche Baranove - the Siberian merchant who has arrived in Кодьяк in 1791. Soon the merchant from Каргополя 43-years Alexander Baranov was appointed the general manager on island Kod'jak. Rams was on the verge of bankruptcy when Шелихов has taken it(him) to itself in assistants, having guessed in it(him) exclusive qualities: enterprise, persistence, hardness.
Soon Rams has transferred representation of the company from a bay of Three sacred on north islands, in city of Pavlovsk which had the best harbour and was located in woody district, that it was very important for the future construction. Now Павловск - the main city of island Kod'jak.
Before the person of new governor Alexander Baranova there was a set of problems. The most part of the foodstuffs and almost all goods for an exchange should be imported from Russia, and the ships was insufficiently. The motto of Russian colony became a saying: “ трудись, not покладая hands ”. In a colony constantly there were no people for construction of the ships, protection of a colony, the organization of household life. To the aid there came local aleuts. They also have made the main labour of a colony, hunted on fur game while Russian were engaged in arrangement of a residence and preparation of leather(skin) and курок animals. Aleuts protected a fort and bore(carried) to the guard.
During stay Баранова in the rank of the Governor of Russian America of possession of Russia extended on the south and the east. Rams has based and has constructed the Russian representations and on the Aleutian grounds. The largest - Newer - Архангельск, based in 1799. In 1802 tribe Тлингит has attacked a fort and has destroyed it(him). And in 1804 of Rams has returned on these grounds with the Russian military ship and has broken Тлингитов. After a victory Was new - Архангельск it is constructed anew. 4 kms to the south from this city, the well-known Aljaskinsky city of Sitka subsequently has grown.
Rams truly served Шелихову, and then and the Russian-American company with 1790 for 1818, has not retired yet in the age of 71 years. At his(its) life about it(him) legends went: it(he) inspired respect and fear to people surrounding it(him). Even the most strict governmental to the auditor were amazed his(its) fidelities to business, energy and selflessness.
With merge of the companies of merchants of G.I.Shelihova, И.И. And M.S.Golikovyh and in 1798 was created by N.P.Myl'nikova and in 1799 the uniform Russian-American company was finally issued. She(it) has received from Paul I monopolies on a fur craft, trade and opening of the new grounds in a northeast part of Pacific ocean, called to represent and protect the means interests of Russia on Pacific ocean [4, c. 115].
To a management(manual) of the company there came naval officers who promoted development of the company. And in 1821 in a policy(politics) of the company such moment was stipulated: henceforth heads Russian-American the companies should be only naval officers. The naval management of the company has improved its(her) administration, has expanded colonies. However, as against Баранова, the naval management(manual) was interested in trading business very little, and extremely nervously concerned to settling Alaska by Englishmen and Americans. The management of the company, a name of the Russian emperor, has forbidden intrusion of all foreign ships on 160 kms water area близ the Russian colonies on Alaska. Certainly, such order was immediately protested by the Great Britain and the government of United States.
Dispute from USA was settled by the convention of 1824 which has defined(determined) exact northern and southern borders of the Russian territory on Alaska. In 1825. Russia has come to the consent and with Britain, having defined(determined) also exact east and western borders. Russian empire has given both parties(sides) (to Britain and USA) the right of a message on Alaska trade within 10 years then Alaska completely took over Russia.
In 1843 the secretary of the government of USA William Marsi and senator William Gvin both - adherents of a policy(politics) of expansion - have addressed to the Russian ambassador in USA - to baron Edward Stoklu - with a provocative question: whether “ the Truth, what Russia exposes on sale the colony Alaska? ” Стокл has answered “ Certainly, no! ” - however this question of it(him) has intrigued.
In 1844 the patent of the Русско-American company for exclusive trade was prolonged to 20 years. The company tried to receive profit from new sources: a coal mining; whaling and even to export ice to San Francisco. However, all these adventures were non-profitable.
Sale of Alaska was held in 1867, after short time after the popular term “ Russian America ” has appeared. The Russian possession in America were, as a matter of fact, not a state ownership, and the property of the companies - all over again several private(individual) Russian, and then, since 1799, Russian-American... Any certificate(act) about connection of these possession at Russia was not are there were possession of the Russian citizens.
Thus, Russia as though got rid first of all from unprofitable and constantly disturbing her(it) problems of the company. And still - the CANCER it was weighed upon consciousness of that dividends are not present also they are not expected. One debts. As at this time on development of the new grounds in Primorski Krai large investments were required.
The contract about a concession of the North American colonies to United States for 7 million 200 thousand dollars gold was made by Russia in Washington March, 18, 1867. At Сюарда there were some difficulties with reception of the consent of the government on such grandiose purchase on those times. But it(he) has got support of many Congressmen and, at last, the Senate has approved purchase, made this decision voting 37 pro to 2 contra. Some newspapers have named this purchase by madness, and Сюарда - a lunatic, but, under pressure of official press, the public of USA has supported purchase of Alaska.
Formal transfer of Alaska to United States was held November, 11, 1867 in Sitka [5, with. 237].
The Russian history of development of Alaska proceeded 126 years. However activity Russian on these grounds passed, by and large, within the limits of territory of Aleutian islands, Кодьяка and Alexander archipelago. Any researches, certainly, were carried out(spent) and inside continent, but they were limited very much to few settlements. The peak of Russian population on the grounds of Alaska was not exceeded by 700 person. It is necessary to count the most significant contribution to development by Russian people of the grounds of Alaska activity of clerics of Russian Orthodox church. They built the churches on these grounds and were engaged in missionary work among local residents - Aleuts and Тлингитов. Russian Orthodox church never stopped the activity. She(it) serves on the grounds of Alaska and now.
Chapter 2.
Russian orthodox church on Alaska.
Orthodox church in America, youngest of автокефальных orthodox churches. The orthodox church has appeared in America in 1794, when on island Kadiak of the profit of 8 monks and 2 novices of Russian orthodox church. The purpose of their arrival was continuation of the work begun by local Russian immigrants - laymen under the reference(manipulation) in orthodoxy of the local aleutian population. Among arrived was иеромонах (later archimandrite) Герман which body at opening a coffin in 1960th appeared imperishable and which was canonized, becoming(beginning) the first sacred Orthodox church in America. Sacred Германа the local population on Alaska remembers to this day as the oustanding devotee and чудотворца, the prays cured it is a lot of patients and недужных. On Мэннинг the Avenue is stored(kept) in the Temple of the Christ of the Savior частичка imperishable мощей Sacred Германа [6, c.3].
