2-Ring, 4-Pieces of Jewelry Day with the Ace 250!

Texas Jay

Bronze Member
Feb 11, 2006
Brownwood, Texas
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro, Garrett Scorpion Gold Stinger, Garrett Ace 350, Garrett Ace 250, vintage D-Tex SK 70, Tesoro Mojave, Dowsing Rods
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I posted the following on my Facebook page last night after this exciting out-of-town hunt.
I had to drive some distance to get to my detecting site this evening but it was worth the time and effort. Since my goal this year is to find as much gold as I can, I targeted a place that was a good prospect for finding some. I hunted just over 2 hours. The area that I hunted for the first hour produced a lot of modern coins and 1 junk pendant. As I was approaching the best area, that was just getting shady during that time of day, I got a good signal and retrieved an old copper bracelet (like was popular in the 1970s) from 3 inches deep. I took that as a sign that I was headed in the right direction so I went on to my primary target area and hunted it for the remaining hour before dark. I first found some more modern change but with about 20 minutes left to hunt, I got a "dime" signal at 6" and dug down and pulled out a small, nice, sterling silver Avery ring marked "925"! I was getting excited then because whenever you're in a place that produces silver jewelry, your chances of finding gold there too go up considerably. After pocketing the Avery ring, I got the feeling that there were still more rings to be found so I decided to work a little faster so I could finish up the small area before it got too dark to see. Well, about 5 minutes later I got a signal that was between a "penny/dime" signal at 4" so I figured I had another zinc penny. I dug down and out popped a very pretty and shiny gold and silver-colored ring with a large diamond-like stone mounted on it. I was thrilled with what I figured was a very nice, recently lost "junk ring" because I haven't had a 2-ring day in a very long time. It was getting darker and I only had a few minutes left to hunt and wanted to finish the area up before it got dark so I gave the ring a brief look-over through my Dollar Tree eyeglasses, that I wear when metal detecting, and hurriedly put it in my zipper pouch with my other keepers and finished the hunt with a couple more shiny new pennies. I was happy as I drove home because of finding 4 pieces of jewelry, one being the nice sterling Avery ring. When I got home, my treasure hunting partner Missy was waiting at the door to see what we had found so I set my Ace 250 and treasure bag down, unzipped the zipper pouch and removed my keeper finds, described them for her as she excitedly looked at all the "treasures" we'd found and gave them a kiss, as she always does.
:p As I showed her the "gold and silver" ring, it felt too heavy and looked too nicely-crafted to be just junk so I got my bifocals on, got my magnifying glass, and scoured the inside of the ring for a mark but there was none. There's also no corrosion of any kind or base metal showing through. It looks like it was just bought at a jewelry store yesterday. The stone has an open back which I've always been told is a good sign but I'm puzzled by it so I just hope wondering about it doesn't keep me up all night because I have another promising site to detect tomorrow evening and I need all the rest and energy I can get to make it through these terribly hot days. Whether it's a gold and diamond ring or not is not that important in my overall detecting plan this year. The important thing to me is that I know that when I can find 4 pieces of jewelry, of any kind, at one site, I'm on the fast track to reaching my goal of finding more gold this year than I ever have before. Many treasure hunters have often said that the most important part of successful metal detecting is research and I know that's true. That's why I'm investing a lot of time in researching the most likely spots to detect before I ever put them on my detecting schedule.
~Texas Jay

Central Texas Treasure Club

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