Let's consider a history of becoming of orthodoxy in America. Occurrence of orthodox arrivals on Alaska is closely connected to activity of the Russian-American Company. In 1780th years christening of aleuts have personally engaged in G.I.Shelihov and his(its) assistants. But Шелихов understood, that there has come(stepped) time for constant dialogue with present (and the future, in process of expansion of territory of Russian America) flock of people specially prepared for this purpose - monks, priests. Шелихову and to his(its) salesmen behind an abundance of practical cares was a lack of time to be engaged missionary work.
The first priest has appeared in those places in structure of the governmental expedition(dispatch) of Billings. It(him) called Vasily Sivtsov. In the official report from June, 4, 1792 it(he) has informed the synod: “... бывши in 1790 and 1791 on the Fox ridge on island Unalaska and Каняги and on the western party(side) of island of Kadiak has christened natives, from коих some have already accepted christianity earlier from Russian industrialists, a male 93 and a female 33 yes has married 14 pairs ”.
The next year the обер-public prosecutor of the synod already got acquainted with "Application" Шелихова. "Applicant" informed christening of small groups of natives by him(it) and that for their children the school is entered on islands. Шелихов asked to send “ the good priest with причтом ” and has added: “ All charges on the device of churches, supply by their utensils and other necessary accessories(belongings), and the maintenance(contents) причта the company is equal also takes personally ”.
The обер-public prosecutor of the synod has reported on this request to Ekaterina II who encouraged activity of the company. The fast course was given to business.
May, 4, 1793 the обер-public prosecutor has announced the highest decision in the synod: “ the Application to satisfy and submit the case on care of metropolitan St.-Petersburg Гавриила ”. Last has stopped the choice on monks Valaamskogo of a monastery which prior Назарий, undoubtedly, was to relatives to metropolitan the person.
Already by the end of 1796 the number of christians in Northern America has reached(achieved) 12 thousand [7, c. 11].
In 1824 to aleuts priest John Veniamins was sent. After death of the wife it(he) was cut in monks and then appointed the first bishop of a missionary diocese (in 1868 it became metropolitan Moscow; in 1977 it is canonized). At it(him) the first orthodox temple in Новоархангельске (with 1867 - Sitka) was constructed. In 1840 with a view of the further perfection of missionary work the Kamchatka, Kuril and Aleutian diocese was formed.
In times Иннокентия Вениаминова for Alaska existed four arrivals of Russian Orthodox Church. Now them it is totaled about ninety. One of them, and also the Orthodox theological seminary are in city of Kadiak. In 1795 the first orthodox church in America there was based. In 1840 Russian Orthodox Church has decided to allocate the arrivals in territory of Northern America in a separate diocese which first bishop became Sacred Иннокентий, the ardent preacher of the Word Divine, not stopping before any difficulties, making труднейшие and the most dangerous travel deep into North American continent to bring to wild pagan tribes Light Христов. Over Иннокентий has made really a scientific and missionary feat, having seized many local languages and adverbs, having created for them writing, having made grammar and dictionaries and translated into on these languages and adverbs the Scriptus. Many trips Over Иннокентий made alone on Eskimo байдарке, despising dangers and deprivations, but during one of such travel it(he) has sunk during storm, crossing on байдарке a sea gulf [8, c. 52].
After sale to 1867 Alaskas to the United States orthodox arrivals taking place there have remained in conducting Russian orthodox church. After 1867 life of orthodox communities in America developed basically around of New York and San Francisco. In 1897 in city of east, a province Alberta, was open the first orthodox church in Canada.
First twenty years of the American period of a history of Alaska the Orthodox church kept the indisputable influence among local population. At the end of the eightieth years missionaries of other christian faiths here have appeared. In this connection in the period with 1893 on 1903. By orthodox church it was issued 14 names of books in America and four in Russia in languages of indigenous population of Alaska. It promoted a wide circulation of Orthodoxy among local population. Now in areas most well mastered Russian: on Aleutian islands, about. Прибылова, Kadiak and Ситха, the most part of local population professes Orthodoxy and considers(examines) it(him) as a component of the traditional culture, in a counterbalance to other christian faiths which have appeared later. Especially this concerns to aleuts. As marked R.Ljapunova, they name Orthodox church “ aleutian church ”, and the belief “ aleutian belief ”. Local communities pay the big attention an accomplishment of churches, preservation of church utensils and books. Priests on islands of a local origin, all of them to some extent know Russian, as in the seventieth years XX in. The service was conducted in Russian. Church holidays so in Christmas children go from a house to the house with the big christmas star are everywhere marked. Weddings celebrate on church canons with courtship and wedding. Also to norms of Orthodox church there corresponds(meets) also a funeral ceremony.
In the ninetieth years XIX in. On islands Pribylova many aleuts spoke Russian. The service in church was conducted in Church Slavonic language. Almost all men were able to play a chess, some played on an accordion and a violin. In a diet Russian dishes, in particular, meat dishes from pork and tea drinking from a samovar were kept. Surnames and names at all were Russian. Already presently in the seventieth years XX in. In church on island Over Paul aleutian priest Michael Lestenkov conducted service in Church Slavonic language and there were people which understood it(him).
In 1872 in connection with increase of number of orthodox arrivals at the western coast of USA the residence of bishop and administration of a diocese were transferred from Sitka in San Francisco. The church organization has received the name - Russian orthodox church, a diocese of Aleutian islands and Northern America. With 1891 this diocese has distributed the activity to Canada and east coast of USA. In 1905 administration of a diocese has moved from San Francisco to New York, expansion of borders of a diocese was marked by assignment to its(her) chapter of a dignity of archbishop. To them there was an oustanding church figure of Russia Тихон (elected in 1917 patriarch Moscow and всея Russia). In his(its) submission there was a bishop of Alaska, and also the bishop - arab serving orthodox immigrants from Near East. In conducting archbishop there were also some other orthodox groups of a non-russian nationality. Bishops Klivlendsky and Pittsburgsky, which also were soon put began to submit to archbishop [9, with. 82].
In 1905 archbishop Tihon has offered on consideration to the most Holy synod of Russian orthodox church the plan of an autonomy, and it is possible, and автокефалии the American church. It(he) also promoted introduction of divine service and the edition of the liturgical literature in English. Russian Orthodox Mission and then the North American diocese of Russian Orthodox Church, thus, were the first orthodox jurisdictions on this continent, in whose arrivals all other orthodox people appearing here were poured in: Serbs, Greeks, болгары, Romanians, orthodox arabs - Palestinians and сирийцы, many others. Then, as their ethnic communities grew, they have started to be allocated in the independent arrivals acting under management of the national orthodox hierarchies. Basic difference here is covered: Russian church from the very beginning considered(examined) the arrivals to America, first of all, as missionary, other orthodox churches simply accepted under the jurisdiction available national arrivals, from time to time выделявшиеся from arrivals of the American diocese (subsequently - митрополии) Russian Orthodox Church. So there was a becoming Orthodox Church in America.
Chapter 3.
The American orthodox church.
In 1918г. The American diocese had to four викариатствами - Аляскинским, Brooklyn, Питтсбургским and Canadian; totaled three missions (Albanian, Syrian, Serbian), 271 temple, 51 chapel, 31 благочиние, 257 священослужителей, about 60 brotherhoods, had Piously - Тихоновский a monastery in Саут-Канаане, an orphanage at a monastery, the theological Seminary, church schools; totaled up to 300 thousand believers. Revolution of 1917 in Russia has very painfully responded on orthodox life in America. Regular attitudes(relations) of Church in America with Church in Russia steel are impossible. Moreover, all spiritual and financial support which is carried out by the Russian Church in relation to the American Orthodox Church, instantly has stopped. The American Church appeared in very inconvenient position.
In 1924 Russian orthodox church, the diocese of Aleutian islands and Northern America, has proclaimed itself самоуправляющейся and actually became independent, having accepted the new name - Russian orthodox греко-Catholic church of America.
Some church historians have some other sight on the reasons and consequences of transition of the American Church on self-management. In particular проф. K.E.Skurat in the book on history Поместных of Churches writes: “ Life of Orthodox Church in America undoubtedly would be included in a normal channel if metropolitan Platon has drawn correct conclusions from the events which were having place in Russia, and, keeping filial obedience of the maximum(supreme) church authority, would direct all spiritual forces on construction of local church life. The American Church would not test that heavy internal crisis in which she(it) has soon got, is especial after arrival from Moscow "живоцерковника" - married bishop John Kedrovskogo, managed to present itself before the American court in quality of the "original" representative of the maximum(supreme) church authority in Russia and to take away from metropolitan Platona a cathedral in New York with a residence at it(him). From metropolitan Platona soon began to demand a recognition of the authority above it(him) and “ Foreign архиерейский the Synod ” in Карловцах. Unfortunately, metropolitan Platon has not drawn from all this due conclusion: To ratify unity of orthodox American flock with Mother - church, but has led her(it) on a way of alienation. Sometimes it(he) began to use church faculty for the political performances(statements) directed against Mother - church and Russia.
In conditions отрыва from Mother - church Greko-Kafolicheskaja the Church in Northern America has appeared lonely at well organized both purposefully working Catholic and Protestant missions. Figures of Orthodox Church in America had to not think of distribution of Orthodoxy on the American continent that was inherent in their nice(famous) predecessors, and it is more to care of preservation of the flock. First of all not преминул to take advantage of difficult position of a diocese Vatican which started to involve in itself on the basis of унии выбитые from a track orthodox arrivals. Aspired to keep abreast from him(it) and Protestants. The last began to win round living in misery Orthodox Church, rendering it(her) material aid. So, they have appointed monthly "salaries" to metropolitan Platonu, and also have released(let off) necessary means for convocation in 1924. The Detroit Cathedral which has accepted the first antiinitial decision about a time autonomy of Russian Orthodox Church in America without preliminary consultation and the consent to that on the part of Mother - church though has noted necessity of settlement of attitudes(relations) with Russian Church in the future. ” [9, with. 127].
After the Second world war the situation was even more complicated in connection with arrival in Northern America so-called “ the second wave ” Russian emigration and occurrence of arrivals of Russian Foreign Church, before Western Europe existing only in territory and Northern China. The management(manual) of this church, from the very beginning of arisen as response on большевистский revolution and transition of the certain part of clergy and church иерархов in Russia to the obvious or latent cooperation with godless authority, could not and did not want to be reconciled with that fact, that in America already for a long time exists orthodox митрополия, formally still being a part of the Moscow Patriarchy, and not submitting "зарубежникам", applying on spiritual monopoly in the environment of Russian emigration.
Attacks "зарубежников" have especially amplified after in 1960th efforts about. Alexander Shmemana of communication(connection) with Russian Orthodox Church were restored. By the end of 1960th years negotiations of representatives American митрополии with Russian Orthodox Church as a result of which in April, 1970 of Orthodox Church in America it was granted автокефалия again have begun. This new status of Church was accepted and confirmed in October, 1970 on the fourteenth Всеамериканском the Cathedral which became first Cathedral Поместной автокефальной to Orthodox Church in America. At this time предстоятелем Churches Metropolitan всея America and Canada was Ириней.
American митрополия became one more - the fifteenth under the account - independent orthodox church - alongside with Russian, Константинопольской, Jerusalem, Alexandria, Антиохийской, Greek, Serbian, Bulgarian and others. The certain part of clergy and laymen the Chapter of Orthodox Church in America now is Lord Feodosy, Metropolitan Washington and American, its(her) Canadian diocese, the big on territory an orthodox diocese in the world, is headed by Lord Serafim, Bishop Ottavsky and Canadian.
In 1971 in structure of Orthodox Church in America the Albanian diocese in USA according to its(her) application was accepted. In the same year the Orthodox Church in America has organized mission in which chapter the manager in a dignity of archimandrite was put in Australia. Activity of mission has yielded positive results - in 1974 some orthodox Russian communities "карловчан" have received the initial status under jurisdiction of Orthodox Church in America.
In the spring 1972 Orthodox Church in America has joined over 20 priests and about 20 thousand laymen Mexican National Старокатолической Churches (it was formed in 20th years of the current century). In this connection was formed Mexican Экзархат [10, c. 38].
Up to the announcement автокефалии Orthodox Church in America a part orthodox the Romanian together with priests - about 40 arrivals of USA and Canada, separated in 1951 from Church in America the Romanian Patriarchy. Last has allocated присоединившиеся arrivals to an independent diocese under the name “ Romanian orthodox епископия America ” and has appropriated(given) to its(her) bishop a title “ Detroit and Мичиганский ”.
Поместная the Orthodox Church in America has 16-ю dioceses, has more than 500 arrivals (In USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela) and person of flock totals about one million.
Now the Orthodox Church in America has the man's and female monasteries, three Theological seminary and Academy. Rates on preparation диаконов also operate. Almost in each arrival there are sunday schools. Publishing is widely put also: the church calendar, and also set of magazines and newspapers in different languages annually is issued.
After the dogmatic person and to a cult the Orthodox church in America is close to anothers orthodox церквам. Divine services in Orthodox church in America are conducted basically in English, and also in Russian. The orthodox church in America is headed by archbishop New York, having a title of metropolitan of all America and Canada. His(its) residence is in New York. The maximum(supreme) managing body of church is the Sacred synod consisting of ruling bishops. Under jurisdiction of Orthodox church in America there are 9 dioceses in USA, 1 - in Canada, экзархат in Mexico and some churches in Latin America, and also Albanian orthodox архиепархия and Romanian orthodox епископат America. Many former греко-Catholics have joined Orthodox church in America (basically natives from Галиции and Подкарпатской Russia), come back in America to orthodoxy [11].
The conclusion.
Judging from above-stated, it is possible to assert(approve) the following. Influence of Orthodox Church on becoming and development of " Russian America ” was rather and rather essential. First, its(her) role was great during development by Russian empire of Alaska. The orthodoxy served as "key" to an establishment of familiarity with indigenous population with subsequent their transformation into the Russian citizens. Second, basically church activity created that now is possible to name “ Russian cultural heritage ”. Thirdly, and after sale of Alaska, a position of Church in USA were strong enough also she(it) represented the main not state organization expressing interests not only Russian inhabitants of America, but also the most part of orthodox emigrants from the countries of the East Europe and Near East.
Yes the given moment the Orthodox Church in USA and Canada, represents powerful enough organization, existence and which influence, can not be ignored at all. The church on all extent of the existence in the American grounds was "conductor" and "distributor" of Russian culture and at present she(it) is one of the few enough strong "bridges" between USA and Russia.
The list of the used literature.
1. A history of Russian America (1732-1867): In 3 vol.: Т.1. The basis of Russian America (1732-1799) / Отв. ред. акад. N.N.Bolhovitinov
2. Claus-M. Naske, A.B., M.A., Ph. D. Professor of History, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Coauthor of Alaska: A History of the 49th State.
3. Тимаков In. Native sisters. Siberia and Alaska // the Word of honour, № 221, 11.04.2001
4. A history of Russian America (1732-1867): In 3 vol.: Æ. II. Activity of the Russian-American company (1799-1825) / Отв. ред. акад. N.N.Bolhovitinov
5. A history of Russian America (1732-1867): In 3 vol.: Т.3. Russian America: from zenith to a decline (1825-1867) / Отв. ред. акад. N.N.Bolhovitinov
6. Крупко In. The American orthodox church. // Bases of orthodoxy, 01.02.2002
7. S.A.Korsun Russian heritage on Аляске. // the Russian business bulletin № 7 - 2003
8. Liberovskij A.P. " Orthodox Church in America: sacred and cathedrals " - m. Publishing house Orthodox Piously - Тихоновского Theological Institute. 2000г.
9. Skurat K.E. " Sketches on history Поместных of Churches ” - m. Publishing house Orthodox Piously - Тихоновского Theological Institute. 1999г.
10. Afonsky Gregory, Archbishop. The History of the Orthodox Church in Amerika.
11. Казьмина About. Е. Orthodox church in America // the Encyclopedia “ Peoples and religions of the world ” - www.rubricon.ru
The maintenance(contents).
Introduction. 1
Chapter 1. A history of development of Alaska Russia. 2
Chapter 2. Russian orthodox church on Alaska. 10
Chapter 3. The American orthodox church. 16
The conclusion. 22
The list of the used literature. 23
90% this text i have translated this auto-translate programm ( sorryyy

In the given work the history of penetration Russian settlers to Northern America, creations of the first transatlantic colonies of Russian empire and as activity of Russian Orthodox Church in territory of Russian possession in America, and later in USA and Canada is described.
By the purpose of work it is put studying a phenomenon of existence of Orthodox Church in USA in general and on Alaska in particular. Its role as factor of powerful cultural influence on small American national characters and subsequently and on the American society as a whole. The history of orthodoxy in United States is interesting first of all to that on her example it is possible to reveal a role and value of Russian culture in a modern American society. Being some kind of "preservative" church appreciably promoted preservation of the Russian culture brought in USA by emigrants, from "dissolution" in American “ the melting boiler ”. And one of problems of the given work puts revealing a role of Orthodox Church in occurrence of a phenomenon known as “ Russian America ”.
During a spelling of work I used clauses and monographies scientific developing this subjects, such as Блоховитинов, Корсун, Казьмина, Либеровский, works of church figures: Крупко, Скурата, archbishop Grigory Afonskogo etc. As I involved clauses from periodicals and resources of a global information network the Internet.
Chapter 1.
History of development of Alaska Russia.
In 1654 Fedot Alexey's Russian merchant has gone from the east the Siberian peninsula Kolyma on the river Pogicha with the expedition wishing to find the ground, rich gold, a fur animal and моржами which bone was very much appreciated. To this campaign together with him has gone Семен Иванович Дежнев - as the representative of authority invested with powers of an establishment of the duty on trade with local population. On this travel Дежнев was the first researcher who has opened sea pass from coast of Arctic regions to ocean.
Now this sea way is named Bering strait as report Дежнева on opening of a passage and has not reached the government. King of Russia at that time tsar Peter the Great and has not learned that Siberia closely adjoins to North American continent. However, shortly before the death, Peter the Great has sent to investigate sea coast of Siberia of captain Vitusa Beringa - the Danish navigator who was on the Russian service. Peter has sent Беринга in expedition with the purpose to study and describe northeast coast of Siberia. In 1728 by expedition Беринга the passage which for the first time has seen Семен Дежнев was again open. However, because of fog Берингу it was not possible to consider on horizon of an outline of North American continent [1, with. 25].
In 1733 the Russian government again has appointed Беринга the chapter of new expedition which purpose was research of resources of Siberia and establishment of trade with Japan. On this expedition(dispatch) Беринг as investigated also the American coast. Expedition Vitus Bering has gone to coast of America from Petropavlovsk - Kamchatka June, 8, 1741 by two ships: “ Sacred Peter ” (under command Bering) and “ Sacred Paul ” (under Alexey Chirikova's command).
Russian empress Elizaveta had no any interest to the grounds of Northern America. She has issued the decree on which has obliged local population to pay the duty on trade, but more any steps in a direction of development of attitudes with Alaska did not do.
The following of 50 years Russia showed not enough interest to this ground. Separate merchants traded with aleuts, buying at them furs. The thin fur калана - a sea otter was especially appreciated. Especially favourably Russian merchants sold aleutian furs in the markets of China.
The European illnesses which have brought to aleuts new поселенцы, were fatal to natives of new continent. A smallpox, корь, a tuberculosis, venereal illnesses, a pneumonia - steel that weapon which has almost exterminated aleuts. Before contact to Europeans the population of aleuts totaled 15-20 thousand person. In 1834 of them remained only 2 247, in 1848 - already 1 400. Since 1864 when on islands have lodged Russian, the population of aleuts again has sharply jumped up up to 2 005 person - due to mised marriages and inflow of new blood. But to 1890 has again decreased up to 1 702 person [2].
Hunters migrated to the east of Aleutian islands after animals on whom they hunted. As the craft kept away from Kamchatka - the prices for fur rose, and the small trading companies were ruined. Till 1770 among merchants of dealers and suppliers of furs on Alaska Grigory Ivanovich Shelihov, Paul Sergeevich Lebedev-Lastochkin, and as brothers Grigory and Peter Panovy were considered as the richest and known.
In 1762 quin to Russia there was empress Ekaterina Great, and the government the attention to aleuts again has paid. Ekaterina has issued the decree which has cancelled duties on trade with aleuts and as has issued the decree to which ordered in 1769 to cause anxiety to the government destiny of an aleutian nationality. Unfortunately, the decree of empress has remained only the decree on a paper. Without the control and supervision правительницы for him Execution [3, c.5].
The Russian merchants - мехоторговцам were annoyed by foreign competitors. Especially Englishmen who offered for an exchange with local population cheaper goods, than Russian merchants. Russian have felt, that the official body of a colony is necessary. In 1784 merchant Shelihov builds and equips the own ships and sends them on island Kod'jak. Gradually (by 1788) the number Russian on Aleutian islands and in Northern America has reached(achieved) 500, and by 1794 as a result of G.I.Shelihova's begun activity, it has exceeded 800 person.
Due to energy and foresight Шелихова in these new edges(territories) the basis of Russian possession was incorporated. The first constant settlement has appeared on island Kod'jak, in a bay of Three Sacred. Шелихов has headed also the first agricultural colony “ Glory of Russia ”. The plans of settlements made by him(it) included equal streets, schools, libraries, parks. Thus Шелихов was not the state person. It(he) remained a merchant, the industrialist, the businessman working from the sanction of the government.
Till 1786 Шелихов was the most successful dealer furs on the Aleutian grounds, but his(its) fur empire other capable heads were required also. It(he) has seen one such assistant in Alexander Andreeviche Baranove - the Siberian merchant who has arrived in Кодьяк in 1791. Soon the merchant from Каргополя 43-years Alexander Baranov was appointed the general manager on island Kod'jak. Rams was on the verge of bankruptcy when Шелихов has taken it(him) to itself in assistants, having guessed in it(him) exclusive qualities: enterprise, persistence, hardness.
Soon Rams has transferred representation of the company from a bay of Three sacred on north islands, in city of Pavlovsk which had the best harbour and was located in woody district, that it was very important for the future construction. Now Павловск - the main city of island Kod'jak.
Before the person of new governor Alexander Baranova there was a set of problems. The most part of the foodstuffs and almost all goods for an exchange should be imported from Russia, and the ships was insufficiently. The motto of Russian colony became a saying: “ трудись, not покладая hands ”. In a colony constantly there were no people for construction of the ships, protection of a colony, the organization of household life. To the aid there came local aleuts. They also have made the main labour of a colony, hunted on fur game while Russian were engaged in arrangement of a residence and preparation of leather(skin) and курок animals. Aleuts protected a fort and bore(carried) to the guard.
During stay Баранова in the rank of the Governor of Russian America of possession of Russia extended on the south and the east. Rams has based and has constructed the Russian representations and on the Aleutian grounds. The largest - Newer - Архангельск, based in 1799. In 1802 tribe Тлингит has attacked a fort and has destroyed it(him). And in 1804 of Rams has returned on these grounds with the Russian military ship and has broken Тлингитов. After a victory Was new - Архангельск it is constructed anew. 4 kms to the south from this city, the well-known Aljaskinsky city of Sitka subsequently has grown.
Rams truly served Шелихову, and then and the Russian-American company with 1790 for 1818, has not retired yet in the age of 71 years. At his(its) life about it(him) legends went: it(he) inspired respect and fear to people surrounding it(him). Even the most strict governmental to the auditor were amazed his(its) fidelities to business, energy and selflessness.
With merge of the companies of merchants of G.I.Shelihova, И.И. And M.S.Golikovyh and in 1798 was created by N.P.Myl'nikova and in 1799 the uniform Russian-American company was finally issued. She(it) has received from Paul I monopolies on a fur craft, trade and opening of the new grounds in a northeast part of Pacific ocean, called to represent and protect the means interests of Russia on Pacific ocean [4, c. 115].
To a management(manual) of the company there came naval officers who promoted development of the company. And in 1821 in a policy(politics) of the company such moment was stipulated: henceforth heads Russian-American the companies should be only naval officers. The naval management of the company has improved its(her) administration, has expanded colonies. However, as against Баранова, the naval management(manual) was interested in trading business very little, and extremely nervously concerned to settling Alaska by Englishmen and Americans. The management of the company, a name of the Russian emperor, has forbidden intrusion of all foreign ships on 160 kms water area близ the Russian colonies on Alaska. Certainly, such order was immediately protested by the Great Britain and the government of United States.
Dispute from USA was settled by the convention of 1824 which has defined(determined) exact northern and southern borders of the Russian territory on Alaska. In 1825. Russia has come to the consent and with Britain, having defined(determined) also exact east and western borders. Russian empire has given both parties(sides) (to Britain and USA) the right of a message on Alaska trade within 10 years then Alaska completely took over Russia.
In 1843 the secretary of the government of USA William Marsi and senator William Gvin both - adherents of a policy(politics) of expansion - have addressed to the Russian ambassador in USA - to baron Edward Stoklu - with a provocative question: whether “ the Truth, what Russia exposes on sale the colony Alaska? ” Стокл has answered “ Certainly, no! ” - however this question of it(him) has intrigued.
In 1844 the patent of the Русско-American company for exclusive trade was prolonged to 20 years. The company tried to receive profit from new sources: a coal mining; whaling and even to export ice to San Francisco. However, all these adventures were non-profitable.
Sale of Alaska was held in 1867, after short time after the popular term “ Russian America ” has appeared. The Russian possession in America were, as a matter of fact, not a state ownership, and the property of the companies - all over again several private(individual) Russian, and then, since 1799, Russian-American... Any certificate(act) about connection of these possession at Russia was not are there were possession of the Russian citizens.
Thus, Russia as though got rid first of all from unprofitable and constantly disturbing her(it) problems of the company. And still - the CANCER it was weighed upon consciousness of that dividends are not present also they are not expected. One debts. As at this time on development of the new grounds in Primorski Krai large investments were required.
The contract about a concession of the North American colonies to United States for 7 million 200 thousand dollars gold was made by Russia in Washington March, 18, 1867. At Сюарда there were some difficulties with reception of the consent of the government on such grandiose purchase on those times. But it(he) has got support of many Congressmen and, at last, the Senate has approved purchase, made this decision voting 37 pro to 2 contra. Some newspapers have named this purchase by madness, and Сюарда - a lunatic, but, under pressure of official press, the public of USA has supported purchase of Alaska.
Formal transfer of Alaska to United States was held November, 11, 1867 in Sitka [5, with. 237].
The Russian history of development of Alaska proceeded 126 years. However activity Russian on these grounds passed, by and large, within the limits of territory of Aleutian islands, Кодьяка and Alexander archipelago. Any researches, certainly, were carried out(spent) and inside continent, but they were limited very much to few settlements. The peak of Russian population on the grounds of Alaska was not exceeded by 700 person. It is necessary to count the most significant contribution to development by Russian people of the grounds of Alaska activity of clerics of Russian Orthodox church. They built the churches on these grounds and were engaged in missionary work among local residents - Aleuts and Тлингитов. Russian Orthodox church never stopped the activity. She(it) serves on the grounds of Alaska and now.
Chapter 2.
Russian orthodox church on Alaska.
Orthodox church in America, youngest of автокефальных orthodox churches. The orthodox church has appeared in America in 1794, when on island Kadiak of the profit of 8 monks and 2 novices of Russian orthodox church. The purpose of their arrival was continuation of the work begun by local Russian immigrants - laymen under the reference(manipulation) in orthodoxy of the local aleutian population. Among arrived was иеромонах (later archimandrite) Герман which body at opening a coffin in 1960th appeared imperishable and which was canonized, becoming(beginning) the first sacred Orthodox church in America. Sacred Германа the local population on Alaska remembers to this day as the oustanding devotee and чудотворца, the prays cured it is a lot of patients and недужных. On Мэннинг the Avenue is stored(kept) in the Temple of the Christ of the Savior частичка imperishable мощей Sacred Германа [6, c.3].
Let's consider a history of becoming of orthodoxy in America. Occurrence of orthodox arrivals on Alaska is closely connected to activity of the Russian-American Company. In 1780th years christening of aleuts have personally engaged in G.I.Shelihov and his(its) assistants. But Шелихов understood, that there has come(stepped) time for constant dialogue with present (and the future, in process of expansion of territory of Russian America) flock of people specially prepared for this purpose - monks, priests. Шелихову and to his(its) salesmen behind an abundance of practical cares was a lack of time to be engaged missionary work.
The first priest has appeared in those places in structure of the governmental expedition(dispatch) of Billings. It(him) called Vasily Sivtsov. In the official report from June, 4, 1792 it(he) has informed the synod: “... бывши in 1790 and 1791 on the Fox ridge on island Unalaska and Каняги and on the western party(side) of island of Kadiak has christened natives, from коих some have already accepted christianity earlier from Russian industrialists, a male 93 and a female 33 yes has married 14 pairs ”.
The next year the обер-public prosecutor of the synod already got acquainted with "Application" Шелихова. "Applicant" informed christening of small groups of natives by him(it) and that for their children the school is entered on islands. Шелихов asked to send “ the good priest with причтом ” and has added: “ All charges on the device of churches, supply by their utensils and other necessary accessories(belongings), and the maintenance(contents) причта the company is equal also takes personally ”.
The обер-public prosecutor of the synod has reported on this request to Ekaterina II who encouraged activity of the company. The fast course was given to business.
May, 4, 1793 the обер-public prosecutor has announced the highest decision in the synod: “ the Application to satisfy and submit the case on care of metropolitan St.-Petersburg Гавриила ”. Last has stopped the choice on monks Valaamskogo of a monastery which prior Назарий, undoubtedly, was to relatives to metropolitan the person.
Already by the end of 1796 the number of christians in Northern America has reached(achieved) 12 thousand [7, c. 11].
In 1824 to aleuts priest John Veniamins was sent. After death of the wife it(he) was cut in monks and then appointed the first bishop of a missionary diocese (in 1868 it became metropolitan Moscow; in 1977 it is canonized). At it(him) the first orthodox temple in Новоархангельске (with 1867 - Sitka) was constructed. In 1840 with a view of the further perfection of missionary work the Kamchatka, Kuril and Aleutian diocese was formed.
In times Иннокентия Вениаминова for Alaska existed four arrivals of Russian Orthodox Church. Now them it is totaled about ninety. One of them, and also the Orthodox theological seminary are in city of Kadiak. In 1795 the first orthodox church in America there was based. In 1840 Russian Orthodox Church has decided to allocate the arrivals in territory of Northern America in a separate diocese which first bishop became Sacred Иннокентий, the ardent preacher of the Word Divine, not stopping before any difficulties, making труднейшие and the most dangerous travel deep into North American continent to bring to wild pagan tribes Light Христов. Over Иннокентий has made really a scientific and missionary feat, having seized many local languages and adverbs, having created for them writing, having made grammar and dictionaries and translated into on these languages and adverbs the Scriptus. Many trips Over Иннокентий made alone on Eskimo байдарке, despising dangers and deprivations, but during one of such travel it(he) has sunk during storm, crossing on байдарке a sea gulf [8, c. 52].
After sale to 1867 Alaskas to the United States orthodox arrivals taking place there have remained in conducting Russian orthodox church. After 1867 life of orthodox communities in America developed basically around of New York and San Francisco. In 1897 in city of east, a province Alberta, was open the first orthodox church in Canada.
First twenty years of the American period of a history of Alaska the Orthodox church kept the indisputable influence among local population. At the end of the eightieth years missionaries of other christian faiths here have appeared. In this connection in the period with 1893 on 1903. By orthodox church it was issued 14 names of books in America and four in Russia in languages of indigenous population of Alaska. It promoted a wide circulation of Orthodoxy among local population. Now in areas most well mastered Russian: on Aleutian islands, about. Прибылова, Kadiak and Ситха, the most part of local population professes Orthodoxy and considers(examines) it(him) as a component of the traditional culture, in a counterbalance to other christian faiths which have appeared later. Especially this concerns to aleuts. As marked R.Ljapunova, they name Orthodox church “ aleutian church ”, and the belief “ aleutian belief ”. Local communities pay the big attention an accomplishment of churches, preservation of church utensils and books. Priests on islands of a local origin, all of them to some extent know Russian, as in the seventieth years XX in. The service was conducted in Russian. Church holidays so in Christmas children go from a house to the house with the big christmas star are everywhere marked. Weddings celebrate on church canons with courtship and wedding. Also to norms of Orthodox church there corresponds(meets) also a funeral ceremony.
In the ninetieth years XIX in. On islands Pribylova many aleuts spoke Russian. The service in church was conducted in Church Slavonic language. Almost all men were able to play a chess, some played on an accordion and a violin. In a diet Russian dishes, in particular, meat dishes from pork and tea drinking from a samovar were kept. Surnames and names at all were Russian. Already presently in the seventieth years XX in. In church on island Over Paul aleutian priest Michael Lestenkov conducted service in Church Slavonic language and there were people which understood it(him).
In 1872 in connection with increase of number of orthodox arrivals at the western coast of USA the residence of bishop and administration of a diocese were transferred from Sitka in San Francisco. The church organization has received the name - Russian orthodox church, a diocese of Aleutian islands and Northern America. With 1891 this diocese has distributed the activity to Canada and east coast of USA. In 1905 administration of a diocese has moved from San Francisco to New York, expansion of borders of a diocese was marked by assignment to its(her) chapter of a dignity of archbishop. To them there was an oustanding church figure of Russia Тихон (elected in 1917 patriarch Moscow and всея Russia). In his(its) submission there was a bishop of Alaska, and also the bishop - arab serving orthodox immigrants from Near East. In conducting archbishop there were also some other orthodox groups of a non-russian nationality. Bishops Klivlendsky and Pittsburgsky, which also were soon put began to submit to archbishop [9, with. 82].
In 1905 archbishop Tihon has offered on consideration to the most Holy synod of Russian orthodox church the plan of an autonomy, and it is possible, and автокефалии the American church. It(he) also promoted introduction of divine service and the edition of the liturgical literature in English. Russian Orthodox Mission and then the North American diocese of Russian Orthodox Church, thus, were the first orthodox jurisdictions on this continent, in whose arrivals all other orthodox people appearing here were poured in: Serbs, Greeks, болгары, Romanians, orthodox arabs - Palestinians and сирийцы, many others. Then, as their ethnic communities grew, they have started to be allocated in the independent arrivals acting under management of the national orthodox hierarchies. Basic difference here is covered: Russian church from the very beginning considered(examined) the arrivals to America, first of all, as missionary, other orthodox churches simply accepted under the jurisdiction available national arrivals, from time to time выделявшиеся from arrivals of the American diocese (subsequently - митрополии) Russian Orthodox Church. So there was a becoming Orthodox Church in America.
Chapter 3.
The American orthodox church.
In 1918г. The American diocese had to four викариатствами - Аляскинским, Brooklyn, Питтсбургским and Canadian; totaled three missions (Albanian, Syrian, Serbian), 271 temple, 51 chapel, 31 благочиние, 257 священослужителей, about 60 brotherhoods, had Piously - Тихоновский a monastery in Саут-Канаане, an orphanage at a monastery, the theological Seminary, church schools; totaled up to 300 thousand believers. Revolution of 1917 in Russia has very painfully responded on orthodox life in America. Regular attitudes(relations) of Church in America with Church in Russia steel are impossible. Moreover, all spiritual and financial support which is carried out by the Russian Church in relation to the American Orthodox Church, instantly has stopped. The American Church appeared in very inconvenient position.
In 1924 Russian orthodox church, the diocese of Aleutian islands and Northern America, has proclaimed itself самоуправляющейся and actually became independent, having accepted the new name - Russian orthodox греко-Catholic church of America.
Some church historians have some other sight on the reasons and consequences of transition of the American Church on self-management. In particular проф. K.E.Skurat in the book on history Поместных of Churches writes: “ Life of Orthodox Church in America undoubtedly would be included in a normal channel if metropolitan Platon has drawn correct conclusions from the events which were having place in Russia, and, keeping filial obedience of the maximum(supreme) church authority, would direct all spiritual forces on construction of local church life. The American Church would not test that heavy internal crisis in which she(it) has soon got, is especial after arrival from Moscow "живоцерковника" - married bishop John Kedrovskogo, managed to present itself before the American court in quality of the "original" representative of the maximum(supreme) church authority in Russia and to take away from metropolitan Platona a cathedral in New York with a residence at it(him). From metropolitan Platona soon began to demand a recognition of the authority above it(him) and “ Foreign архиерейский the Synod ” in Карловцах. Unfortunately, metropolitan Platon has not drawn from all this due conclusion: To ratify unity of orthodox American flock with Mother - church, but has led her(it) on a way of alienation. Sometimes it(he) began to use church faculty for the political performances(statements) directed against Mother - church and Russia.
In conditions отрыва from Mother - church Greko-Kafolicheskaja the Church in Northern America has appeared lonely at well organized both purposefully working Catholic and Protestant missions. Figures of Orthodox Church in America had to not think of distribution of Orthodoxy on the American continent that was inherent in their nice(famous) predecessors, and it is more to care of preservation of the flock. First of all not преминул to take advantage of difficult position of a diocese Vatican which started to involve in itself on the basis of унии выбитые from a track orthodox arrivals. Aspired to keep abreast from him(it) and Protestants. The last began to win round living in misery Orthodox Church, rendering it(her) material aid. So, they have appointed monthly "salaries" to metropolitan Platonu, and also have released(let off) necessary means for convocation in 1924. The Detroit Cathedral which has accepted the first antiinitial decision about a time autonomy of Russian Orthodox Church in America without preliminary consultation and the consent to that on the part of Mother - church though has noted necessity of settlement of attitudes(relations) with Russian Church in the future. ” [9, with. 127].
After the Second world war the situation was even more complicated in connection with arrival in Northern America so-called “ the second wave ” Russian emigration and occurrence of arrivals of Russian Foreign Church, before Western Europe existing only in territory and Northern China. The management(manual) of this church, from the very beginning of arisen as response on большевистский revolution and transition of the certain part of clergy and church иерархов in Russia to the obvious or latent cooperation with godless authority, could not and did not want to be reconciled with that fact, that in America already for a long time exists orthodox митрополия, formally still being a part of the Moscow Patriarchy, and not submitting "зарубежникам", applying on spiritual monopoly in the environment of Russian emigration.
Attacks "зарубежников" have especially amplified after in 1960th efforts about. Alexander Shmemana of communication(connection) with Russian Orthodox Church were restored. By the end of 1960th years negotiations of representatives American митрополии with Russian Orthodox Church as a result of which in April, 1970 of Orthodox Church in America it was granted автокефалия again have begun. This new status of Church was accepted and confirmed in October, 1970 on the fourteenth Всеамериканском the Cathedral which became first Cathedral Поместной автокефальной to Orthodox Church in America. At this time предстоятелем Churches Metropolitan всея America and Canada was Ириней.
American митрополия became one more - the fifteenth under the account - independent orthodox church - alongside with Russian, Константинопольской, Jerusalem, Alexandria, Антиохийской, Greek, Serbian, Bulgarian and others. The certain part of clergy and laymen the Chapter of Orthodox Church in America now is Lord Feodosy, Metropolitan Washington and American, its(her) Canadian diocese, the big on territory an orthodox diocese in the world, is headed by Lord Serafim, Bishop Ottavsky and Canadian.
In 1971 in structure of Orthodox Church in America the Albanian diocese in USA according to its(her) application was accepted. In the same year the Orthodox Church in America has organized mission in which chapter the manager in a dignity of archimandrite was put in Australia. Activity of mission has yielded positive results - in 1974 some orthodox Russian communities "карловчан" have received the initial status under jurisdiction of Orthodox Church in America.
In the spring 1972 Orthodox Church in America has joined over 20 priests and about 20 thousand laymen Mexican National Старокатолической Churches (it was formed in 20th years of the current century). In this connection was formed Mexican Экзархат [10, c. 38].
Up to the announcement автокефалии Orthodox Church in America a part orthodox the Romanian together with priests - about 40 arrivals of USA and Canada, separated in 1951 from Church in America the Romanian Patriarchy. Last has allocated присоединившиеся arrivals to an independent diocese under the name “ Romanian orthodox епископия America ” and has appropriated(given) to its(her) bishop a title “ Detroit and Мичиганский ”.
Поместная the Orthodox Church in America has 16-ю dioceses, has more than 500 arrivals (In USA, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela) and person of flock totals about one million.
Now the Orthodox Church in America has the man's and female monasteries, three Theological seminary and Academy. Rates on preparation диаконов also operate. Almost in each arrival there are sunday schools. Publishing is widely put also: the church calendar, and also set of magazines and newspapers in different languages annually is issued.
After the dogmatic person and to a cult the Orthodox church in America is close to anothers orthodox церквам. Divine services in Orthodox church in America are conducted basically in English, and also in Russian. The orthodox church in America is headed by archbishop New York, having a title of metropolitan of all America and Canada. His(its) residence is in New York. The maximum(supreme) managing body of church is the Sacred synod consisting of ruling bishops. Under jurisdiction of Orthodox church in America there are 9 dioceses in USA, 1 - in Canada, экзархат in Mexico and some churches in Latin America, and also Albanian orthodox архиепархия and Romanian orthodox епископат America. Many former греко-Catholics have joined Orthodox church in America (basically natives from Галиции and Подкарпатской Russia), come back in America to orthodoxy [11].
The conclusion.
Judging from above-stated, it is possible to assert(approve) the following. Influence of Orthodox Church on becoming and development of " Russian America ” was rather and rather essential. First, its(her) role was great during development by Russian empire of Alaska. The orthodoxy served as "key" to an establishment of familiarity with indigenous population with subsequent their transformation into the Russian citizens. Second, basically church activity created that now is possible to name “ Russian cultural heritage ”. Thirdly, and after sale of Alaska, a position of Church in USA were strong enough also she(it) represented the main not state organization expressing interests not only Russian inhabitants of America, but also the most part of orthodox emigrants from the countries of the East Europe and Near East.
Yes the given moment the Orthodox Church in USA and Canada, represents powerful enough organization, existence and which influence, can not be ignored at all. The church on all extent of the existence in the American grounds was "conductor" and "distributor" of Russian culture and at present she(it) is one of the few enough strong "bridges" between USA and Russia.
The list of the used literature.
1. A history of Russian America (1732-1867): In 3 vol.: Т.1. The basis of Russian America (1732-1799) / Отв. ред. акад. N.N.Bolhovitinov
2. Claus-M. Naske, A.B., M.A., Ph. D. Professor of History, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Coauthor of Alaska: A History of the 49th State.
3. Тимаков In. Native sisters. Siberia and Alaska // the Word of honour, № 221, 11.04.2001
4. A history of Russian America (1732-1867): In 3 vol.: Æ. II. Activity of the Russian-American company (1799-1825) / Отв. ред. акад. N.N.Bolhovitinov
5. A history of Russian America (1732-1867): In 3 vol.: Т.3. Russian America: from zenith to a decline (1825-1867) / Отв. ред. акад. N.N.Bolhovitinov
6. Крупко In. The American orthodox church. // Bases of orthodoxy, 01.02.2002
7. S.A.Korsun Russian heritage on Аляске. // the Russian business bulletin № 7 - 2003
8. Liberovskij A.P. " Orthodox Church in America: sacred and cathedrals " - m. Publishing house Orthodox Piously - Тихоновского Theological Institute. 2000г.
9. Skurat K.E. " Sketches on history Поместных of Churches ” - m. Publishing house Orthodox Piously - Тихоновского Theological Institute. 1999г.
10. Afonsky Gregory, Archbishop. The History of the Orthodox Church in Amerika.
11. Казьмина About. Е. Orthodox church in America // the Encyclopedia “ Peoples and religions of the world ” - www.rubricon.ru
The maintenance(contents).
Introduction. 1
Chapter 1. A history of development of Alaska Russia. 2
Chapter 2. Russian orthodox church on Alaska. 10
Chapter 3. The American orthodox church. 16
The conclusion. 22
The list of the used literature. 23
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